Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 371 The Spring of Life

Chapter 371 The Spring of Life (Addition)
Chu Tian was puzzled, "This is the statue of the sea god."

"Well, it must be, and there are still two levels of yin and yang. You see, one is more white and the other is more black."

Chu Tian took a closer look, it was really so, but Chu Tian was a little puzzled, "How can I use this statue of Sea God?"

Lu Yao shook her head, so Chutian had no choice but to ask the head of the Tianhai Clan and Li Mofeng. Although they were very reluctant, they still told Chutian.

At this moment, Chu finally understood that when the two levels of yin and yang collide, they will create an impact, and as long as this impact is aimed at the target, it can hit the target 100% of the time. As for the power, it is rumored that it can kill people's souls.

But this is just a rumor, and no one has ever tried it. Chu Tian looked at the surrounding sea area and found many sea beasts and said with a smile, "It seems that we can only use some sea beasts for experiments."

Lu Yao was puzzled, "What experiment?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Of course it's the statue of the Sea God."

After finishing speaking, Chutian merged his hands and attacked a sea beast in the sea area, but there was no response. Chutian wondered, "What's going on? Didn't you say that there are two levels of yin and yang?"

But Lu Yao couldn't help laughing, "I forgot to say, you have to be above the level of distraction to display it, and you're just out of your body, no."

"Fuck, it's not possible."


Chutian went to question the patriarch and Li Mofeng again, and after getting the same agreement, Chutian's face was hot, so he had no choice but to pack up and put away Haidian.

At the same time, he took out a token key from the Ocean Palace and said with a smile, "I found this."

Seeing this key, Lu Yao excitedly said, "Finally, we can go to the holy pool."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Tell me, what are you going to do in this holy pool?"

Lu Yao's enthusiasm was immediately poured cold water, "Well, of course I have to save people inside."

"This holy pool saves people?"

"Well, it is rumored that the mist of the holy pool is very effective in healing the physical body, and even has the ability to turn decay into magic."

Chu Tian didn't expect to have such an effect, and said with a smile, "Go, let's see."

Soon the two packed up and left here, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived at the entrance of the holy pool.

Chu Tian inserted the token inside, and soon the gate moved, and there was a rumbling sound, as if an earthquake was about to occur.

After the door opened, Chu Tian led Lu Yao through all obstacles to a secret room.

There is a pool in this secret room, and there is white mist rising from the pool, like a fairy pool, which attracted Chu Tian, ​​"It's amazing, this pool is not simple."

"This is the holy pool."

Lu Yao excitedly fished it out with one hand. After trying to get out the liquid or something, she said with an ugly face, "It's over."

Chu Tian wondered, "What's wrong?"

"The Holy Pool cannot be taken away, that is to say, people who are seriously injured can only come here to heal their injuries."

But Chutian got up and looked around, "There is a small space here, but a magic weapon of space. As long as you find the soul of space, which is the core of the magic weapon, you can control it at will after refining."

Lu Yao said helplessly, "It's easy to say, but it will take countless years to find and refine it. By then, I'm afraid, my father will die."

"your dad?"

"Well, his body has a strange disease and has been aging. As for the soul, it is also affected, causing the soul to become one with the body. Even if the soul wants to escape, it cannot escape."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Is there such a thing?"

"Well, it was three years ago."

Chu Tian wondered, "Then why don't you take him with you?"

"This, it's a long story."

But Chu Tian comforted after thinking for a while, "Don't worry, look at me."

At this time, Chu Tian got up and jumped into the pool, and there was a white mist around him, and Lu Yao outside shouted, "What are you doing?"

"The core is in the middle of this pool, and I am refining it."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian saw a transparent bead standing there, and Chu Tian smiled and directly refined it in one go.

"Ding, the spring of life has been refined successfully."

Chu Tian was surprised, "The spring of life? Damn, why isn't it called the pool of life!"

Lu Yao, who was outside, didn't know what was going on, until the surrounding pools disappeared, Lu Yao was shocked, and Chu Tian stood in front and said with a smile, "It's done, this pool has already been taken to my space."

Lu Yao was dumbfounded, "You, have you really refined?"


Lu Yao couldn't believe it, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't get too excited."

Lu Yao immediately returned to her senses and said politely, "Big Brother, I was the one who offended you before, so please help me, as long as you are willing to save my father, I will call you whatever you want in the future."

Lu Yao, who was still stubborn at first, immediately softened at this moment, making Chu Tian feel uncomfortable and smiled, "Okay, do you think I will take advantage of others' danger and make people do things they don't want?"

Hearing this, Lu Yao said excitedly, "So, you are willing to go with me to save my father."

Chutian nodded slightly, Lu Yao was very grateful, but Chutian smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

Lu Yao hurriedly took Chutian away, but Chutian secretly put the life pool in the fairy mansion, and at the same time threw the bodies of ten sea beasts into it.

But according to those Tianhai people, the powerful physical body of the ten sea beasts can only be recovered after being inside for at least a hundred years.

Chu Tian had no choice but to let it stay there. As for the sea beast's beast soul, it had to return to its body so that the body would have a recovery effect.

In this way, Chutian's sea beast soul, at least in the past few years, will not be used.

Chu Tian sighed secretly, "It seems that if we want to mobilize this ancient corpse of Lu Bai in the future, we have to find another way."

As for Lu Yao, she didn't know what Chutian was thinking. Instead, she came to the stream where Chutian fell before and said, "This stream leads to the outside, but there is a barrier, it's easy to get in, but it's a bit difficult to get out."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "A barrier? That's easy."

Seeing that Chutian breathed a sigh of relief, he took Lu Yao to the outer sea area and returned to Gulu Island.

Seeing the familiar place and the sky, Lu Yao said excitedly, "Finally back."

Chu Tian asked with a smile, "Where's your father?"

Only then did Lu Yao come back to her senses, "My father, the journey is far away in a relatively remote place. How about we make preparations on this island first, and then set off?"

Chu Tian nodded slightly, "Okay then, let's go."

"Where to go?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "There are some friends here, and they are more familiar with this place. If you need to prepare anything, let them help, it will be faster."

Lu Yao snorted, and then Chutian brought her to Wanhaimen.

When the people of Wan Haimen heard that Chu Tian was coming, countless people from all over the island came out to respect Chu Tian and said, "Elder Chu."

Chu Tian was stunned, "Elder Chu?"

Lu Yao looked around with a mischievous face, but was surprised in her heart, "Is this guy Elder Wan Haimen?"

At this time, Fatty Hai came from the front and said with a smile, "Our sect master has already regarded you as our elder, so elder Chu, please."

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, but Fatty Hai looked at Lu Yao strangely, until they came to Wan Tian's place, Wan Tian looked at Lu Yao and asked curiously, "Who is this girl?"

"Just met."

Wan Tian smiled, "One just left, and another one came, you have a lot of good luck."

Lu Yao was puzzled, "What do you mean when you just leave one, then leave another one."

Wan Tian hesitated and looked at Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian was curious, "Is this Nangong girl gone?"

At this time, Wan Tian took out a letter and gave it to her, "You can read it for yourself, she left it."

Chu Tian wondered why he would say goodbye to the letter, but when he saw the contents, his face turned pale with shock, and then he said anxiously, "Master, it seems that I have to say goodbye first."

Wan Tian wondered, "What happened?"

[Add more chapters today, the wonderful story continues~]

(End of this chapter)

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