The pretty daughter-in-law of the rebirth era

Chapter 2267 I was doing things in ancient times 74

Chapter 2267 I was doing things in ancient times 74
Qin Yichuan was originally a person with relatively reserved emotions, and he didn't know why he had so many emotions in front of her.

Moreover, he didn't talk much to others, but when facing her, he had the desire to talk very much.

Not only do I want to talk to her, but I also want to hear her say it.

He never knew that he was also a person who could talk so much.

Not only that, he likes to stay with her, even if he doesn't talk, he finds that as long as she is there, he will feel happy and at ease in his heart.

His long and narrow black eyes looked towards Rong Yuxin's face. He liked her eyes very much. They were so beautiful and lively that they seemed to be able to speak.

No matter how thick-skinned Rong Yuxin was, she felt a little embarrassed to be stared at like this.

So he coughed softly, "Brother Chuan, tell me quickly how you want to tell the emperor?"

Don't screw things up.

She felt that it might be better to confess her identity by herself.

When Qin Yichuan heard Brother Chuan again, his heart fluttered a lot.

"I have my own opinion on this matter, and I will definitely not lose your position as a general."

Not only will she not be able to go, but it is estimated that she may set off again.

According to the news he had received, the Western Zhou Dynasty was in trouble again in the Clumsy Valley. This time the Western Zhou Dynasty had united with the Northern Wei Dynasty. If a fight really broke out, a general like Rong Yuxin would be very much needed.

Rong Yuxin took a look at his confident expression, he was so confident, it seemed that he really had a countermeasure.

So I will not ask this topic any more.

After all, it's good to have him to solve it.

"What do we do now? How do we get up there?"

"No hurry, just stay here first." Qin Yichuan thought of those assassins, his expression darkened, "Someone will come down."

Rong Yuxin took a look at him, and knew that he had his own plans for this matter, anyway, it was like this, so let it be at ease when it comes.

She began to look at the cave...

Qin Yichuan saw that she was curious about this place, so he said, "This is where I used to practice."

When Rong Yuxin heard this, she turned her head to look at him, and asked curiously, "Your master lives here?"

What a peerless expert!Her martial arts cheats were given by him. According to this, that expert can also be regarded as... her master?
Qin Yichuan's gaze was always on Rong Yuxin's face, so when he saw her eyeballs rolling around, it seemed as if he understood her inner thoughts.

He snorted softly, "You got that cheat book by accident."

"Then why did you give it to me?" She was also very curious about this question, after all, they met for the first time at that time, and she was thin and small at that time.

Could it be that he fell in love with her at first sight at that time?Tsk, what kind of taste is this?

Taking a step back, what if she was really a man?What was he thinking?Still take all men and women?

She shook her body inexplicably, it's dangerous to be too good these days.

Fortunately, Qin Yichuan didn't know what she was thinking at this time, otherwise...he would have nothing to say.

Qin Yichuan recalled why he gave her a secret manual... After thinking for a while, he said: "Look at your bones, you are a talent for martial arts, and you are smart, I need to cultivate my own talents."

Rong Yuxin said "oh", and then said with a smile, "As expected of the prince, this vision is good."

She likes that cheat book very much, it is especially suitable for her. If it weren't for that cheat book, she probably wouldn't be so heroic in killing the enemy on the battlefield.

Qin Yichuan looked at her deeply, and liked her complacent expression.

He deeply sighed in his heart, why is there such a strange woman in this world?Could it be that God specially arranged for him because he had suffered for 17 years?
(End of this chapter)

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