Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 775 The Vulnerable Boy!

Chapter 775 The Vulnerable Boy! (determined)

At this time, the altar was shining brightly, and the big knife had rushed into it and then disappeared. Chu Tian jumped to the altar curiously.

When Chutian was about to go in, a powerful force blocked him from outside.

Xie Youji on the side shook her head and said, "It's useless, this formation probably only allows immortals to enter and exit, but not you."

Chu Tian said regretfully, "I knew I would have killed him first."

Xie Youji had a flash of inspiration and said, "It's better to destroy this formation."

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "No need, what a pity to destroy it."

Xie Yuji frowned, "If they don't destroy it, they may come out from here again, and we may have more crises by then."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "I wish they would come!"

Xieyouji didn't understand what Chutian meant, but Chutian calmed down and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go to other places to hunt for treasures, and I don't care about it here."

Xieyouji was stunned, but Chutian didn't take it seriously, instead he took her away.

Until they wandered in the forest for a few days, Xie Yuji pointed to the front and said, "It seems that there is a breath of rare stones in front."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Oh? How do you know?"

Xie Youji said with a smile, "We are two souls, and we are more sensitive to rare stones. Once there are rare stones nearby, we can sense them."

Chutian suddenly realized, but Chutian also thought that he could exchange the primordial spirits of some powerful people.

So Chu Tian wanted to see if there was a Yuanshen with the ability to detect treasures, so he opened the Yuanshen Mall to have a look.

Among them was a fairy beast with the ability to hunt for treasures. Chu Tian exchanged it out of curiosity.

"Ding~ In exchange for the first-order Yuanshen of Tianbao Beast, you can get immortal artifacts and valuables within a hundred miles."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, "Fusion!"

"Ding~ Fusion succeeded."

Chu Tian immediately felt that as long as he moved his mind, he could feel something with strong aura within a hundred miles nearby, and these things were precious things.

Chutian also easily found that there are many rare stones nearby, not only that, but also immortal artifacts, which made Chutian overjoyed and said, "Go, I know where it is."

Xie Yuji was curious, "Do you know where?"


Xie Youji felt puzzled. Chu Tian didn't know it before, but now he knows it again, but Chu Tian didn't explain it. After a while, he brought Xie You Ji to the front. Just when he was about to reach the front, Chu Tian The sky stopped suddenly.

Xie Yuji was curious, "What's wrong."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "An old acquaintance is here."

At this time, a long spear fell from the air, Chu Tian and Xie Youji immediately retreated to the side, and then the blazing boy appeared, and he sneered, "It's really a narrow road."

Chu Tian smiled, "Where is the Great Demon King Xie Tian?"

Only then did Xieyouji realize that the Demon King Xietian was not in the Blazing Boy's body, and the Blazing Boy pointed to a barrier in front of him and said with a smile, "There is a great fairy tomb inside, and there are many good things there. The Demon King Xietian has already entered, and when the time comes As long as he finds the body of a fairy, then it will be your time of death."

Xie Youji was shocked, "What? He's looking for the body of a fairy?"

Blazing boy said with a smile, "That's right, how's it going? It's shocking."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "He is a demon cultivator, looking for a fairy body? Aren't you afraid of conflict?"

The blazing boy said with a smile, "Because there is a body of both immortality and demon cultivation in it, and the great demon king Xie Tian can naturally occupy it."

Xieyouji's face was even more shocked, "Shuangxiu."

As for Chutian, he said with a smile, "That depends on whether he can find it."

"He's been in there for three days, so he probably found it long ago, and he's just merging."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Thank you so much, I'll go and deal with him right away."

Chi Lie boy pointed at Chu Tian with a spear and said with a smile, "Do you think you might go in?"

Chu Tian sneered, "Do you think you are my opponent?"

The blazing boy was immediately surrounded by countless flames, and he said with a smile while holding a spear, "I don't believe you will not be afraid of my magic fire."

"Oh? Then try it."

The blazing boy didn't care, and directly launched attacks one after another, and all of these attacks hit Chu Tian.

Xieyouji's face changed drastically, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "What? Just this garbage attack?"

The fiery boy was shocked, "How is it possible!"

Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, it's time to send you to death."

Chu Tian arrived in front of Chi Lie Boy in a blink of an eye, directly pierced the opponent's body with the bloodthirsty sword and said with a smile, "You really think you are very powerful?"

The fiery boy couldn't believe it and said, "You, what kind of strength are you!"

"I'm just at the peak of crossing the tribulation."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian devoured the opponent's cultivation base, and then sealed his soul, Xie Youji on the side exclaimed, "Whoever provokes you is really unlucky for him."

Chu Tian grabbed the spear and shattered it on the spot, laughing, "That's it."

Xieyouji was already dumbfounded, she didn't expect that Chutian could easily destroy a celestial artifact, but Chutian stared at the enchantment in front and said with a smile, "Go, go and see how the big devil is doing."

Xie Youji had an ominous premonition, "I always feel that this big devil is not that simple."

Chu Tian said with a smile, "Go in and have a look, then you will know."

Later, Chu Tian brought Xie Youji to the barrier, but found that the barrier was very strong, and the system could not be purified, but Chu Tian wondered, "Why can this big devil enter?"

Xie Yuji hesitated, "He is the soul."

Chu Tian suddenly realized, and hurried out of his body, and sure enough, the whole person could enter, and Xie Youji also hurried in.

After a while, the two passed through the barrier, and when they recovered their physical bodies again, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Because this place is like a fairyland, the surroundings are full of immortal energy, but Chu Tian frowned, "I'm afraid it's not that simple here."

Xie Yuji was curious, "What's wrong?"

Chu Tian hesitated, "It seems that there are still living immortals here, and they are not bad."

Xie Youji was shocked, "Is it the group that killed you?"

"No, it shouldn't be from the Nine Great Immortal Palace."

Xieyouji looked around, when bursts of laughter came, Chutian and Xieyouji looked at the place where the laughter was, it was originally a mist, but after a while it turned into a garden.

At this moment, there are a group of people in this garden. These people are dressed in strange clothes, wearing big cloth clothes, wearing big straw hats, and holding a handful of silver fans.

Seeing these people, Xie Youji was surprised and said, "No way."

"What? You know him?"

"It is rumored that there is a strange fairy in this Immortal Heaven Mountain. They wear big cloth clothes and hold silver fans. They are called Silver Death Immortals for short."

"Silver Death Immortal?"

"Well, some people say that whoever sees them will die, but others say that where there are them, there are many treasures."

After Xieyouji finished explaining, those people turned around and stared at Chutian and Xieyouji with big smiles. At the same time, there was a sarcophagus behind them, and there was a person lying in the sarcophagus, and the breath of the Great Demon King was inside.

Not only that, the big devil also said with a smile, "You two, it's really time for you to come!"

[Today's ninth update, I ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription and reward, all support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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