Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 325 Competition Doesn't Count?Think beautifully!

Chapter 325 Competition Doesn't Count?Think beautifully! (plus more)

[Thanks to 'Jieao' for the reward, thank you. 】

Everyone's blood was already boiling, as if they were competing. As for Mie Qing, he said with a smile, "Today, I want to see how good my senior's apprentice is, or whether Brother Duan's is the best."

Duan Bing glanced at Chu Tian disdainfully, and then said, "If that's the case, then I will prepare two swords for you, and they are both swords that have not been engraved with runes."

After finishing speaking, two spirit swords appeared, and then threw one to Fengmeng and the other to Chutian. At the same time, he took out a piece of animal skin, spread it out and pointed to the five different runes on it, saying, "Here is a From star to five-star runes, now it’s up to the two of you to get it done first.”

Someone looked at it sharp-eyed and said, "Isn't this a rune that Lingdaozong has practiced for a long time?"


In an instant, many people felt that Lingdaozong was a bit unkind, but Fengmeng was overjoyed, especially in order to kill Chutian, she lied and said, "This is the first time I have seen these, and I rarely touch them."

Chu Tian said with a disdainful smile, "Let you start first."

Everyone was stunned immediately, and some thought that Chu Tian was going crazy to the end, and Mie Qing laughed even more, "Boy, this is a gamble, what? Do you want to die?"

"Damn old guy, don't you want me to die?"

Mie Qing smiled and said, "I want you to die, but you want to die like this, I'm really worried for my brother."

"It's ridiculous, my master was killed by you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was curious about what happened to Mieqing and Qiongfeng. After all, they were brothers, and Mieqing said with an ugly face, "Boy, don't slander me."

"I slandered you? Then why have you always wanted me to die since I came to this island?"

At this time, everyone understood that Mieqing killed his master, and Duan Bing frowned, "Boy, is your master really dead?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Why did I tell you?"


Feng Meng couldn't wait, and didn't want to hear Chu Tian's nonsense, so she hurriedly said, "Then I'll start, don't play tricks if you lose."

After finishing speaking, this Fengmeng took out his carving knife and began to slash across the sword little by little. After about a quarter of an hour, it would be ready, but Chutian still didn't move, and that Mieqing teased, "Boy, are you Nope?"

Everyone also thinks that Chutian can't do it, and Nangong Qiuyue has seen that Chutian can carve three stars at will, so she is not worried, but she is curious why Chutian has been procrastinating like this.

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's not that I can't, I just want to see how long it takes to carve her to four stars."

Seeing that Chu Tian dared to underestimate him, Feng Meng sneered, "I will definitely make you regret it."

Seeing that Fengmeng speeded up quickly, it took two full hours to reach four stars, but she didn't dare to five stars, for she was afraid of breaking the spirit weapon, so she looked at Chu Tian, ​​"It's your turn!"

"You don't even have five stars yet, why am I so anxious?"

Feng Meng said, "You won't wait for my spiritual weapon to be broken? Then you will think it's a tie."

When everyone heard this, they felt that Chutian was deliberately waiting for others to lose, and then announced that there was no competition, since no one won anyway.

But at this moment, Chu Tian said disdainfully, "Whether she succeeds or fails, I will definitely surpass her."

Everyone didn't believe it, and Duan Bing didn't believe it either, "Boy, didn't your master teach you some skills, only bragging skills to you?"

"Senior, don't worry, you just need to be prepared later, no matter how ruthless you are, you can abolish your own disciple's cultivation base."

Seeing that Chutian was still so crazy at this time, everyone couldn't take it anymore, and shouted, "Hurry up!"

Feng Meng also stared at Chu Tian, ​​"If you don't start, neither will I."

Chu Tian could only laugh and said, "Okay, open your dog eyes and see what I did."

I saw Chu Tian took out his carving knife and waved his hand in front of everyone. The speed of that hand was very fast and very skillful, and there was only the sound of sizzle engraving on the sword, and at the same time there were bursts of fireworks on the sword flashing.

Many people even dubbed, "Boom, boom!"

When everyone thought that Chutian would explode the sword, Chutian stopped and said with a smile, "Okay."

After seeing the runes on the Chutian Sword, someone was curious, "Strange, why his runes are different from these five."

Feng Meng laughed out loud after seeing it, "Boy, what did you engrave?"

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "I've already superimposed all the one-star and five-star ones, so it's normal if you can't see it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded, but Mie Qing and Duan Bing looked at the sword quickly, and when they found that there were indeed five different runes on the sword, and they overlapped perfectly, they were both stunned.

Feng Meng hurriedly confirmed in disbelief, and when she saw that the five runes were intact, she shook her head in a daze, "No, it's impossible, how can I get five runes in one go, and it's still one star to five stars."

Nangong Qiuyue was also a little demented. She didn't expect that Chutian could carve five stars at will, but Chutian has the ability of six stars, so five stars are already easy.

But in everyone's eyes, they stared at Chutian like a monster, but Chutian looked at Duan Bing with a smile, "Senior, I hope you will keep your promise and abolish her cultivation base."

Duan Bing's mind was blank at the moment. After all, Fengmeng was his most proud disciple, and he was also a well-known genius in the world of spiritual masters. He would inherit him in the future, but now it was impossible for him to let him do it now.

Mie Qing was also a little stunned, he didn't expect Chu Tian's carving ability to be so strong, which also made him mutter to himself, "That ever-changing power is really extraordinary!"

But at this moment, Fengmeng shook his head in horror, "Master, don't, don't!"

Regarding Duan Bing, he naturally wanted to go back on his word, so he looked at Chu Tian with a straight face, "Boy, this match doesn't count."

As soon as the words came out, the people at the scene immediately booed, and Chu Tian had expected such an outcome, but the corners of his mouth curled up, "It turns out that senior is not willing, then I, you are welcome."

Everyone was curious about what Chu Tian was going to do, but at this moment Feng Meng suddenly said in a daze, "I will do it myself."

Then Feng Meng concentrated a force in his palm and hit his dantian forcefully, and soon there was a scream, everyone present was stunned, and Duan Bing was shocked, "This, what the hell is going on."

The corners of Chutian's mouth curled up, and that Fengmeng was suddenly abandoned in the air, and finally detonated, the whole island trembled.

Duan Bing who was present was already staring at Chu Tian with angry eyes, "Boy, you, what did you do to her!"

At this moment, everyone is also curious about what Chutian did to Fengmeng, and Chutian naturally used the Immortal Soul Binding Technique to make Fengmeng self-mutilate and let her detonate.

In the end, Chu Tian sealed her soul with a spirit sealing technique, making it impossible for Duan Bing to be found.

But Chu Tian said with a nonchalant smile, "She lost, and I am absolutely sorry for you, master, and I was afraid that you would not be able to make a move, so I cut myself off, why? Do you have any questions?"

[Adding a new chapter today, someone asked if Lao Yan would continue to be free?In fact, there will definitely be a charge in the end, but this is not decided by Lao Yan. After all, Lao Yan gave the bookmark to the website, and what Lao Yan can do is to delay the charge as much as possible, and to make more during the free period so that everyone can read To get more free, thank you for your support all the way, and some people asked Lao Yan how old he is, I am [-], I support my family by writing books, and I have a young daughter who has not been weaned. Leave a message, thank you all. 】

(End of this chapter)

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