Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 878 Goodbye Golden Dragon

Chapter 878 Goodbye Golden Dragon (Determination)
Chu Tian looked at the arrogant patriarch, "You can say whatever you want. Anyway, you are amazing, but you want to trap me? That would be too small for me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian disappeared, and the patriarch was furious, "Everyone give me orders, check around for me, absolutely don't let this kid enter the ancestral hall."

Chu Tian wondered, if the other party really didn't believe in his blood, he could let him in and die, but the other party refused to let him in, which made Chu Tian a little curious about what was going on.

This also made Chutian wish he could rush into the ancestral hall, so that everyone would believe in him when they saw that he would not die.

But the patriarch stood at the entrance of the ancestral hall, and deliberately used a magic weapon behind him to turn it into a wall to block there, and said loudly and majestically to the surroundings, "Boy, I know you are nearby, but I tell you, as long as you I'm here, so I don't want to enter the ancestral hall."

Not to be outdone, Chu Tian said, "I said patriarch, you don't believe that I am from the blood of the Yao family, why don't you just let me go in and die?"

The people present also felt that it made sense. If they didn't believe in Chutian, they could just ask Chutian to die, so there wouldn't be so many troubles.

But the patriarch snorted, "This is a holy place, how can it be defiled by outsiders like you."

Seeing that the other party did not back down, Chu Tian stared at the wall and muttered to himself, "It seems that we can only confuse him first!"

I saw Chu Tian's demon body appearing, which is also his avatar. When the demon body appeared, he rushed towards the wall, and the Patriarch snorted when he saw it, "If you dare to come out, you will die!"

But when the patriarch went to attack the demon body, Chu Tian himself had already come to the wall, touched the wall with one hand, and directly refined the wall.

The demon body disappeared and returned to Chu Tian's body. The patriarch was shocked, "Damn it."

However, Chutian had already rushed into the ancestral hall, and everyone outside wondered if Chutian just died like this.

But when everyone looked into the ancestral hall and found that Chutian was shrouded in bursts of golden light, and even stared at a huge dragon statue in front of him, everyone was stunned.

"Look, he's not dead."

"Not dead means the blood of our Yao family."

"It seems that he is not lying!"

Yaoqing also breathed a sigh of relief, "Patriarch, it seems we misunderstood him."

The head of the family stared, "It's his fault for trespassing on the ancestral hall, I don't care if he misunderstood or not."

After finishing speaking, the patriarch rushed in, trying to clean up Chutian, but was shot away by the golden light, and everyone present was stunned.

This made everyone curious about what happened. Only Chu Tian saw the golden dragon again as if in a dream.

Jinlong smiled and said to Chu Tian, ​​"I never thought you would grow up so fast."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I said that your bloodline is too painful."

"Blood? What? Isn't it good?"

"It's not bad, it's because of the change, there is no reaction, everyone doesn't believe that I am the blood of the Yao family."

"Yao family? That's just a branch of my bloodline."

"Oh? Are there still many families?"

"The outside world is huge, and I have left quite a few families behind."

Chu Tian was speechless when he heard this, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about you, why do you suddenly want to see me again?"

"I want to remind you that the enemies of the dragon clan have begun to notice people with my dragon blood in the human race, so you should try not to let people discover that you are dragon blood, otherwise once you are discovered, I am afraid it will attract unnecessary attention. trouble."

Chu Tian was shocked, "What? Enemy? What do you mean?"

"It's a long story, I just want to remind you first, don't tell others about your blood unless it is absolutely necessary."

Chu Tian stood up helplessly, "You have said that, what else can I do?"

The dragon smiled slightly, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let me teach you a golden dragon body defense technique."

"Golden Dragon Bodyguard?"

"Well, it's similar to Golden Dragon Slash, but it's for defense, and now that you have immortal power, you can use it."

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "I have the defense of Xuanwu, so which one of you has the stronger defense?"

"Xuanwu? Show it."

Chu Tian showed his own, and the dragon said with a smile, "It's quite similar to Xuanwu, but mine is not bad, and mine can be superimposed."

"Superposition? What do you mean?"

"I will pass it on to you, and you will slowly understand it."

Afterwards, pictures entered Chutian's body one after another, and Chutian asked the system to appraise, "Ding~Golden dragon body protection, three realms of mortals, three realms of immortals."

The mortal three realms can perform a hundred times of defense, but it is much worse than Xuanwu, but it can be superimposed five times, and five times of one hundred times is five hundred times.

Chu Tian has fifteen celestial powers, and can use 1 celestial powers. If the blood is activated, it can reach more than [-] celestial powers, and it is not a problem to resist the attacks of celestial beings.

So Chutian was still very satisfied, "Although it takes time to superimpose, but the time is shorter than the sword technique of the Golden Dragon Sword, it has little impact."

So Chu Tian returned to his senses and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

"Let's go then, I hope to see you next time, you said changes again."

Chu Tian smiled, and then came back to his senses, just in time to see the people talking outside, while the patriarch stared at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, what have you done?"

Only then did Chu Tian see that the Patriarch was in a very distressed and seriously injured state, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Patriarch, it seems that your condition is not very good."

The Patriarch snorted, "Even if I'm injured, it's not a problem if I kill you."

Seeing the Patriarch launch an attack, Chu Tian immediately evaded and said with a smile, "You had the power of an immortal emperor before, but now you only have the power of a mysterious immortal. It seems that you have been seriously injured."

The Patriarch was furious, "Boy, how dare you laugh at me?"

But Chu Tian said, "I just want to say, I am obviously a member of the Yao family, and I have been recognized by the beast, why don't you believe me?"

Everyone outside also looked at the Patriarch curiously, and the Patriarch stared, "Even if you are from the Yao family, you have violated the rules."

"I don't know which rule I broke?"

"The next one is the one above! And I am the head of the family here, and you still don't listen to me."

Chu Tian couldn't help complaining, "It's ridiculous, then ask the elders outside if I made any mistakes."

These elders looked at each other, while the head of the family stared at everyone, "Everyone, you are really talking."

That Yao Qing frowned, "Patriarch, what if he is really of pure blood?"

"Purity? Don't think too much, this pure bloodline has long since disappeared, it's impossible for him."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "I said Patriarch, how can you believe it?"

The patriarch said with anger in his eyes, "Go to the blood tower, and this blood tower can confirm the concentration of real animal blood in each person's body. As long as you can enter the fifth floor, it means that you account for at least [-]%. I naturally believe that you are very pure, but if not, you will die inside."

[Today's sixth update, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket subscription, thank you everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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