Sweetheart rammed into her arms

Chapter 495 I Sold You Out

Chapter 495 I Sold You Out

Grandma Qiao had already told Ye Duoduo and Qiao Weiwei not to fall in love early, not to fall in love in high school.

Ye Duoduo and Qiao Weiyi also promised Grandma Qiao. If Grandma Qiao found out that they were both in a relationship, she would definitely be very angry.

Of course, Ye Duoduo couldn't let Grandma Qiao know about it, so she should keep it a few more days.

When Shangguan Jingchen said that he was going to visit Grandma Qiao, he just said it casually, so he didn't take it too seriously.

During the winter vacation for nearly a month, Shangguan Jingchen suggested to Ye Duoduo to go to the beach to watch the sunrise.

Ye Duoduo has never seen the sunrise, let alone at the beach, and thinks that the picture will be very beautiful.

It’s just that going to the beach to watch the sunrise in winter must be very cold, right?
"With me here, can I still freeze you?" Shangguan Jingchen said very domineeringly.

So, Ye Duoduo was immediately confused, and told Grandma Qiao that she had an appointment with a classmate to play, and she would only come back after spending a night outside.

Ye Duoduo has always been obedient and sensible, and has never made Grandma Qiao worry about it. Naturally, Grandma Qiao will not doubt anything.

He only told her to pay attention to safety outside and not to cause trouble to others, Ye Duoduo naturally agreed one by one.

Shangguan Jingchen had already arranged everything, and Ye Duoduo was afraid that Grandma Qiao would find out that she didn't ask Shangguan Jingchen to come to her house to pick her up, but asked him to park the car opposite.

After getting in the car, Shangguan Jingchen stared at Ye Duoduo for a long time.

Ye Duoduo fastened her seat belt, and felt bewildered when she saw Shang Guanjingchen was looking at her all the time, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Shangguan Jingchen said: "Do you feel that we are having an affair right now, and you are planning to elope with me now."

Ye Duoduo: ...

Where are all these from?
But if you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. Who asked her to do everything secretly?
"If I want to die and elope with you, where will you take me?" Ye Duoduo asked him sideways.

Shangguan Jingchen really thought about it seriously, and said while driving: "When I have had enough fun with you, I will sell you to the valley, and then I can sell you for a lot of money, which is enough for me to squander for a while." gone."

Ye Duoduo: ...

What about sharing weal and woe?

What about sharing weal and woe?

Shangguan Jingchen looked at Ye Duoduo's constipated expression and laughed, and pinched her face with one free hand, "However, I'm worried that even if you want to sell it, you won't be able to sell it, so I can only reluctantly accepted you."

"Are you still reluctant?" Ye Duoduo pretended to be angry, "It's clear that I condescended, okay? I don't despise you anymore, but you still despise me. Are you itchy?"

As Ye Duoduo said, she pinched Shangguan Jingchen's arm.

Shangguan Jingchen suffered from pain and almost couldn't hold the steering wheel, and the car shook a bit.

Ye Duoduo hurriedly sat up straight, remembering that she couldn't make any noise in the car, otherwise her life would be in danger.

Ye Duoduo thought that Shangguan Jingchen should take her to the nearest sea, but Shangguan Jingchen drove for almost two hours and still hadn't arrived.

Looking at the increasingly unfamiliar environment outside, Ye Duoduo turned her head and asked Shangguan Jingchen: "Shangguan Jingchen, are you really planning to sell me?"

So far away, where is this going?

Shangguan Jingchen smiled, "I'll be there soon, if you're hungry, eat something first."

(End of this chapter)

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