The pretty daughter-in-law of the rebirth era

Chapter 2292 I was doing things in ancient times 99

Chapter 2292 I was doing things in ancient times 99
Li Junshi also gave Rong Yuxin a thumbs up, "That's good, general, now you can choose the forward team..."

Rong Yuxin looked at General Hu: "General Hu, gather people, and I will go over and pick people myself."

"Okay." After General Hu responded, he walked out.

After a while, he called the whole army.

When Rong Yuxin came out, everyone was already lined up here. She was wearing the battle robe of a great general, and she had a sense of majesty, and she still looked like she was leading the army when she was wearing it. , everyone forgot that she was a woman.

Rong Yuxin didn't choose Tiger Star Cavalry this time, but said that he would choose 500 people from the vanguard team, and asked them to choose a few of them themselves.

With her order, the young generals soon chose their own candidates.

All five hundred people gathered together, and Rong Yuxin picked two other young generals whom she was very optimistic about, and asked them to lead the team to carry out a surprise attack.

She called the two into the tent, then took out a homemade map and told them where the ambush was...

In the middle of the night, the raiding team set off, and Rong Yuxin waited for the news, but she was very calm, because she believed that the raiding team would be successful.

Although it is impossible to retreat the enemy, it only needs to cause some panic.

Sure enough, as she expected, the raiding team came back the next day, bringing back the expected good news...

In the blink of an eye, ten months passed, and during these ten months, Rong Yuxin's name was thoroughly resounded throughout the four countries.

The number of soldiers in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty increased to as many as 200 million, which is double that of the Southern Qin Dynasty. It would be a defeat for anyone.

But who told Nanqin to have General Rong, her tactics were unpredictable, and she was good at all kinds of tactics. Not only could she carry out sneak attacks, but her formations were also quite powerful.

The teams she personally trained were elusive and super powerful.

The most important thing is that she is also very strong in the front, and the forwards are all brave and fierce, and she herself is still a ruthless character.

So the 200 million troops of the two countries were cut in half.

It can be said that they beat them to death, and made the enemy's face change when they heard her name. What they fear most is her various schemes.

It is reasonable for people who are generals to be more upright, but she is not, she is very cunning and tricky.

In the end, when the three armies were fighting, she used a trick to directly capture the Changsheng general of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

In order to save the general in the Northern Wei Dynasty, they chose to cease fighting.

And signed a lot of conditions.

Here the Northern Wei Dynasty ceased fighting, and the alliance with the Western Zhou Dynasty naturally came to an end.

Xi Zhou saw something wrong, so he retreated.

Rong Yuxin spent so much time, but she didn't allow them all to escape like this. She simply led the army to pursue the victory.

Attacked all the way to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and took the Western Zhou Dynasty in just two months.

The main reason is that her morale is too high.

In addition, it has only been more than a year since the change of emperor in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and there was a lot of civil strife, so it went so smoothly.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, the captured general of the Northern Wei Dynasty helped her, and the Northern Wei Dynasty helped Rong Yuxin in turn.

This is the victory...

Rong Yuxin spread the news of the defeat of the Western Zhou Dynasty back to South Qin, which made many people in South Qin very happy, and her prestige among the people became even higher.

After winning the battle, Rong Yuxin naturally asked his teacher to return to the court.

However, most of the soldiers were left by her in the frontier, and only the original 20 troops were allowed to return to Beijing with her.

When Qin Yichuan received the news, his expression was unpredictable, and then he said in a deep voice, "Have someone prepare for the wedding..."

(End of this chapter)

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