Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 901 That's it, you still want to intercept me?

Chapter 901 That's it, you still want to intercept me? (determined)

Chutian was very calm, and walked forward step by step. When Sun Ye reached the front of the forest under the evil spirit, his body absorbed the evil spirit around him, which surprised her a little. "I have been to this edge before, and it would never be like this."

Chu Tian laughed, "It may have something to do with the demon king body in your body."

Sun Ye didn't understand very well, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Let's go, move on."

As for Chu Tian absorbing more immortal energy as he walked, he was so happy that he jumped up, but in this vast forest, the two of them didn't know where to start when they wanted to find the Demon King's Cave.

After all, there is no one here at this moment, and there is no demon here, so the two of them don't know who to ask.

But at this moment, an afterimage appeared, and Chu Tian immediately felt the danger, and quickly took Sun Ye back to the side, and a guy suddenly appeared in the original position.

I saw that this guy was a skinny guy, but Chu Tian could see his demon soul, and concluded that the other party was the demon emperor.

The demon emperor showed a wicked smile on his face with his beard, "Today I was very lucky. Not only did I meet the body of the demon king, but I also met a human being who is not afraid of the demon spirit."

Sun Ye said timidly, "Senior, we're just here for a stroll, you, can you not hurt us?"

The demon emperor laughed, "Little girl, do you think I'm a kind human being? It's ridiculous."

Sun Ye was in a hurry, but the demon emperor stretched out his hand, forming an enchantment around Chu Tian and the two of them, and the demon emperor smiled proudly, "You two, you can't escape, so follow me obediently. "

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Your body is a cat demon named Hei'an Demon Emperor."

The guy named Hei An immediately frowned, "Boy, how do you know what kind of demon emperor I am?"

"Of course I know."

Hei'an quickly sneered again, "Little guy, you think you know who I am, so I can let you go!"

"I didn't intend for you to let us go."

"Then why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Look at this."

Seeing the elixir in Chutian's hands, Hei An sneered, "Boy, you are an immortal, no matter how good the elixir is for you, you won't be able to exert its power."

"Who said, do you want to try?"

"It's ridiculous, you are inside my enchantment, and your elixir still won't come out. Even if you throw it out, it won't hit my area. You'd better save it."

But at this time, Chu Tian's demon body suddenly came out of his body and came outside the barrier. Hei'an was shocked, and when he was about to lock the demon body, Chu Tian himself suddenly came behind Hei'an and activated the elixir.

In an instant, a cloud of fog dissipated, and this Heian cursed, "You boy, how can you be so fast."

Chu Tian stepped back quickly and said with a smile, "If you don't have such a fast speed, how can I deal with you? Right."

That Hei An fixed his eyes on Chu Tian and roared domineeringly, "This elixir is only 50.00% effective on me, and the remaining [-]% of me can kill a big Luo Jinxian, boy, you Do you think that makes sense?"

"Yes, one is not enough, you can have more."

After finishing speaking, Chutian threw a few more pills, and Hei'an cursed, "Every one of these pills is very precious, you, how did you get them."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Don't worry about how I got it, you just need to know how much power you can still exert now."

That Hei'an's face changed drastically. He only had less than [-]% of his strength at the moment, but he still said firmly, "Even if he only has [-]% of his strength, he can kill Xuanxian, so why be afraid of you!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Xuan Xian, I am better than Xuan Xian."

That Hei'an didn't believe it, but Chutian had already made a move. He knew that the time would soon be over, and he had to quickly surrender the opponent, and this Hei'an wanted to attack Chutian, but the attack always failed to hit.

Not only that, Chu Tian also left the other party covered in bruises, and when the other party was about to fully recover, the animal body had already been absorbed, and a voice from the system made Chu Tian very excited, "Ding~ I got a hundred spiritual blood."

"The demon emperor has a hundred spirit blood just like the immortal emperor."

The beast soul of Heian wanted to rush out of the body, but Chutian's barrier had already trapped his demon soul there, and said with a smile, "Don't struggle."

That Hei An stared, "Boy, I'm a cat demon. I have so many lives. If you want to kill me completely, it's a dream!"

Chu Tian was surprised, "Oh? So powerful?"

"That's right, my other avatars have already arrived, so you just wait to die then."

Chu Tian immediately attacked the opponent with bursts of soul-eating white light, and Hei An immediately screamed and cursed, "Boy, you, what are you trying to do!"

Chu Tian asked calmly, "Where is the Demon King Cave?"

That Hei An was shocked, "Are you here for the Demon King's Cave?"


Hei'an gritted his teeth, "Dream, that place, even if we demon emperors can't get in, do you still want to go in?"

But Chu Tian laughed and said, "There is a demon king body."

That Hei An's expression changed and he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"But you are not."

"It doesn't matter if I am or not, you just need to tell me where it is, or I will completely destroy your soul."

"you try!"

Chutian continued to attack crazily, and deliberately prevented the opponent from dying. Hei An immediately became nervous, "Okay, I'll say it, I'll say it."

After Hei'an told the two of them the specific location, Chu Tian sealed up his demon soul, but Hei'an's other avatars had already spread the news about the demon king's body, and immediately countless demon emperors appeared in the entire forest of demon emperors.

Not only that, these demon emperors also knew that they were going to the Demon King's Cave, so they had already arrived outside the Demon King's Cave.

When Chu Tian and Sun Ye appeared, the Hei An deity glared at Chu Tian at this moment, "Boy, you came so fast."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "You are the deity, right?"

"That's right! This is my true self, but if you destroy a clone, it will greatly reduce my cultivation."

Chu Tian looked helpless, "It can't be my fault."

That Hei An stared, "Boy, do you want to die?"

But Chu Tian looked at them, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I will go and fix this Demon King Cave."

Hei'an pointed at the Yaowang Cave and sneered, "There are barriers and formations we have set up here, if you have the guts to go there, but let me remind you, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to step in."

But Chutian sneered, took Sun Ye directly, and sprinted. Under the watchful eyes of the demon emperors, Chutian directly passed through the formation and barrier, leaving a bunch of demons stunned.

That Hei An couldn't believe it even more, "Impossible, how could this guy pass through our arrangement."

The other demon emperor became worried, "Once that girl really cultivates inside, none of us will be her opponent from now on."

"Yeah, this banshee queen body, how will I deal with it in the future?"

Hei'an stared, "Let's talk about whether they can survive inside!"

[Today's fifth change, please recommend a monthly ticket, thank you for your support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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