Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 909 Unusual Immortal Beast

Chapter 909 Extraordinary Immortal Beast (Determination)

But Chu Tian glanced at these Xuanxians and smiled, "You all come together, it's best to activate your blood, otherwise each person's hundreds of thousands, millions of immortal powers will not be able to resist my blow at all."

When these people heard this, they thought Chu Tian was bragging, so one of them ran away on the spot, "If I don't deal with you today, I won't be Xuanxian anymore."

"Me too."

The people from the Temple of Nine Immortals immediately went berserk, unleashed their aura, and prepared to use their own immortal techniques, but Chu Tian unleashed his demonic aura one by one, and in a short while, these people turned into balloons.

Those people were shocked, so they had to activate their blood one after another, but the corners of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and he directly used the immortal demon body to shoot out the immortal demon energy, and immediately everyone still couldn't force out the immortal demon energy.

Now everyone was in a hurry, and one of them yelled, "Boy, we are from the Nine Immortals Palace, you'd better let us down quickly."

But Chu Tian said with a leisurely smile, "Let go, it's impossible, but I can give you a chance to call all the people from Nine Immortals Palace, so you have a chance to ask for help now."

These people thought that Chutian was stupid, so they hurriedly sent out distress signals. One of the reasons why Chutian did this was to tell the Temple of Nine Immortals that he was looking for them, and secondly, he was not afraid of them, and he wanted to destroy them one by one. In this way, it can become immortal yuan and spiritual blood.

But after the people in the Nine Immortals Palace received the news, they all seemed to have been beaten to death.

Especially the people from the Nine Immortals Palace on the planet Saturn rushed to this place one after another, and these Xuanxians yelled, "Boy, don't go, it is estimated that a bunch of people will come in half an hour, every hour."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "I won't leave, but I will kill you in advance."

Those people immediately became anxious, "You, you can't kill us."

But Chutian didn't give them any chance, he dealt with them all at once, and then sneered, "Nine Immortal Palace, come and see how I can destroy you one by one."

But while waiting, Chu Tian still entered the formation in front of him first.

As for this formation, it is indeed powerful, but it is ineffective against Chutian, and Chutian even took out the man from the demon world and asked him to lead the way.

The people in the demon world were shocked when they saw Chu Tian ignoring these things, "You, why aren't you afraid of this formation?"

Chu Tian said disapprovingly, "What's there to be afraid of? You don't think I'm really an immortal, do you?"

The other party asked strangely, "You are not an immortal, so what are you?"

That Chutian smiled strangely, "My cultivation base is an Earth Immortal, but with my strength, it is not a problem to kill a Xuanxian."

The man from the demon world thought Chutian was joking, but Chutian didn't joke with him, and let him continue to lead the way.

Finally, it stopped on a rock in the center of the formation, and there were many strange characters on the rock. The man from the demon world explained anxiously, "This is a unique character of some races in our demon world, called magic script."

"Okay, don't give me nonsense, you just need to tell me what these words mean."

"This means to guide the next location."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Another one?"


After thinking for a while, Chu Tian asked, "By the way, how do you people in the Demon Realm know that the Immortal Demon Cave is in the Immortal Realm, and it's on this planet."

"In our Demon Realm, there are people who specialize in the study of the Immortal Demon Cave, and there is even a place called the Immortal Demon Cave Observation Deck. As long as you are there, you can know where the Immortal Demon Cave may be, and the Immortal Demon Cave will be left in some places. Put a special mark on it, which is the rune."

Chu Tian asked strangely, "Isn't this magic text left by people from the demon world?"

"No, no, if we were people, we would have already known where the Immortal Demon Cave is, so we wouldn't have to bother."

Chu Tian was suspicious, "How could this fairy cave leave the words by itself?"

"I heard that the fairy cave is something shared by both the demon world and the fairy world. It also has independent spirituality and knows a lot of words. Every time it appears, it will leave traces in some places."

Chu Tian smiled wryly, "This fairy cave is really against the sky."

But Chu Tian quickly calmed down and looked at the man from the demon world, "Then take me to the next one."


Chu Tian was about to take him out when he saw a group of people from the Palace of Nine Immortals outside the formation, and there were many golden immortals in the lead.

This made Chu Tian come out with a satisfied face and said with a smile, "Everyone, are you looking for me?"

Seeing that it was indeed Chutian, those golden immortals stepped forward and surrounded Chutian one after another. Some even stared at Chutian and said with a smile, "Boy, you are so brave, you dare to let us know."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "If not, how can we solve you?"

Those golden fairies refused to accept immediately, but Chutian directly got them all into the nine-pointed star and handed them over to the demon emperors. After the last harvest, he waited there for a long time, and turned and left after making sure no one came again.

The news about Chutian's discovery quickly spread to the Hall of Nine Immortals, and the Hall of Nine Immortals intensified its efforts to send people to Earth Origin Star to find traces of Chutian and the Immortal Demon Cave.

But Saturn is so big, they didn't know where to look for it, and they even stopped outside the previous formation. When they saw dead bodies everywhere, their faces changed.

Especially the person who took the lead was Da Luo Jinxian, with a solemn face, "A group of Xuanxians, Jinxians, just died like this?"

Others also expressed their puzzlement about why this happened, but this Da Luo Jinxian cursed after checking one by one, "Damn it, it's really abominable, all the cultivation bases have been abolished, and the soul is no longer there."

"Master Ning, what shall we do now?"

This man named Master Ning is Ning Ling, the six-star Daluo Jinxian, and he has a serious face, "Please send Xianxian beasts to assist us!"


A few hours later, a giant bird fell from the sky, and Ning Ling looked at the blackened bird and said, "We found the guy who killed these people, and it's on this planet."

After the bird sniffed those people, it immediately flapped its wings, and Ning Ling looked at the crowd, "Why are you in a daze, go up!"

Everyone went immediately, following the strange bird flying fast in the desert, and Chu Tian had just arrived at a hill at the moment, and when he saw a strange pool in front of him, he wondered secretly, "Is this the pool?"

The man from the demon world beside Chutian nodded, "That's what the magic text says."

"Interesting, there is such a pool in a desert."

Just as Chutian was about to take the man from the demon world there, a bird twittered in the air. After a while, a group of people from the Temple of Nine Immortals descended and surrounded Chutian.

Chutian had no choice but to put the person from the Demon Realm back, but Ning Ling looked at Chutian's actions solemnly, "You also arrested a person from the Demon Realm."

Chu Tian smiled, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Ning Ling fixed her eyes on Chutian, "Boy, I don't care how you killed our Nine Immortals, but today, you must die."

But Chu Tian teased, "You people in the Nine Immortals Palace always want me to die. Do I have to let them go when I see your people?"

Ning Ling stared, "Boy, tell you, I'm from the Nine Immortals Palace!"

"It's just trash from the Nine Immortals Palace."

Ning Ling snorted angrily, "Go to hell!"

At this time Ning Ling hit a huge palm, but this palm rushed over, but it missed, and when Chutian appeared again, he was already looking at them with a smile on the other side, "The attack is quite powerful, but Da Luo Jinxian, you No matter how powerful your attack is, what's the use if you can't hit me?"

Ning Ling was puzzled, how did Chutian do it, and why he was able to avoid him so quickly, but Chutian stared at the confused Ning Ling, "What are you thinking?"

Ning Ling immediately recovered and hummed, "Boy, I was thinking that I have a better way to deal with you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Oh? Try it?"

When Ning Ling saw that Chu Tian dared to ignore Da Luo Jinxian so much, he immediately ran away, "Put the formation."

Those people immediately took out a stone, and then injected power into the stone. The power immediately gathered together, and then formed a formation around Chutian.

That Ning Ling said proudly, "Boy, do you know what this formation is called?"

"don't know!"

That Ning Ling sneered, "This is called a slow formation. In it, any movement of yours will be slowed down, but I won't, because I have already taken a special elixir."

Chu Tian smiled, "You don't guarantee that I also have the elixir?"

"It's ridiculous, this elixir is a special feature of our Nine Immortals Palace, only people in our Nine Immortals Palace have it, and you, it's impossible."

Chu Tian shrugged his shoulders, "Actually, I can walk freely if I don't need it."

"Boy, just brag!"

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Chu Tian teased, "Oh? Don't believe it? Then I'll show you."

I saw that Chu Tian started to move around here, and the formation didn't affect him at all, which shocked everyone who maintained the formation outside, what happened.

Ning Ling stared at Chutian in disbelief, "You!"

"Okay, let's get something substantial. If you rely on this and want to catch me or hurt me, then your Nine Immortals Palace is too weak!"

When everyone heard Chutian's words, they immediately became angry. Some even thought that Chutian was provocative, but Chutian didn't take it seriously, and kept smiling weirdly.

Ning Ling had no choice but to snort, "I'll let the fairy beast assist."

At this time, the bird flew in from the outside, and the bird could release a cloud of wind, which swirled around Chutian, as if affecting Chutian.

But Chutian stared at the bird and smiled strangely, "This bird, after all, is also a beast, right?"

"Boy, what do you mean!"

Chutian smiled, "I mean, it will listen to me later."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that Chu Tian was joking, and that Ning Ling was even more mocking, "Boy, do you know what this fairy beast is?"

"don't know."

"It is a fairy beast specially cultivated by our Nine Immortal Palace. It flies fast and has the unique ability of wind. Not only that, but it can also chase people. In our fairy palace, it is one of the most powerful fairy beasts. If you want to use the wind to trap You are not a problem."

But Chutian smiled, "Oh? Really? Then I hope it will be as powerful as you said later!"

 Today's fifth update, the number of words per sheet has been increased. If there are [-] words, five chapters will be [-], which is comparable to the original seven or eight chapters. I hope you like it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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