Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 705 Cut off the forces and create an invincible alliance!

Chapter 705 Cut off the forces and create an invincible alliance! (to decide)

Those elders finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, but the Great Elder frowned, and then punched a force into the white stone wall.

Soon a picture appeared there, it was nine fairy envoys.

One of the nine asked, "So many people, what's going on?"

The Great Elder had no choice but to explain what had happened, and the nine people were shocked, and immediately became lively, "What? That kid came to the mountains?"


The nine people were shocked, and the elder said, "He is expected to come here soon, so I hope to use the powerful soul power of the nine angels to kill him from the air."

The nine people could only respond, and then the nine began to sit cross-legged, and Chu Tian had already entered from the outside, and all the loose immortals there were frightened and wanted to squeeze inside one after another.

Chu Tian looked at the crowd with a smile, "If you don't want to die, surrender immediately, I can let you live, otherwise you will have no way to live when I do it later!"

Those loose immortals wanted to resist at first, after all, there are nine immortal envoys' soul power here to support them, so one of them yelled, "We are not afraid of you!"

But as soon as these words fell, a thunder hammer hit the opponent, and the opponent fell down on the spot, and his soul was destroyed.

This scared countless loose immortals, and many scattered immortals began to waver, but the great elder said angrily, "Be quiet, and the Nine Immortal Envoys will come to deal with him later."

But Chu Tian took out the golden sky sword and said with a smile, "If I use the sword technique later, you will have no chance of survival!"

Everyone immediately became commotion, the Great Elder hurriedly looked towards the stone wall, and the nine people said in unison, "Let him come over, we want to talk to him."

The great elder had no choice but to come to the crowd, looked at Chu Tian and said, "Boy, the nine immortal envoys want to see you."

Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly shot out countless sword qi, which made the first elder furious, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian sneered, "I'll talk about the nine immortal envoys later, I'll ask you today whether to surrender or not!"

At the beginning, some powerful Sanxian still wanted to struggle, but the sword energy was superimposed little by little, and in the end, countless people couldn't hold it anymore, even those elders fell down one by one.

In the end, he had no choice but to admit defeat quickly, and he had to make a covenant with the Dao of Heaven.

Just like that, Chutian was willing to let them go, and those elders also compromised one by one, and finally those people looked at Chutian respectfully.

Chu Tian looked at the elder with a smile, "Where is the envoy of the Nine Immortals?"

The Great Elder immediately said respectfully, "Please come here."

Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and came to the front, but the nine immortal envoys on the stone wall were already angry, they never thought that all the people here would be surrendered by Chu Tian.

Chu Tian looked at the big stone wall with a smile, "Everyone, how are you?"

"Boy, do you know what will happen if you fight against our Nine Immortals Alliance?"

"That's right, boy, we belong to the Nine Great Immortal Palaces, and we have the support of the Immortal Realm behind us."

"If you still want to live, just surrender honestly, otherwise today is your death day here."

When these people shouted one by one, Chu Tian said with a smile, "Your physical body has not recovered, and your soul is probably far away in the ancient continent. As for this stone wall, it may be some kind of magic weapon, which can convey part of your soul power at most, but you Think you can kill me like this?"

Seeing that Chutian was ignoring them, the nine people immediately shone a huge white light from the wall, and then enveloped Chutian's body, and then nine soul forces hit Chutian's body one by one.

With this powerful power, the ninth-level Sanxian would have died long ago, but Chu Tian stood there ignoring the Nine Immortal Envoy, and instead said with a smile, "Come here if you have the ability, or awaken your body quickly, or wait until I return to the ancient continent." , the first one is to destroy the physical bodies of your nine immortal envoys."

The envoy of the Nine Immortals was furious, "Arrogant, want to kill us? Dreaming."

"That's right, a guy as powerful as a demon envoy died under our seal."

"That's right, what's so great about you in the tribulation period."

Seeing that these people are still so crazy, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, when I return to the ancient continent, I will definitely let you know my skills."

These nine people didn't take Chutian seriously at all, and still hummed, "Go back to the ancient continent? You think too much, the journey is far away, let alone you, it will take decades to come back from the ninth level of Sanxian , so you're still dreaming."

Chu Tian sneered, "Don't worry, I will definitely go back within half a year."

The nine envoys did not believe that Chutian was so fast, and one envoy said, "Boy, don't be complacent, soon many Mahayana masters will seek your life from different places."

"That's right, the Mahayana master who is hiding everywhere, it's time to come out."

Chu Tian smiled, "No matter who they are, just come, I will make sure they come and go."

These nine people did not expect Chutian to be so crazy, but Chutian laughed and said, "Okay, all the immortals, the forces of your Nine Immortals Alliance in Pingfan Continent, starting today, I will let them all surrender, how about you? Wait for me to go back to deal with you in the ancient continent."

The nine people wanted to say something, but Chutian shattered the stone wall with one punch, leaving the elders to look at Chutian in surprise.

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, everyone, from today onwards, there will no longer be an alliance of nine immortals in the ordinary continent."

Those people looked at each other, but the Great Elder hesitated, "Then what are we called?"

"What's it called? Whatever."

A Sanxian suggested, "Master Chu is so powerful, why not call him the Invincible League."

Someone immediately echoed, "Yes, Invincible League."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "It's up to you! But you have to control the people below. If someone makes trouble, you can watch it for yourself. There are also major families and sects. I want all the forces you controlled before to surrender. ,Understand?"

Those elders said in unison, "Yes."

Only then was Chu Tian satisfied and said, "Okay, that's all, let's go and give the order."

Then the elders ordered one after another, and the Nine Immortals Mountain Range was immediately changed into the Invincible Mountain Range, and even the Invincible League. Suddenly, the entire Ordinary Continent was a sensation.

After all, everyone knows that the Nine Immortals Alliance is a very powerful force, but now it has been changed to the Invincible Alliance.

As for Chu Tian standing on the top of a mountain and looking up at the sky, "What is it like in the fairy world?"

While Chutian was sighing, the Great Elder came to Chutian's back and respectfully said, "My lord."

"If you have something to say, don't appear suddenly!"

The great elder said awkwardly, "My lord, before you came, the nine immortal envoys announced to the public that one of the ancient shards was in your possession, and they declared that if they could get your piece, they could open the ancient secret realm and go to the fairy world."

Chu Tian turned around and said with a smile, "So now someone is coming to trouble me?"

"A Mahayana master is here, and he is just outside the mountains. He wants to see you, and even asked us to bring you a sentence!"

Chu Tian hadn't seen a Mahayana master yet, so he looked at the Great Elder curiously and asked, "Say."

[Today's ninth update, hey, there are so few recommended votes today, is it because Lao Yan explodes every ten or ten updates every day, everyone will definitely explode if you don't vote anyway, so you don't want to vote?Seriously, Lao Yan is so heartbroken. After all, the recommended tickets are free and available every day. Everyone won’t give Lao Yan this point, it’s hard~]

(End of this chapter)

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