Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 291 Want to Escape?Seal you without discussing!

Chapter 291 Want to Escape?Seal you without discussing! (plus more)
[Thanks to 'Xiaoxiaoxiyu', 'WOLFCN——Wolf Road', 'つ默恛忆' for the rewards, thank you. 】

Xue Fenghou also stared at Chu Tian like a fool and said angrily, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I said, senior, can you give me a few more palms, really!"

Seeing that Chutian didn't take his palm skills seriously, Xue Fenghou was completely angry, and hit him a few times in one breath. Chutian instantly filled up two Nascent Souls, and after they were saturated, Chutian saw that there were already six After Yuanying's Yuanshen power reached [-], he smiled secretly, "In the future, we will find a few more masters like this."

But everyone was already dumbfounded, because Chutian was still smiling there, as if nothing happened, until Chutian smiled back, "Senior, your attack is almost done, it's my turn!"

Everyone was curious about what Chu Tian was going to do.

Someone even guessed, "This guy won't attack this demon soul, he should be sealed with blood."

"Who knows, judging by his appearance, it seems to be."

"It's just him? The Nascent Soul? Can he kill a big devil?"

"That's right, he also has stronger defense."

But at this moment, Chu Tian flashed behind the Blood Seal Marquis, and the Blood Seal Marquis hadn't merged with the body, and the body was still too weak to avoid Chu Tian's attack at all.

In front of everyone, Chu Tian hit the palm of Hunyuan Bang, sending his body flying and hitting the barrier.


The scene was quiet, but the other people in the enchantment were dumbfounded. Regarding the blood seal, he struggled to get up, turned around and glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you really want to die."

But Chu Tian appeared in front of Xue Fenghou again and smiled strangely, "This time it's your soul."

Xue Fenghou sneered, "My soul? Just standing here and attacking you countless times, you can't do anything to me."

Everyone also felt that Chu Tian was talking big. After all, if the blood seal Marquis's soul was so easy to attack, Youlan Envoy would have already attacked, but it was not enough to just maintain the barrier there.

However, Chu Tian quickly grabbed the blood-sealed Marquis's arm with his right hand, and at the same time injected a white light, the blood-sealed Marquis screamed as if he had touched something terrible, and then cursed, "Bastard, what did you do to me?"

The shocking change of the Blood Sealed Marquis made everyone curious about what happened, but Chu Tian grabbed the hand and laughed strangely, "Of course I want to devour your soul!"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Fenghou became furious, but the white light was chasing him in the body, and he was so scared that he wanted to escape from the body, but Chu Tian directly grabbed the soul with his right hand, and the demon soul that had just flown out instantly, the blood Feng Hou disappeared.

There was only one corpse lying down and unconscious left, and everyone exclaimed.

"What just happened?"

Everyone at the scene was curious, and You Lan Envoy was also curious about what happened. Only Chu Tian stood there and communicated with the Blood Seal Marquis in his demon envoy's right arm.

I saw Xue Fenghou roaring, "Boy, let me out, or I will kill you."

Chu Tian communicated with him consciously and said with a smile, "I said senior, don't struggle, I won't let you out."

Xue Fenghou said angrily, "You bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"You stay inside obediently."

After Chutian finished speaking, he secretly laughed, until Youlan Envoy asked Chutian, "Young man, what about the demon soul?"

Only then did Chu Tian regain his senses and pretended to be stupid, "Maybe he escaped."

"Escaped? Where did you go?"

Everyone was also curious, Chu Tian pretended to be stupid, "Maybe he was injured and hid, or he was afraid of being discovered by the city lord and ran away."

Everyone didn't think there was a problem with Chutian's explanation, and no one ever doubted what Chutian could do to the demon soul. As for the Youlan messenger, he could only heave a sigh of relief, "Okay then, the game will continue."

In this way, the Heigu Wuzi and Poison Heaven in the barrier became active again.

Poison Heaven looked at Hei Jin, "This kid, can you give it to me?"

Hei Jin glared, "The five of us, do you dare to take it?"

Poison God knew how terrible the five sons were, so he stepped aside and smiled secretly, "I'll take action after you both lose."

As a result, Hei Jin brought the four of them to the opposite side of Chutian and became cold, "Boy, I said I will not let you go."

But Chu Tian laughed, "I don't know who was trembling at the side just now, why? Now that the demon soul is gone, you dare to come out?"

The faces of the five members of Heijin were ugly, and Heijin snorted even more, "Boy, we are the five strongest people in the out-of-body stage of Heigu, and no one in the out-of-body stage can resist our joint efforts, so you too in this way!"

"Don't say you five, even if you come fifty more, I won't pay attention!"


There was an uproar at the scene, and someone even exclaimed, "Amazing, this kid is crazy, I like it."

"This guy is too fierce, he doesn't even pay attention to Wuzi."

"It is estimated that this guy thinks his soul is very strong."

"What's the use of having a strong soul? These five sons are best at five different spells, and they specialize in attacking the body. It seems that he will suffer a disadvantage this time!"

At this moment, many people are not optimistic about Chutian, because these five sons are good at magic attack, not soul attack, even if Chutian has a strong soul defense power, it is useless.

The Hong Niangzi and others there also became anxious, and Fatty Du asked, "This is too bad, I met five such powerful ones."

Wang Xin said solemnly, "One-on-one is okay, but five-on-one, I'm afraid."

Feng Lie said with a confident smile, "Don't worry, in the outside world, all geniuses are beaten by him, so it's the same this time."

Regarding Feng Lie's confident answer, Wang Xin and the others were dubious.

But Hei Jin and others in the arena had already made a move, and only five people made five kinds of attacks.

It was Heimu who struck first, with countless vines entangled Chutian's limbs, trying to make him unable to move, followed by Heitu, who quickly gathered a layer of soil around Chutian, trying to trap him there.

Then there was Black Water, and countless ice needles fell from the air, and the target was Chutian. As for Hei Jin, he also made a batch of golden needles, while Black Fire floated countless flame balls in the air, ready for the final blow.

And everyone who watched these five powerful spells gasped, and some even trembled, "It's scary to be so trapped as a target."

But when those ice needles and golden needles were about to reach the top of Chutian's head, Chutian smiled, his whole body was covered with a layer of dark light, those attacks still hit it, unable to break through Chutian's defense.

As for those vines, Chu Tian smiled strangely, all these vines were cut off by Lie Yanjian on the spot.

As for the surrounding soil layer, Chu Tian shattered it with a random punch, and collapsed with a bang. Seeing this, the flame balls fell quickly.

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly, and continued to let those flames hit his hood, then smiled and looked at the five people who were stunned, "What? This is the five of you joining forces? What's the difference between that and one by one?"

The people on the sidelines took a deep breath until Heijin said, "Five people in one."

In an instant, the five people suddenly overlapped and became one person. The people present were stunned, while some stammered, "Heigu's secret technique is the technique of combining many people into one."

"What? Is this the multi-person fusion technique?"


"Wouldn't it be that the spiritual power and soul power have been increased by at least five times?"

"Of course, the more overlapping people, the scarier it is!"

As for Chu Tian standing there with a strange smile, "I have seen the four souls merge into one before, but now I see that the bodies of five people can merge into one. It's interesting!"

Seeing that Chutian didn't take it seriously, the five people said in unison, "Boy, today we will let you see how good we are!"

[The second update today is also the fifth update today. Recently, there have been outbreaks of at least five updates. If you think it is awesome, stop hiding recommendation tickets and rewards. Lao Yan is about to cry~~]

(End of this chapter)

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