Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 298 Every Body Destroyed, This Serves It Right!

Chapter 298 Every body is destroyed, it deserves it now! (seeking tickets)
[Thanks to 'Go Ya'er', 'Book Friends 1875706XXX' for their rewards, thank you]

Yue Lao and the others laughed at Chu Tian when they heard what Chu Tian said, only to hear Lin Xue sneer, "Boy, this is a soul barrier, which is designed to lock the soul, and the longer it lasts, your soul will gradually be destroyed by this barrier! "

Chu Tian teased, "But your souls can't move either?"

Lin Xue laughed, "So what if you can't move? You can't come out!"

Yuelao also smiled grimly there, "That's right, you can't come out at all!"

People from other families also clamored, and Patriarch Lu even clamored to avenge Lu Song, while the corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Then I'll let you know that the game you set up will be your grave!"

Before everyone could react, countless white lights flew out of Chutian's body, and flew into the bodies of those people along the barrier.

This Yue Lao knew that this thing was terrible, he was shocked, "Quickly withdraw."

Lin Xue said anxiously, "It can't be withdrawn, this enchantment must last for a quarter of an hour!"

Yuelao was terrified, "No."

Seeing these white lights entering Yuelao and the others, Lin Xue and the others, who didn't know what was going on before, screamed frantically, and even begged for mercy there.

But Chutian laughed strangely, "Begging for mercy? Didn't you just shout to destroy my soul?"

Yue Lao became impatient, "Boy, let us go quickly, or we will be impolite."

Chu Tian smiled, "Oh? Why are you so rude?"

Yue Lao yelled at the surrounding Yue family members, "Let me attack that kid!"

These months, the family members were about to make a move, and the Ghost Maiden said coldly, "Who dares to move!"

Those Yue family members were frightened immediately and did not dare to move, but Yue Lao panicked, "Ghost girl, why do you want to intervene?"

The Ghost Maiden said, "You guys agreed to a fight, and there is no way to tell the winner, so other people can't help, why? Don't you know this rule?"

Yuelao was anxious to explain, "This was just now, and now is now."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Yuelao knew that it was useless to explain at this moment, so he could only look at Lin Xue and the others, "Hurry up, think of a way."

What can Lin Xue do? As long as the Ghost Maiden is here, no one dares to move. He has no choice but to look at the Ghost Maiden, "We are wrong, we admit defeat, is that okay?"

"Admit defeat? Then you have to ask him if he agrees."

Lin Xue had no choice but to look at Chu Tian cheekily, "Boy, I'll give you the Ghost Pill, stop attacking our souls."

Yue Lao also hurriedly said, "That's right, I'll give you the Ghost Pill."

Chutian knew that if he didn't clean them up today, he would make trouble for himself later, so he smiled strangely, "I'm sorry, you guys will die today, or I will die. This is what I agreed with Yuelao during the competition just now It's just that I didn't expect you to come to die together, so I can't blame me."

Yuelao wanted to go back on his word, but Chu Tian didn't agree, and finally Yuelao could only say angrily, "Okay, if that's the case, then we will burn our bodies and fight you."

Lin Xue and the others turned pale when they heard this, the Saintess Youhun frowned, but You Lan said in shock, "Old Yue, you have thought clearly."

Yuelao snorted, "It's better than being devoured by him and dying!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Lao immediately activated the powerful force in his body, and used this force to fight against the binding force of the enchantment. After he completely broke away, his whole body was already gray-haired, and his body fell to the side weakly.

After Lin Xue and the others saw that this was possible, they quickly used this method to break away from the restraint of the barrier. It was not until everyone withdrew that the barrier disappeared completely.

Chu Tian looked at a group of them who were seriously injured and said with a smile, "You are all like this now? Didn't you get cleaned up by me in the end?"

Yuelao was terrified, "Boy, if you have something to say, say it well."

The others were also scared, but Chutian obviously didn't give them a chance, but they also knew that Chutian was terrible, so they hurriedly asked a group of people to protect themselves.

But Chu Tian sneered, "I'll kill you while you're sick!"

After saying this, he suddenly came behind Yuelao, put one hand behind him and devoured his body, and Yuelao was shocked, and quickly left his soul from his body.

When the physical body was completely dried up, Yue Lao stood in the distance and said, "Boy, okay, then I won't be polite."

I saw Yuelao leaping into the body of a master of the Yue family, and then released his aura and glared at Chutian, "Boy, are you still here?"

Chutian had no choice but to look at other people. These people also followed Yue Lao and hurried into the body of their masters, and then stared at Chutian angrily.

The Ghost Maiden knew that if it continued like this, it would never end, so she said, "Okay, everyone, you lost."

Old Yue said angrily, "Why?"

"Your physical body has been destroyed, and now it is the physical body of someone else, isn't it a loss?"

Everyone immediately refused to accept it, but the ghostly maiden stared at them and said, "You have the paper of heaven. If you don't admit defeat, it will be considered as a breach of contract. I'm afraid there will be consequences, you know."

The faces of these people changed drastically, until the Ghost Maiden continued, "Okay, each person handed over a Ghost Pill, and this matter is over, and you can't touch him in the future, or you will bear the consequences."

The crowd cursed for a while, but there was nothing they could do, they could only hold boxes one by one and throw them to Chutian angrily.

After Chutian got four ghost pills at once, he said with a smile, "Thank you everyone."

The Ghost Maiden turned around and disappeared, but before leaving, she said to Chu Tian, ​​"Come with me."

Chu Tian could only look at the crowd and smiled strangely, "Everyone, don't bother me again, otherwise the next time it won't be as simple as destroying your body. I guess this heavenly paper will destroy your souls."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian turned around and disappeared, while Youlan Messenger looked at the crowd with a smile, "Everyone, you all asked for this."

Then the Youlan Envoy also disappeared, leaving only the three major families and the Youhuo Alliance yelling at that moment.

Yuelao, who was occupying the other body at the moment, had eyes flashing with anger, "We must not let him go like this."

Patriarch Lu said worriedly, "But we have already made an agreement, we can't embarrass him, otherwise our souls will perish."

Yuelao snorted, "We only agreed that we can't make things difficult for him, and we didn't say that people from other forces can't make things difficult for him."

Patriarch Lu was puzzled, "Then what do you mean?"

"According to my investigation, this guy has offended that lady Feng of Fengluo Palace. As long as we use it a little bit, we can still deal with him."

Patriarch Lu nodded, but at this time Yue Xie frowned, "Grandpa, I'm going to Youtian Holy Palace tomorrow, if he attacks me and I can't fight back, then I will suffer a lot?"

After thinking for a while, Yuelao said, "It's simple, just avoid him tomorrow."

Yue Xie felt a bit useless when he heard this, but he had no choice but to do so, while Yue Lao discussed with others how to lure people from Fengluo Palace to deal with Chutian.

As for Chutian, he was flying in the sky of Youhun Valley at this moment, and then he chased after the ghost girl and said with a smile, "I said, you asked me to come out and didn't stop, what do you mean?"

But the Ghost Maiden said, "Aren't you amazing? I want to see if you can catch my clone this time like last time!"

Chu Tian couldn't help crying when he heard this, "I said Miss Ling, you are still thinking about the past."

"Of course, I am the most vengeful person."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Then what should I do if I still catch your real deity?"

"If you can really catch me, you can let me do anything, but if you can't catch me, you have to do something for me, how about it?"

[The first update of today's guarantee, on the weekend, Lao Yan, who is still working hard and pressing the keyboard in front of the computer, begs for tickets and rewards~]

(End of this chapter)

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