Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 853 Cheerful senior sister

Chapter 853 Cheerful senior sister (to be determined)
Chu Tian was stunned for a moment and asked curiously, "Could it be, teacher, don't you watch the selection?"

This Xu Wen said in embarrassment, "Because something like this happened, I'm not in the mood at all, so I'm making a final effort there with Kulao and the elementary school girl, to see if I can help Kulao hit the six stars."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Why does the six-star fairy pattern have power?"

"Five-star fairy patterns are mostly as powerful as ten-star spirit patterns, and they are also easy to engrave, with a high success rate. For example, let you choose a ten-star spirit pattern with a 100% success rate, or a five-star fairy pattern with a [-]% success rate. ?”

After Chu Tian understood what was going on, he said, "That's true, I will definitely choose 100%, anyway, the power is about the same."

"But it's different when it comes to the six-star fairy pattern. It is rumored that it is a qualitative leap. The six-star pattern is comparable to ten times the power of the spirit pattern, but there are not many people in the fairy world who have the six-star pattern, and these people are all. Forces, or big families, or even high-level colleges support them."

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "I see."

Xu Wen looked at Chu Tian after explaining, "It's time for you to tell me."

It was only then that Chutian thought about his own selection, and Chutian said with a smile, "It's simple, if you beat the others, I'll get in."

"that's it?"

"that is it."

That Xu Wen looked at Chu Tian strangely, until Xu Wen said, "Forget it, she actually came, let's go see the elementary school girl, but now she is your senior."

Chu Tian was curious about what the fairy patterns were like, and how they usually train.

So Chu Tian kept up with them, while Chen Yuan watched them go away and communicated with his uncle through the Heart Stone, "He has entered the Spirit Master Department."

"Well, I'm trying to get the academy to disband them as soon as possible, so that they will be let go in advance without 100 years."


Then Chen Yuan sneered, "Boy, when you leave Douyan Academy, I will kill you as much as I want."

But Chu Tian didn't think about it so much. At this moment, under the leadership of Xu Wen, he came to a wooden attic. In this attic, it was empty everywhere, and there was a sign outside the attic, "Healer Department."

When Xu Wen entered, a woman's voice came from the second floor inside, "Senior, I've already told you, don't go, you will be laughed at by those people anyway."

Xu Wen didn't speak until he came to the second floor. Chu Tian saw a woman with big eyes and disheveled hair flowing on her shoulders. She was holding a fairy artifact in one hand while she was trying to carve it with the other. She said, "Senior , why don't you speak?"

Xu Wen said with a smile, "Junior Sister Xue, stop sculpting and come see me."

The woman froze for a moment, "What? Junior?"

When the woman turned around, she stared at Chutian like a beggar girl, but Chutian could feel the extraordinary temperament of the other party, and the other party's dress was really different and sexy, especially the delicate hands and the group of exposed calves were unique .

At this moment, the woman suddenly jumped up, "Senior Xu, did he go to the wrong place?"

Xu Wen said with a smile, "That's right, his name is Chu Tian, ​​he's new here, and this is your senior sister, Xue You."

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Hi, senior."

That Xueyou couldn't believe it, "We're about to disband, yet there are still people here?"

That Xu Wen said awkwardly, "See what you said."

But Xueyou said, "I'm telling the truth."

Xu Wen didn't speak, but Xueyou stepped forward and said with a smile, "Although we are about to disband here, you can be considered my junior when you come. You will call me senior from now on. If anyone bullies you, I will cover you."

Xu Wen smiled wryly, "I said, girl, what strength do you have, and you still fool others."

"What do I mean by my strength? How can I say it? I'm also a second-rank student of the academy, a three-star immortal."

Xu Wen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Chu Tian saw that the other party was so cheerful, it was easy to handle, but at this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came, and Xu Wen and the two immediately looked at the aisle and said, "Ku Lao is here."

Sure enough, after a while, an old man with long hair approaching his feet appeared, and Chu Tian was so frightened that he sighed secretly, "Old zombie? It's so scary."

At this moment, this person looked dry and thin, like a bamboo pole, which made Chu Tian feel a little embarrassed, and Xu Wen introduced, "Old man, this is the newcomer."

After finishing speaking, Xu Wen looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Ku Lao is also the most experienced person here."

Chu Tian was about to speak, but Ku Lao sighed, "This place is about to be disbanded, why come here?"

Chu Tian said with a smile, "I like to be a spiritual master, and I can attack the six-star fairy pattern."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Chu Tian strangely, until Xue You said with a smile, "Student, don't be joking, it took you and me a long time to get to the second star."

"That's right, junior, you'd better stop talking about that."

The old man sighed, "Over the years, I have seen a lot of people with high ambitions, but in the end, they all left, and there are only three of us left."

The three of them sank immediately, but Chu Tian took out an immortal weapon and touched it, the ten-star spirit pattern was over.

The people present were dumbfounded, Chu Tian said with a smile, "I have never cultivated the fairy pattern, but the spirit pattern, I have learned it before, and now I can carve the ten-star spirit pattern fairy artifact, I wonder if you can tell me how to carve the fairy pattern ? I thought, I've learned, I'll do it soon."

That Xueyou exclaimed, "My God, before I came here, I only had seven or eight star spirit patterns, and you are actually a ten-star spirit pattern fairy weapon."

Xu Wen also sighed, "The ten-star spirit pattern is comparable to the power of the five-star fairy pattern."

Now the old man was moved, "Young man, who is your master, and where did you practice the spirit patterns."

Chu Tian said awkwardly, "My master, you don't understand even if I tell you. As for cultivation, it's all self-cultivation."

"What? Self-cultivation?" the old man asked strangely.

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Yes."

Xu Wen and Xueyou had already looked at each other, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "I don't know, everyone, can you tell me what kind of fairy patterns and the cultivation methods of fairy pattern carvings are here."

The old man had no choice but to hold a glimmer of hope and said, "Come on, show you our Xianwen Pavilion and the cultivation method."

Xue You and Xu Wen also followed, and soon the four of them came to an attic, and there were countless fairy patterns hanging everywhere in this attic, and these fairy patterns ranged from one star to six stars, and one star to three stars It is red, and four to six stars are blue.

The old man pointed to these fairy patterns and said, "These are the one-star to six-star patterns that the academy puts here, and in the cabinet on the other side are the methods of cultivation, and here are the methods of cultivation with three qualities, low-grade , middle grade, top grade."

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Then just look at the top-grade cultivation method?"

But the faces of the three were very ugly, Chu Tian asked, "What's wrong?"

[Seventh update today, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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