Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 447 One Slap to Death

Chapter 447
When Chutian reappeared, he had arrived at the address mentioned in the letter, Wangxian Mountain, and this was also the highest peak of Wangxian Valley. At the same time, behind this mountain was the Valley of Resentment. Looking down from here, there was darkness everywhere.

At this time, Patriarch Shi, Patriarch Long, and some masters of the Shi Family were there, and Patriarch Shi was still sitting comfortably on a rock to enjoy the scenery until Chu Tian appeared and said with a smile, "You're here."

Chu Tian frowned, "What about people?"

Patriarch Shi pointed to Resentment Valley and said with a smile, "The people from Resentment Valley took them away just now."

Chu Tian said coldly, "Patriarch Shi, do you know the price you paid for doing this?"

Patriarch Shi looked at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "What? Angry? Helpless? Kid, I just like your appearance. It's best to stay like this, haha."

Patriarch Long laughed and said, "Boy, this is what happens when you fight against me."

Chu Tian stared at the two of them and said, "You two, when I come back, it will be the day when your two families will be exterminated."

Patriarch Shi laughed loudly when he heard this, "Clan extermination? Kid, who do you think you are? Have the ability to fight against us? Ridiculous!"

Patriarch Long also teased, "Any of our families can stand firm in Wangxian Valley. Even your elders of Yao's parents dare not say such a thing, but you, a little brat, dare to say such a thing?"

At this time, Chutian's momentum soared, Patriarch Long smiled, "Oh, I'm angry, but boy, you are only in the out-of-body stage after all, don't get mad, this ability is too bad."

Patriarch Shi also teased for a while, "Although we can't do anything to you, but if you want to kill us, don't even think about it."

At this time, Chutian gave the system an order, "Use the junior Earth Immortal Possession Talisman!"

In the end, in order to repair the two people properly, Chu Tian still used the life-saving talisman that had been hidden all along.

"Ding~ The primary Earth Immortal possession talisman has been successfully used, with 30.00% Earth Immortal ability."

After Chutian heard this, he suddenly came to Patriarch Shi, slapped him like a god of death, and Patriarch Shi slammed into the mountain on the other side under the commentary of everyone.

The people present were frightened, the smile on Patriarch Long's face froze, and Chu Tian jumped in front of Patriarch Long and said, "If you want to die, I will send you off."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian hit the opponent directly with his palm, piercing the opponent's dantian on the spot, not only that, but the soul was directly restrained.

The people present were dumbfounded, and some even trembled, "He, is he still human?"

At this time, Patriarch Shi, who climbed out of another mountain with serious injuries, cursed, "You bastard, you."

But the next moment, Chu Tian appeared in front of Patriarch Shi again, glared at him and said, "You provoke me again and again, do you think I really dare not do anything to you?"

Seeing Chutian's terrifying aura, Patriarch Shi stammered in shock, "You, who are you?"

Chu Tian slapped Patriarch Shi's head flying again, and his whole body was smashed by Chu Tian's slap again. As for Patriarch Shi's soul, he escaped from his body.

Just as he was about to fly away, Chutian's purple barrier bound him directly, "Originally, you can live a very long life as a good Patriarch, but you have to do something wrong to piss me off!"

Patriarch Shi said angrily, "Boy, let me tell you, this is just the soul of my avatar. My true self is in seclusion. If you don't let me go, I will let you die."

After hearing this, Chu Tian said coldly, "Really? Then your deity come to me quickly, and I will also blow you away."

The head of the Shi family was unwilling to scold him, but Chutian threw him directly into the soul power collector and looked at the people of the Shi family in Wangxianshan. They fled in all directions in fright.

Chu Tian picked up his mood and jumped into the Wangxian Valley.

However, the aura on his body quickly and slowly weakened, until after a while, the effect of the elementary earth immortal possession talisman disappeared, which made Chu Tian depressed, "Why is the time so short? I remember that when I used it for the first time, it was still very long .”

Chu Tian, ​​who really didn't understand, had no choice but to look at the Valley of Resentment, which was full of resentment.

But after walking a few steps, a group of people appeared, and the leader was still Yao Suoshan. He smiled and said, "Boy, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Where is Miss Luo?"

Yao Suoshan said with a smile, "You say she is chatting with our King of Resentment right now."

"lead the way!"

Yao Suoshan smiled, "Please."

I saw Yao Suoshan leading the way, and after a while, Chutian came to a cave, and there were three large characters on the cave, "Cave of Resentment."

Chu Tian took a look and walked directly inside, but it was very dark everywhere, until he came to an empty secret room, where Chu Tian saw Luo Xue.

But at this moment, Luo Xue's whole body was covered with human locks, and her whole body was tied to a stone pillar, and at the same time, there was a ball of flame jumping beside her.

As for the huge rock not far in front of the flame, and sitting on this rock is a statue, and there is a soul in the statue, which is the king of resentment.

When Luo Xue saw Chu Tian, ​​she said anxiously, "Why are you here?"

Chu Tian said calmly, "You can come, why can't I come."

Luo Xue panicked, "Let's go!"

How could Chutian leave Luo Xue behind? Instead, the King of Resentment sitting there said with a smile, "Boy, that's not bad. It's really not easy to kill Patriarch Shi and Patriarch Long."

"Have you seen it all?"

"I saw it."

Only then did Chutian laugh and said, "You actually saw it all, so let them go quickly, or I'll slap you away as if they were them later."

The King of Resentment burst into laughter, and Chu Tian asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The king of resentment laughed and said, "I laugh at your arrogance."

"I've always been like that."

The king of resentment tutted, "Boy, don't you realize that you already have my resentment seeds in your body?"

Chu Tian pretended to look inside the body and thought for a while, then said, "It seems to be there, but it is said that the seeds will not be activated until ten years later, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

The King of Resentment saw Chu Tian so calm and said with a smile, "Although it is said that ordinary seeds will be activated after ten years, this is the Resentment Cave, and your woman is in my hands. I just need to kill her and let you Resent me, it doesn't take ten years, just one day, and you will be mine."

Chu Tian said coldly, "You want to kill her?"

"Yes, and in front of you."

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly and said, "With me here, no one can kill her today."

The king of resentment sneered, "Boy, I can't help you."

Then a person came from a tunnel, this person was none other than Yao Fengtian, and the King of Resentment smiled at him, "Yao Fengtian, don't you really want to fight him again? Now let you kill this Girl, he will definitely fight you to the death."

Yao Fengtian said with a gloomy smile, "Thank you, King of Resentment, for fulfillment."

[Today's sixth update, continue to fight for life, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription, ask for a recommendation ticket. 】

(End of this chapter)

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