Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 303 Earn 1 Wave of Yuan Divine Stone!

Chapter 303 Earn a Wave of Yuanshen Stones! (seeking tickets)

[Thanks to 'Innocence', '? ? ? ? ' Thank you for your tip. 】

These out-of-body masters immediately threw out the human locks one by one, Chutian was surrounded by human locks in an instant, and the golden horn was overjoyed, "Boy, I'm trapped now, look crazy at you."

But at this moment, all the locks of the person suddenly broke, and the ten flying knives around Chutian flew out and turned into nothingness in an instant. Ten people screamed on the spot, and Chutian attacked other people immediately after.

At that very moment, the followers all hugged their heads and screamed, but Chutian didn't stop, and swallowed them one by one.

"Ding~ I got the Unified God Stone."

"Ding~ I got the Unified God Stone."

After Chutian completely killed them, he only got more than a dozen yuanshen stones, which made Chutian helplessly say, "It's really few."

The golden horn was shocked, "You, killed them all?"

The scene was full of excitement. As for the guards of Youhun City, it was difficult to show up when they saw that it was from Youhun Palace, and the Youlan messenger frowned when they came, "What are you doing in Youhun Palace?"

At this time, Jin Jiao took out a letter and said, "Our palace wants us to take him back, and I hope you Ghost City will not interfere."

You Lan was puzzled, before today, the Ghost Maiden was still standing here with Chutian, but today the Ghost Palace arrested people, which made him puzzled, but Chutian laughed and said, "Senior, just leave it alone, this person give it to me."

When everyone heard this, they saw that Chu Tian was going to attack, and Jin Jiao said arrogantly, "You still dare to attack me? You are so brave!"

In an instant, a golden shield appeared in front of Jin Jiao's eyes, blocking Chu Tian's face, and Chu Tian flickered behind Jin Jiao and said disdainfully, "You think you can avoid me with a shield?"

Jin Jiao immediately shone with golden light, and then said coldly, "Boy, your attack can't break through my defense at all."

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief and discuss.

"It's a good thing he didn't break through, otherwise it would be so heaven-defying."

"Yeah, he's just out of his body after all, and the gap is a bit big."

"How should I put it, he is also the squadron leader of the law enforcement team, it's different."

But at this moment Chu Tian sneered, "Really? That's fine."

This time, a Hunyuan blasting palm from Chutian directly sent Jin Jiao flying. When Jin Jiao knocked down countless houses, he flew out from the ruins and cursed, "Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Seeing that Chu Tian was not under any pressure, the Ghost Messenger quickly ordered, "Everyone leave, and don't participate in their battle."

Everyone hid away to watch, but the ghost messenger was puzzled, "This kid, how did you offend the ghost palace?"

But Jin Jiao's attack had already started, and a huge fist shadow flew out of his hand very fast, but Chu Tian quickly avoided it, and a huge crack appeared on the ground in an instant.

This made the Ghost Envoy feel depressed and hurriedly set up a barrier for the two of them to fight, while Chu Tian looked at Jin Jiao with a smile, "I thought people in the distracted state are just as powerful, but that's all."

Jin Jiao said angrily, "Boy, do you dare to say that the state of distraction is nothing more than this? Well, I'll let you see how good I am!"

At this time, another person exactly like himself appeared next to Jin Jiao, and then the two of them spoke in sync.

People who watched the excitement around pointed out, "Look, the avatars have come out."

"The distraction state is powerful, it can control two bodies at the same time."


But Chutian didn't take it seriously, "What's the difference between one and two? Isn't it just that there is one more to die."

Everyone didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy, but Jin Jiao snorted, "Dead."

At this time, the two men raised their hands at the same time, and then the two shadows of fists gathered together, and the target was Chu Tian.

Chu Tian disappeared as soon as he moved, which made Jin Jiao curse, "Bastard, don't hide if you have the ability."

Chu Tian smiled lazily, "Forget it, I won't play with you anymore, it's time for you to die."

Everyone thought they heard it wrong, but what Chutian did next shocked everyone again, and saw Chutian directly hit the Wuying Throwing Knife.

On the spot, these flew through the flesh and entered the body of Jin Jiao, and Jin Jiao screamed and glared, "You bastard, you."

But Chutian had already come behind him, and a white light shot directly into it. The golden horn immediately screamed as if it had been bitten by something, but Chutian unceremoniously injured his clone, and then grabbed the other person with one hand. , devouring their bodies quickly.

When the souls of the other party were about to escape, Chu Tian smiled strangely and sealed their souls again.

Especially at the moment when Chu Tian was out of body, the spirit sealing technique could directly seal the distraction without getting them into the right arm of the demon envoy.

Then Chutian devoured their bodies again.

"Ding~ I got double Yuanshen stone, 40 yuan."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, and after getting more than 50 yuan at once, he clapped his hands and looked at the surrounding ruins and said in embarrassment, "Senior, I'm sorry, I made a mess."

Messenger Youlan has long been numb and hurriedly called Chu Tian aside to ask what was going on. When Chutian finished explaining, Messenger Youlan was shocked and said, "Then you can't be outside now. If you send more powerful people back later, you can come back and send more powerful people." Trouble."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously and said, "Come on."

Youlan Envoy shook his head, "No, I will take you to the entrance of Youtian Holy Palace and wait for it to open tomorrow."

After thinking about it, Chutian had no choice but to agree, and soon Chutian settled in a secret room in the city lord's mansion until the next day, when Wang Xin and Yuexie both appeared, Yuexie hid from Chutian in fear.

But Wang Xin frowned and said, "Did you really kill the squadron leader of the law enforcement team of Youhun Palace?"

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yeah, what's the matter? Do you have any questions?"

Wang Xin sighed, "After you killed someone yesterday, a large number of masters came to Youhun Palace. Now the whole city is searching for you. I guess you will be caught by them if you go out now."

Chu Tian said fearlessly, "They can't catch me."

Wang Xin wanted to say something, but Youlan Envoy said, "Okay, now the three of you can enter this holy palace."

At this time, a door opened in front of me, and a strong air flow flew in, and what was imprinted in front of me was like a cloudy and dark underground palace, and Youlan Messenger said, "Only the people with the three quotas can enter, and now the three of you go in." , come out if you can’t bear it.”

Yue Xie'en was so frightened that she ran inside and disappeared there, but Chu Tian couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "What a coward."

The Youlan Messenger pointed to the stone gate ahead and said, "Go in too."

After Chu Tianen made a sound, he brought Wang Xin in together, but at the moment in the Youhuo League, everyone was overjoyed because of Chutian's matter, until Yuelao saw the sound transmission stone and said excitedly, "This guy hid in Youtian Holy Palace."

Lin Xue snorted, "This Holy Palace can only stay for a month at most, and he will definitely come out at that time, and he will also be hunted down by the Ghost Palace."

Yuelao said with satisfaction, "It seems that none of the ultimate moves we prepared will be used."

Patriarch Lu snorted coldly, "It's better to die early!"

But Yuelao felt a little pity, after all his things were taken away by Chutian, and Chutian certainly didn't know that they were happy at the moment, but he himself stood in the mist and said pleasantly, "What a good place."

Wang Xin also felt that the soul became stronger and said excitedly, "Let's find a place to practice."

After Chu Tian's grace, Wang Xin found a place to practice, but Chu Tian was dishonest, because he found that the power in a certain direction was very strong, and if he walked in that direction, his primordial power would increase a little.

Especially now at the beginning of the out-of-body period, if you want to enter the middle out-of-body period, at least the power of each primordial spirit must rise to [-], while the nine primordial spirits are only [-]. Now that there is such a good place, Chutian will naturally not give up.

So Chu Tian kept moving forward, and the power of the primordial spirit increased even more. After a while, there was one primordial spirit with three thousand primordial spirits. Chutian was excited and continued with other primordial spirits until he came to a black stone gate and was blocked outside.

"Strange, why is there a door here?"

Just when Chutian was wondering, a slight voice echoed in Chutian's ear, which frightened Chutian.

[The first update is guaranteed today, and we will fight again in the next day. Ask for tickets and rewards, and we will add updates on top of the three guaranteed updates every day~]

(End of this chapter)

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