Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 328 Last in, first out, it's such a dick!

Chapter 328 Last in, first out, it's such a dick! (seeking tickets)

[Thanks to 'Zensoul? ' for the reward, thank you】

Daoyin was so angry that countless sword shadows flashed around him, as if he was very angry, but the drunkard said with a smile, "Daoyin, you are one of the top ten assassins, if this news gets out today, it will be shameful."

Dao Yin was so angry that his face was very ugly, because no matter what happened today, his face was humiliated, so he flashed his murderous intentions, but it happened that Chu Tian was smiling, as if he was not afraid of his attack at all.

This made Daoyin think of the situation where he couldn't attack Chutian at the beginning, so he weighed it up before putting away the sword and said, "Apologize? I've never apologized to anyone, so it's impossible for you."

After finishing speaking, Dao Yin had the cheek to allow everyone to laugh at him, but Chu Tian had expected this and said with a smile, "Whatever, but I will remember this apology, and it must be you who begged for the apology."

Everyone felt that Chutian was bragging again, but Daoyin stared at Chutian coldly and said, "I'll wait!"

Chu Tian smiled and said nothing, as for the drunkard, he was relieved when he saw that there was no follow-up, and that Leng Jian was very unwilling to take Chu Tian's palm.

Just when he was in trouble, Daoyin said to him through voice transmission, "Don't worry, wait until we get to the Healer's Grave Valley, and then find a way to deal with him, otherwise this guy has a quick reaction, and I can't even take him down quickly."

Hearing this reassurance, Leng Jian was relieved, and Duan Bing and others were naturally a little disappointed when they saw that Dao Yin did not make things difficult for Chu Tian anymore.

But the drunkard looked worriedly at Chu Tian and said, "Boy, you offended two old guys at once. I'm afraid this time going to the Healer's Grave Valley won't go so smoothly!"

Chu Tian smiled disapprovingly, "They provoked me, and I didn't provoke them. It's not my fault."

"Are you really not afraid of anything?"

Chu Tian smiled confidently, "Did I ever get scared when you trapped me?"

The drunkard was stunned for a moment and then smiled wryly. At this time, a flame gradually appeared in front of the barrier, and a red door flickered under the flame.

Someone excitedly said after seeing this, "Look, the door has appeared."

Duan Bing immediately rushed in with his own people, followed by Dao Yin and others, and finally Mie Qing quickly followed, but Chu Tian looked around curiously, "Why do so many people come to this volcanic island, but there are so few people?" came here?"

Nangong Qiuyue explained helplessly, "If you want to come here smoothly, you must either know the formation or have enough strength to pass through the formation. Do you think everyone can come here?"

"That's right."

But the drunkard said anxiously, "What time is it, why don't you hurry up and leave, don't you want to wait for others to take all the runes away?"

Chutian had no choice but to quickly follow Nangong Qiuyue to follow the drunkard and fly into the door, and then appeared in front of Chutian, which was a long passageway with red lights, and there were many forks here.

Nangong Qiuyue was shocked when she saw it, "I didn't expect the rumors to be true."

Chu Tian was curious, "What's true?"

"It is said that in order to enter the Healer's Grave Valley, one has to pass through a flame formation, and this flame formation has many forks. If you are not careful, you will get lost here, or even be trapped here and cannot get out."

Chu Tian understood, "So that's how it is."

And the drunkard also said solemnly, "This formation cannot be passed by relying on strength alone. It seems that we have to start looking for each fork."

Chu Tian smiled confidently, "Don't worry, let me identify which one is correct."

Nangong Qiuyue and the drunkard were curious about what Chutian meant, but Chutian immediately opened his clairvoyance, and the surrounding situation was clear at a glance.

I saw different people at different forks not far away, and Chu Tian, ​​who noticed that these people were walking the maze, said with a smile, "Waste of time!"

Nangong Qiuyue was puzzled, "What did you say?"

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "If you want to reach the tomb of the spiritual master quickly, follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian used his clairvoyance to walk the closest and least affected road, which made the drunkard along the way puzzled, "It's strange, the road I walked before was blocked by some flames from time to time, but why is it so so on this road? Shun."

"That's because I chose the fastest and most convenient way."

The drunkard looked at Chu Tian in doubt, "How do you know the way here?"

Nangong Qiuyue was also surprised, "Yes, how did you know?"


Chu Tian threw two words, and flew forward quickly. The drunkard and Nangong Qiuyue were stunned for a moment and quickly followed. After a while, they flew out of the formation, and soon a dim space appeared in front of them.

I saw some stones floating here and there in the air. At the same time, Chutian also felt that after entering here, his whole body became much lighter, as if he might float up at any time.

This surprised Chu Tian, ​​"What's going on?"

The drunkard didn't expect to come in so soon, so he smiled excitedly, "The Healer's Grave Valley is a magical place. Anything that has weight will become lighter when it comes here."

Chutian instantly thought of the phenomenon of weightlessness in the universe, but it is obvious that it has not yet achieved complete weightlessness here, but even so, it is still a little uncomfortable.

As for Nangong Qiuyue, she looked at the drunkard curiously, "Senior, it is said that people in the world of spiritual masters come here every ten years to look for the Seven Star Talisman. Where is the Seven Star Talisman?"

The drunkard frowned and said, "Seven Star Talismans, in these stones, and every time we come in, it can't exceed ten days, because after ten days, anyone here will automatically return to the outside world, and they can't come in again, they can only wait for the next time. "

Nangong Qiuyue said in shock, "Then let's quickly collect these stones and take them out."

But at this moment, a sneer came, "The stones here cannot be taken out. You can only break the stones here one by one, and you have to be careful. If you lose the complete runes inside, it will be useless." .”

Chu Tian and the others looked over immediately, and it was Duan Bing and others who came out, and Mie Qing was also in the crowd. After a while, Dao Yin and others also appeared.

It's just that Daoyin didn't expect Chutian and others to show doubts so quickly.

As for the drunkard, he looked at Nangong Qiuyue, "That's right, once you get here, you have to fight for the shortest possible time to get out a stone's rune. If you're lucky and get seven stars, then you'll make money."

At this time, those people couldn't wait to fly into the air, and then began to slowly crush the rocks one by one.

The drunkard quickly looked at Chu Tian who was in a daze, "What are you looking at, hurry up and smash the rocks."

But Chu Tian came back to his senses and asked curiously, "Gravel?"

"Well, it is to break a layer of stone shell on the surface of the stone. If you are lucky, something like a white crystal will be revealed, and there are runes on it, but be careful, because once the strength is too strong, the white crystal will be broken. .”

After saying this, the drunkard couldn't wait to fly up, leaving only Nangong Qiuyue looking at the motionless Chu Tian, ​​"You really don't want to go up?"

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "It's all broken, when will it be broken?"

Nangong Qiuyue was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Chu Tian has sharp eyes, as long as he wants to, he can directly see through the situation and the complete runes in a stone, so he doesn't have to go to the gravel, he just needs to find valuable runes.

But he smiled mysteriously at Nangong Qiuyue, "See how I get all the good stones to my side first!"

Nangong Qiuyue wondered how Chu Tian knew which stone was good and which was bad.

[The second update of today's guarantee, remember to pick up the recommendation ticket, and it's free, everyone should work hard. 】

(End of this chapter)

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