Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 869 Just Die!

Chapter 869 Just Die! (determined)
After hearing that, Chu Tian suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

Elder Chen looked at Chu Tian with a smug smile on his face, "How is it? Do you really regret being brave enough to leave the academy?"

"Elder Chen, last time I had to thank you for taking me to the Chen family, which benefited me. Otherwise, if you take me there again this time, I will continue to turn your Chen family upside down."

That Elder Chen sneered when he saw that Chutian was still so arrogant at this moment, "Boy, don't be complacent. I'll take care of you when I take you out of here."

After finishing speaking, Elder Chen first threw Chutian into a space, and then quietly left the city. After walking out of the city, Elder Chen released Chutian again.

Looking at the motionless Chu Tian, ​​that Elder Chen smiled evilly, "I have endured you for a long time!"

"Have you endured me for a long time? Then you come and kill me."

Elder Chen sneered, "You think I dare not?"

"You don't dare!"

"Boy, let me tell you, I will destroy you now!"

After finishing speaking, Elder Chen slapped Chu Tian at close range with his palm, and Chu Tian smiled strangely, "This is the moment!"

Chu Tian stabbed at close range with the Lieyan Sword, and at the same time, the Immortal Fire King entered the opponent's body, and gave the unsuspecting Elder Chen a heavy blow.

It was too late when Elder Chen realized it, the immortal fire had already burned most of the places in his body instantly, and at the same time, the dantian was pierced by the flame sword, and Chutian destroyed his dantian without any hesitation.

But he quickly backed away unwillingly, covering his wound with an ugly face, "You, aren't you trapped and can't move?"

Chu Tian smiled, "Who said I was trapped."

"Master Ling Kong and his senior brother's Space Binding Technique!"

"Oh, you said this. At the beginning, I was so trapped for a while, but let me think about it. You have troubled me three times and five times. If you don't deal with you, how can I be reconciled?"

Elder Chen was shocked when he heard this, "So, you have not been controlled?"

"Well, what? Are you unhappy?"

Elder Chen was about to explode, but his dantian was in chaos, and there was still the terrifying burning power left by the Immortal Fire King everywhere in his body, which made him roar, "My Chen family will definitely not let you go."

"You talk too much!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian threw out the nine-pointed star and immediately trapped Elder Chen inside.

Elder Chen, who was seriously injured, couldn't leave here at all, so he could only look around and became angry, "Boy, let me out!"

"Let you go? Do you think it's possible?"

Elder Chen scolded, "You villain, you lied to me! I'm not reconciled!"

"Not reconciled? So what? Are you going to kill me? Come on, but obviously you don't have the ability to kill me."

Elder Chen was so angry that he was alive, and Chu Tian unceremoniously carried out the final harvest there, and finally swallowed his cultivation base, "Ding ~ kill the immortal king, and get one hundred immortal yuan."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, he didn't expect an immortal king to have so much immortal yuan, and he only needed a thousand immortal yuan to go from the middle stage of Mahayana to the late stage of Mahayana.

But I was able to kill the other party this time, it was entirely due to the other party's carelessness, if it was a real fairy king, Chu Tian would not have this ability.

So Chu Tian calmed down, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I hope there will be more idiots like you in the Chen family."

After speaking, Chu Tian happily put away the nine-pointed star, and then went back to the academy.

However, in Chen's house at this moment, Patriarch Chen, Master Ling Kong and another person were waiting for news from Elder Chen, until the first elder came in a hurry, "It's not good, the second master died."

Patriarch Chen stared at the elder in disbelief, "Well, what's going on here."

"We don't know either, we only know that the life lamp left by the Erdang family in the Chen family is broken."

A broken lamp of life means death. This is a unique lamp used by many big families to confirm whether they are dead or not.

When Patriarch Chen heard this, he said like crazy, "What's going on!"

That Master Lingkong looked at the other person with an ugly expression, "Brother, what happened just now?"

The man said coldly, "Just now that kid suddenly lost control."

These words attracted Patriarch Chen, and Patriarch Chen asked eagerly, "You two, what happened?"

Master Lingkong explained embarrassingly, "We originally controlled that kid, but suddenly this kid is out of our control. We don't know what exactly happened."

Patriarch Chen said as if he was about to go crazy, "Damn it, I'm going to kill that kid!"

At this time, Master Ling Kong's senior brother said coldly, "If Master Chen is willing to sacrifice some people's cultivation, we can help you perform the starry sky transfer technique, which is to get the opponent from a distance to the location designated by your Chen family."

When Patriarch Chen heard this, he immediately asked happily, "Is it possible?"

The man hummed, but then said, "But at least the power of ten immortal kings is needed. I'm afraid your Chen family will suffer a lot."

Patriarch Chen's complexion changed. Ten immortal kings are too big. After all, there are not many immortal kings in one family. If these people lose their cultivation base, then the remaining Daluo Jinxian, Jinxian, will not be of much benefit to the family. deterrence.

But Master Chen killed Chu Tiantian in order to catch Chutian and said, "A loss is a loss! But you can't tell those fairy kings about this, otherwise if they know, they will definitely not do it."

The elders present and these two people of course understood what was going on, so Patriarch Chen went to call some foreign immortal kings, but only told them to help out, but did not tell them what to do.

However, they finally set up an underground secret room in the Chen family, but Chen Yuan was worried, "Father, last time that kid was able to break even the treasure house, can he really be trapped this time?"

"No, there are two masters, they can perform the space binding technique, and as long as they work together to restrain him, we can kill him."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly and said, "That's true."

As for Patriarch Chen, he looked at Master Ling Kong and the two of them, "You two, when he really comes, can you restrain him?"

That master Lingkong said to himself, "If he comes in front of us, with our joint efforts, let alone an immortal king, even an immortal emperor, it will be useless."

That person is also arrogant, "It's too far outside, our restraint strength has been weakened by [-]% to [-]%, but here, he can't break free from the restraint at such a close distance."

Seeing the confidence of the two, Patriarch Chen hummed, "Okay, let's arrange it quickly."

Soon the two of them arranged a formation, and within this formation were the ten immortal kings, and inside the formation was an enchantment. At this moment, those immortal kings were curious about what they were going to do.

As for Master Ling Kong, he said to them, "Everyone, show your skills, put your hands on the formation, and inject power."

These people felt a little weird at first, but Patriarch Chen was dignified there, "Everyone, as long as you help me, I will give each of you countless immortal stones and fighting flame stones later."

As soon as these words came out, those people immediately worked hard, but a tragedy happened.

[Today's fifth change, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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