Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 801 Forced Angels!

Chapter 801 Forced Angels! (determined)
But Chu Tian didn't stop at all, he leaped and entered the bottom, just in time to see a group of human beings being driven into a space magic bag one by one.

Chu Tian took a glance, just in time to see that the people of his sect, among a group of people, had not been poisoned yet.

As for the group of guards who immediately stood in front of Chu Tian, ​​the leader was a one-armed man. He looked at Chu Tian coldly and said, "Boy, the Nine Great Temples asked me to bring your relatives."

But Chu Tian said, "Who gave you such courage."

At this moment, Fatty Tu, the suzerain and others shouted to Chu Tian, ​​and the one-armed man smiled and said, "That's right, I finally found the person I was looking for."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Tian knew that they deliberately slowed down in order to find people from his sect.

But just when those people were about to go and take the suzerain and others away, Chu Tian sent them all flying with a few lightning hammers, and the one-armed man was shocked, "You."

Chu Tian casually shot out another burst of immortal energy, and the one-armed man immediately turned into a balloon, and the humans present immediately fled in swarms, and Chu Zongzhu and others rushed to Chu Tian's side.

Chu Tian comforted, "It's all right."

The one-armed man laughed frantically, "Boy, do you really think it's all right? Then you're dead wrong."

At this time, the one-armed man held the one-arm with the last bit of strength, and the one-arm punched a certain direction in the underground.

Immediately, a huge rumbling sound erupted from the ground.

All of a sudden, the entire underground palace was scrapped, and the soul of the one-armed man who had been poisoned by the fairy devil crawled out of the ruins and laughed, "I killed him, I killed him."

As for the Lion King, the balloon floated there, "Did you really kill him?"

The man proudly said, "That's right, I detonated the underground, and he died naturally."

But at this time Chu Tian appeared beside a rock and said with a smile, "You are not dead, how could I die?"

The one-armed man frightened the Lion King until the one-armed man cursed and wanted to escape with a leap.

Chu Tian directly flew out the Black Soul Hunting Sword and sneered, "Soul Hunting Technique!"

The soul of the one-armed man at the scene was wrapped in a force, and he was motionless in the air. His whole soul was terrified, "Let me go, let me go!"

Chu Tian asked there, "Tell me, how do you know my family is here?"

After all, Chu Tian just came back, why did the nine temples come here before him.

The one-armed man stammered, "An order from the emissary, he said, your relatives are in the demon king's territory, so I came early."

Chu Tian frowned, "Emissary? How did they know?"

"I do not know."

Chu Tian snorted and directly sealed his soul, while the demon lion king stammered, "Young man, this has nothing to do with me, let me go, let me go."

Chu Tian sneered, "Lion Demon King, has nothing to do with you? You must have said it too lightly."

"I mean, it really has nothing to do with me."

The lion king was trembling as he spoke, but how could Chutian let him go and deal with him directly, and then Chutian got the suzerain and others out of the space.

A group of people saw Chutian respectfully, and Sect Master Chu said excitedly when he saw Chutian again, "I thought I would never see you again."

Chu Tian smiled slightly and said, "Father, am I not coming back?"

Sect Master Chu said worriedly, "Those people said just now that they belonged to the Nine Great Temples. This temple is not really chasing you, is it?"

But Chu Tian said, "No, I am chasing and killing them!"

Everyone was shocked. After all, everyone had heard of the temple, which was the top existence on the mainland.

Chu Tian looked at the shocked crowd and said with a smile, "Everyone, don't be surprised, I will rob the major temples later, and ask them to give you some good elixir, so that your cultivation base can become as strong as theirs." .”

As soon as the words came out, everyone was surprised again, but Fatty Tu stammered, "Brother, are you serious?"

"Do you think it's fake?"

Fatty Tu shook his head, while Chu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, now I have to find a safe space for you."

So Chutian bought a magic weapon of space that could accommodate people in the auction house, so that he could take them with him in the future, even if he went to the fairy world in the future.

So after Chu Tian let them all enter the magic weapon of space, he released the soul of the one-armed man and said with a smile, "Take me to meet your fairy envoy."

The one-armed man trembled, "This."

"Without further ado!"

The man had to say, "Okay, okay."

Then the one-armed man took Chutian and left, and the faces of the nine fairy envoys in front of the tracking mirror changed, until one of the fairy envoys said, "Call the remaining eight demon kings, and then give them medicine Those things, I think they can activate their most terrifying demonic power, and it will not be a problem to deal with that kid."

As soon as these words came out, some fairy envoys were worried, "But what if the boy is killed, and the eight demon kings resist us?"

"Don't worry, the effect of this medicine is only three days, and it will disappear automatically after three days, can they still turn the world upside down?"

"That's right, then let the eight demon kings come here quickly, and we will first arrange a few fairy envoys to lead that kid into the maze, deal with him like this, and throw them in after those demon kings take the medicine."

Everyone nodded, and then got busy.

As for Chutian, after spending an hour, he appeared in a valley, and there was a tower in this valley.

The one-armed man stammered, "This is the Pagoda of the Nine Immortals where the Nine Great Immortals usually discuss things together."

Chu Tian looked at the tower, which was not an ordinary tower, and smiled, "I'll see how they hide this time."

At this time, a woman appeared in front of the tower. This person was none other than the female fairy envoy from the temple of the Nantian Empire.

I saw her shining with golden light, wearing a golden gauze and a veil, staring at Chu Tian with a majestic expression, "Boy, you are so brave."

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Finally, I saw the messenger's true face."

The female messenger said angrily, "Today, I, Jin Wu, must deal with you."

But Chu Tian teased, "I said Immortal Envoy, I have wiped out the ordinary continent, none of those loose immortals, Mahayana masters, and Xiantianshan, those earth immortals are my opponents, why do you think you should deal with me? "

That Jin Wu said confidently, "With this Nine Immortals Pagoda, suppress the root power of the mainland!"

"The power to suppress the root of the mainland? What the hell."

"It's not an ordinary magic weapon, it's not an ordinary fairy weapon. Anyway, it's something that can clean you up."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "You are not afraid that I will break it!"

Jin Wu sneered, "Boy, I know that you can refine and destroy magic weapons at will, but I have to tell you that this Nine Immortal Pagoda, even in the fairy world, is an amazing magic weapon. If you want to refine it, you have to impossible!"

[Today's fifth update, there have been fewer recommendation votes recently. Hey, Lao Yan is heartbroken. I hope that I can help Lao Yan when Lao Yan breaks out. Thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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