Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 490 The Secret of the Insect Soul Clan

Chapter 490 The Secret of the Insect Soul Clan (Determination)
At this moment, in front of Chutian was a huge cave wall, and there were many spider-like webs on the cave wall.

At the same time, there are countless insect souls on this net, but these rushing souls are flashing with black light, and their heads are all facing the same direction.

As for this direction, it is a huge coil, like a silkworm, and it is huge. The most important thing is that the silk is black, and each silk is pulling those insect souls.

This is true even for the seriously injured one who fled back just now, and at this moment a majestic old lady said angrily to Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, did you hurt my child?"

"Your child?"

The old lady snorted, "That's right, that's the one just now."

After hearing this, Chu Tian suddenly realized, "So these are all your children."

"That's right!"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Who told him to eat my wife?"

"Hmph, what's wrong with eating you humans?"

"Hey, so what if I clean him up?"

The old lady immediately became angry, "Boy, then today, you will die here."

At this time, countless threads suddenly appeared in the hole behind Chutian to block the hole, and at the same time, countless insect soul wings grew in the air, and then stretched out countless tentacles, flying towards Chutian. In an instant, there were hundreds of insect souls in Chutian's entire body.

As for the voice of the old lady in the big silkworm scroll threatening, "Boy, if you don't want to die, you still have a chance to beg for mercy now, otherwise, I only need one order, and your soul will disappear immediately."

Chu Tian smiled, "I'm sorry, I've never been hard-pressed, so what you do is useless to me."

"Okay boy, go to hell then."

But the result was that those worm souls screamed in Chutian's soul, and even Chutian opened a purple enchantment, so that those worm souls couldn't get out after running out, they could only disappear one by one.

And the old lady in the silk roll said, "Stop it, let them go!"

"Let them go? That's fine, give me the jade pendant."

The old lady pretended to be stupid and said, "What jade pendant?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Don't pretend to be stupid, the jade pendant is in your volume."


Chu Tian sneered, "My eyes have the ability to penetrate, so it's impossible for you to get rid of it."

The old lady didn't expect Chu Tian to have such a thing, then snorted, "This jade pendant belongs to our Zerg race, boy, I won't give it to you!"

"If this is the case, then I will destroy them first, and then deal with you."

"you dare!"

Chu Tian ignored the other party's threats and immediately stepped up his efforts. The insect souls disappeared even more, and the boss was so angry that he cursed, "Damn it, I'm going to make your life worse than death today."

In an instant, countless black threads approached from the surroundings one by one, and in the blink of an eye, Chu Tian was wrapped up, and then hung in the air like a big rice dumpling.

The old lady said angrily, "Soon, I will let you know the feeling of being torn apart one by one."

Afterwards, many black threads passed through Chutian and entered Chutian's body, and then tried to tear Chutian's soul into pieces one by one, but the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, "This is not powerful enough, continue."

"What? Not enough? I'll tear you up!"

But the stronger the tear, the more Chutian increased his primordial power, which made Chutian shout happily, "Go on! Go on! It's too weak."

The old lady became more and more angry, "Bastard, go to hell."

Countless strands work together, and after a while, the primordial power will be gone. Chu Tian sighed, "It's boring, it's my turn."

At this time, Chu Tian directly shone with white light on his body, and those black threads disappeared little by little, as if they had been burned.

The old lady was startled, "You, what kind of attack is this?"

Chu Tian smiled evilly, "You try."

At this time, Chu Tian suddenly came to the front of the old lady's volume, and then the purple enchantment opened, and at the same time, white light crazily penetrated into it.

The old lady inside yelled wildly, "Ah, bastard, take it away, take it away."

"Hand over the jade pendant first."

"I give, I give."

The other party had panicked and spat out the jade pendant from the silkworm roll, but Chu Tian smiled after getting a black jade pendant, "Thank you very much."

The old lady said with some fear, "Now, can you let me go?"

"It is said that this jade pendant needs to cooperate with your insect souls to open it, so you should know what I mean."

The old lady was surprised, "You, you don't plan to drive it, do you?"


The old lady said in fear, "We need our strength, but we have to go through a terrible place, and there is a lot of damage to the soul, unless we can go there, but at present we don't have insect souls to go there, otherwise I will die sooner or later." passed."

"Oh? Where?"

"There's a little hole just down here."

Chu Tian took a glance, there was a hole under the silkworm rolls, and it was dark, just enough for one person to go in and out.

Seeing this, Chu Tian asked, "You said that the powerful lethality is here?"


"Okay then, I'll take you there."

The other party frightened, "Don't, don't, I don't want to die!"

But Chutian grabbed the roll and passed through there with a swoosh, and on the way Chutian increased some primordial power, as for the old lady who was already seriously injured, she coughed frantically, "You, you are going to kill me. "

"Isn't this coming?"

The old lady was shocked when she saw that she was outside a stone wall, "This, how is it possible."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, how to use this jade pendant."

The old lady said to a hole in the cave wall, "Put in the jade pendant, as long as my soul power hits it, there will be a beam of teleportation light, which will transmit everything in front of the wall to it, but as for what is inside it?" , I can't guarantee it."

"Okay, I'll let it go."

When the Chutian jade pendant was put down, the jade pendant flickered with black light, and the old lady asked anxiously, "You, do you really want it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, otherwise."

The old lady didn't want to be taught again, so she could only inject a force into the jade pendant nervously, and the black light of the jade pendant became stronger in an instant, and then a huge black mist enveloped them all, and soon they all disappeared there.

At this time, it seemed very quiet inside, except for a huge statue in one place, and this statue was the ordinary appearance of those insect souls.

At the same time, there is a black mirror in the hand of the statue. There are many lines on the mirror, which are flickering at the moment.

When the old lady saw that, she said pleasantly, "Taixu mirror."

"What is the Taixu Mirror?"

"There is a rumor in our clan that as long as whoever controls the Taixu Mirror, whoever can destroy the Taixu Realm, human beings will never be able to enter this world, and our army of insect souls will come from another world."

Chu Tian was dubious, grabbed the Taixu Mirror with one hand, and found that the soul of the Taixu Realm was stronger than ordinary treasured souls, and Chu Tian, ​​who was puzzled, directly refined the soul.

"Ding~ The soul of the fairy weapon in the Taixu Realm has the function of gathering soul power."

Chu Tian was surprised, "So it's the soul of the fairy weapon, no wonder it's so strong."

However, Chu Tian was curious about the meaning of gathering soul power, so Chu Tian controlled the Taixu Realm, and after a while, the power condensed on the mirror scared Chu Tian.

[Today's ninth update, continue to write and continue to fight, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a subscription~]

(End of this chapter)

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