Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 365 It's just a group of garbage!

Chapter 365 It's just a bunch of garbage! (seeking tickets)

[Thank you'||||Who is sad when I die? ', the tip of 'キッド', thank you. 】

Chutian didn't expect that the girl's stubborn temper would turn out to be domineering, but with a flash, Chutian came behind him and put his arms around her waist and said with a smile, "Little sister, what are you shaking? How about we shake it together?" .”

Lu Yao turned pale in shock, "You, how can you still use spiritual energy?"

Chu Tian asked with a smile, "Why can't I?"

Lu Yao was in a hurry and wanted to get rid of Chutian, but Chutian kept sticking to her, and finally made her blush, "Okay, don't play anymore, it's boring."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yao put away the bell, and Chu Tian let go of her hand and said with a smile, "Why? Don't play now?"

"Tell me, why are you not afraid of my needles?"

At this moment, Chu Tian forced out the injection and said with a smile, "It is impossible for this kind of poison to confuse me."

Lu Yao stared at Chu Tianhou half-believingly and said, "It seems that you have some skills."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"Well, I know there is a place where they can quickly find their patriarch, and their patriarch is in retreat, but there is poisonous gas around that place, and you are not afraid, then you must have a way to get there, right?"

Chu Tian looked at Lu Yao suspiciously, "You really came here for the holy pool."

"Yes, I have been here for several years, but I have never been able to get close to this holy pool."

"How many years? Aren't you an adult at the age of 15?"

Lu Yao pouted, "Yeah, I've been here since I was twelve or thirteen years old, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Chu Tian was surprised, "What? So early!"

Lu Yao rolled her eyes, "What? Do you have any questions? Are you not convinced?"

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Although you are young, your temper is not small at all!"

"If you say it again, I won't tell you how to go."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Only then did Lu Yao lead Chu Tian to leave, and Chu Tian also told Lu Yao her identity. Just like that, the two chatted and came to a valley.

I saw black airflow everywhere in front of the valley, mixed with some colorful colors.

Lu Yao pointed to this place and said, "In the past, this place is said to be the Sea Palace, and those elders and patriarchs are retreating there."

Chu Tian nodded slightly and said, "That's fine, I'll go there."

"Take me there."


Lu Yao explained, "I'm afraid you'll take the key to yourself and won't take me to the holy pool."

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't worry, I won't."

"Hard to say."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's fine, you'd better enter my space, and I'll take you there."

Lu Yao dubiously entered Chutian's mist bead, but Chutian walked in without thinking. After flying for a certain distance, a hole appeared.

Chu Tian walked in curiously, but as soon as he arrived in the cave, layers of formations flickered all around.

Chu Tian immediately opened his clairvoyant and piercing eyes, instantly seeing the dark places around him and the things behind the formation at a glance.

There were countless stone pillars and forks everywhere, and Chu Tian smiled secretly when he saw this, "You want to stop me like this? It's ridiculous."

So Chu Tian sent out the Thousand Spirit Birds, and walked out one by one, but when he saw a burst of light coming from an exit, a voice came from the ground, "Boy, you really know how to find a place."

Chu Tian immediately wondered why there were people underground. When he looked at the underground, it immediately cracked and an abyss appeared.

When Chu Tian was about to fly out, a huge force pushed him down.

At the same time, the crack on the top of the head was closed, and Chu Tian was in an empty underground palace.

Not only that, but there are some stones shining on the four walls of the underground palace to cool the surroundings.

Chu Tian wondered, "Who?"

The voice sneered, "What? You killed my clone and asked who I am?"

Chu Tian quickly identified the voice as Li Mofeng's, which shocked Chu Tian, ​​"Your deity is actually practicing here."

At this time, a figure appeared on a stone platform in front of Chutian sitting cross-legged, and this person was Li Mofeng himself, but at the moment he was wrapped in an enchantment, and at the same time his eyes were closed.

Seeing this, Chu Tian was not only not afraid, but said with a smile, "I also want to tell you where your deity is hiding. It turns out that it is within the range of the Tianhai Clan."

Li Mofeng sneered, "What? Don't you feel scared?"

"Afraid? Why?"

Li Mofeng smiled and said, "Boy, do you know that if I want you to die, you can't live."

"Really? Then move it and show me."

Li Mofeng laughed when he saw that Chu Tian believed that he was unable to move after retreating, "It seems that you think that I dare not attack you casually, so you are not afraid at all, right?"

"of course."

Li Mofeng laughed, and the laughter was very magical, but Chu Tian asked with a smile, "What are you laughing at?"

"Do you know why I am retreating here? And why there is such a big underground palace."

"do not know."

Li Mofeng laughed, "I am a distinguished guest of the Tianhai Clan, and at the same time the master of countless people of the Tianhai Clan, now you understand."

"Doesn't the Tianhai clan dislike outsiders?"

Li Mofeng explained, "The Tianhai Clan is the secret of Gulu Island. They are also a group of people under the Demon Envoy. They hid here later, and I came there with the Demon Envoy's token. They recognized me. Naturally Let me be a VIP and lead them to defeat the Nine Great Immortal Palace, understand?"

"That's what happened."

Seeing that Chu Tian understood, Li Mofeng smiled and said, "Now, you should understand how dangerous your situation is."

Just as Chu Tian was about to say something, that Lu Yao suddenly ran out from the Misty Bead, ignoring the binding force of the magic weapon, and at the same time did not destroy the magic weapon. This surprised Chu Tian and said, "Why did you come out?"

But Lu Yao said solemnly, "Your magic weapon can't restrain me, and I came out to find this old guy!"

Chu Tian didn't expect that Lu Yao still had the ability to ignore her space magic weapon, but what made Chu Tian more puzzled was that she wanted to find Li Mofeng, so he asked strangely, "Do you know him?"

That Li Mofeng stared at Lu Yao for a while and then sneered, "So you are his granddaughter, interesting."

Lu Yao stared at Li Mofeng and said, "Death Mofeng, you attacked my grandpa back then and took away that magic weapon from my grandfather. I must get it back today."

After hearing this, Li Mofeng joked, "Retrieve it? It's ridiculous. Whether you can get out alive today is still the same thing."

Lu Yao got angry again and said, "You can't move in seclusion, I don't believe I can't kill you."

But at this time Li Mofeng smiled, "I can't move, but they can."

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared around the main hall. These people had red dots on their foreheads. Lu Yao was shocked and said, "The red hall above the black hall."

Li Mofeng proudly said, "That's right, the ten monsters of the Red Palace are all here, and they are all my apprentices, and their strengths are all distracted and perfect, but their talents are not weaker than those of your fifth-level Saint Physique, so Lu Girl, even if you have a powerful holy body, you have to die."

Lu Yao panicked, and quickly looked at Chu Tian and said, "These ten monsters from the Red Palace are far more powerful than those from the Black Palace. You, do you have a way to deal with them?"

Chu Tian smiled, "It's just a bunch of trash!"

The ten people immediately glared, Li Mofeng sneered, "Boy, you say they are rubbish? It's ridiculous, they are better than those apprentices who are outside of me, let alone ten, you are too loud."

"Believe it or not, I'll kill them all at once?"

[The third update of today's guarantee, ask for tickets and tickets, rush to the front~~]

(End of this chapter)

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