Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 730 I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore!

Chapter 730 I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore! (determined)

But Ruike didn't want Chutian to leave just like that, so he laughed and said, "Close the door!"

At this time, one of the attendants took out a magic weapon, threw it out, and blocked the door at once, like a stone door.

Then everyone here started talking, but Rick said with a smile without any shyness, "Boy, do you want to leave? It's not that easy!"

The two attendants were smiling a lot, and one of them said, "Boy, if you had fought against each other earlier, it wouldn't be like this."

Another person laughed and said, "That's right, it's fine now, I can't go out."

Others marveled at Rick's arrogance, but Chu Tian sneered, "It seems that I really have to do it first today and get things by myself."

After speaking, Chutian put his hand on the shelf he needed, and the grid opened, and then Chutian took off what he needed.

Only the stunned people were left behind, and Rick was so angry that he reacted, "Old Liu, someone is stealing stones, why don't you stop them?"

This old Liu's face changed drastically, and Chu Tian took out his token and said with a smile, "I have points here, and you can deduct as much as I want."

After speaking, Chu Tian ignored everyone's surprise and took down all the things he needed.

That Rick stared at Old Liu, "Why are you in a daze, use your rights."

That old Liu said nervously, "Rui, Mr. Rui, this."

"What, whoever dares to make trouble here, you can call the law enforcement team of Juhao Pavilion to repair him!"

The old Liu obviously didn't want to, but Rick grabbed the old Liu and snorted, then took out a token on him, and then forced him to inject power into the token.

But Chutian had already come to the Shimen, and was blocked by a person, Chutian sneered directly, touched the Shimen with his hand, and the Shimen disappeared.

The man stared at Chu Tian in shock, "You, you."

Chutian ignored him and walked out of here directly, but after Rick forced Lao Liu to use the token, he rushed out quickly and stopped Chutian.

After about a while, a group of people in black clothes, black helmets, and two horns appeared in the air.

The person in the lead said coldly, "Who is making trouble!"

Rick immediately yelled, "He, he, he stole a lot of stones."

Chu Tian took out his token and said with a smile, "Everyone, I'm a scorer, and it's this short-sighted watchdog who wants to make things difficult for me."

These men in black looked at Rick, and Rick immediately argued, "I didn't make things difficult for him, he just took stones randomly!"

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "Take rocks randomly? Then you can ask everyone present to see what's going on."

Rick stared at the people around him, "Tell me! What's going on?"

These people didn't want to cause trouble, so they immediately ran away in fright, and Rick looked at the men in black again, "Everyone, arrest him first, and interrogate him carefully."

Chu Tian took his own token and said, "The points are here, if there is any trouble, please see for yourself."

Those men in black looked at the Chutian points one by one, and they shocked everyone when they reached 80. Then they looked at the old Liu and asked what was going on.

But Rick said to Lao Liu, "Old Liu, you have to speak well, otherwise you will be punished if you make a mistake."

Just when everyone thought that Chutian was going to be pestered to death by Rick, Chutian said helplessly, "What a waste of time!"

On the spot, Chu Tian directly hit that Rick with countless thunder hammers, only to hear a burst of screams and curses, "Bastard, you, you dare to attack me!"

The people at the scene were stunned, and those members of the law enforcement team were also dumbfounded. They had never seen anyone dare to fight in front of them.

As for Rick's whole body peeling off a layer of skin at the moment, and his skin was scorched, he glared at Chu Tian, ​​"You, you are courting death!"

Chu Tian sneered, "If you don't do anything, don't think that I'm afraid of you. I tell you, if I want to kill you, you won't be able to stand."

Rick was in a hurry, and immediately shouted to the law enforcement team, "Everyone, you also saw that he dared to use force here, why are you still standing here? Come on, arrest him."

These law enforcement teams immediately set out a human lock one by one to lock Chutian, and the leader of the law enforcement team at the head said seriously, "Boy, no matter what grievances you have, it is wrong for you to do it here, so please tell us Let's go."

But Chu Tian directly locked all those people and said, "What if I say no?"

Everyone didn't expect that someone would dare to fight against the law enforcement team, but when Chu Tian was looking at each other, he had already come to Rick and pierced him with a bloodthirsty sword.

The people present were stunned. Rick looked pale after seeing the blood in his body disappear in an instant, "You."

Chu Tian said coldly, "I don't like to be wronged, and I don't like to be made things difficult, but you have both, so, sorry, even if you have a high status, I will not let you go."

Everyone was shocked, and some people even exclaimed, "He is crazy, he even killed the apprentice of the pavilion master."

"Yes, it is said that this is still his favorite little apprentice."

The law enforcement team also knew Rick's character and his identity. Seeing him being attacked in front of him at the moment, the law enforcement team were all shocked.

Rick roared angrily, "I, my master, will not let you go."

Chu Tian sneered, "Your master should thank me for repairing the rat shit like you."

Rick said airily, "You."

Chu Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he directly opened the purple barrier, abolished his cultivation base, and sealed his soul. In just one breath, a living person died.

The two followers hid behind the law enforcement team in fright, while Chu Tian stared at the sealed Rick, "This is the end of courting death."

Rick never thought that this Chu talent in the early stage of the tribulation would be so courageous that he would kill himself in the Juhao Pavilion, and he was unable to resist, which made him very unwilling, so he could only roar in the sealed place , "You, you will not end well!"

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay any attention to him, and those members of the law enforcement team stared at Chu Tian coldly, "Catch him without a fight, otherwise, we will really do it."

But Chu Tian said, "I didn't do anything wrong. If you really want to do something, then I won't be polite."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian turned and left, and the people watching the theater exclaimed, "You are so domineering."

"Who is this? It's just the beginning of the tribulation, and it's so terrifying."

"This is the newcomer. It is said that his name is Chutian."

"It's really scary."

Those members of the law enforcement team knew that if they didn't take Chutian down today, they would definitely be questioned by the pavilion master, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and set up an enchantment there to trap Chutian there.

At the same time, the leader said coldly, "As the law enforcement team, we only act impartially. I hope you can go back with us to investigate."

"Investigate? Just ask these people, and you will know whether this person should be killed. If these people say no, I will go with you. If you should kill him, then I will not be polite if you stop him!"

The members of the law enforcement team looked at each other in blank dismay, and those were all bullied by Rick, and now that Rick is dead, they are not afraid, and shouted, "You should kill, you should kill!"

The members of the law enforcement team fell into two dilemmas, until a sneer came, "Boy, you dare to be justified after killing someone, amazing!"

[Today's fourth update, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, where are they all, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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