Nongmen red bean is the most acacia

Chapter 131 Can I read and write?

Chapter 131 Can I read and write?

After dinner, Gu Changping went back to sleep in his own room after a while. Hongdou wanted to go back to the room at first, but before entering the room, he remembered another thing.

Before she went to the town with Gu Zian, she had already told An Sanzhu, and he sent over the money worth of the three prey, but Gu Changping didn't say anything about it, presumably An Sanzhu didn't come .

An Sanzhu held his breath so tightly that he had no intention of coming to the door to pay back the money. Did he make up his mind that she had nothing to do with them?

Thinking about it this way, Hongdou didn't want to go to sleep anymore.

The night is dark and quiet, which is a great time to do things!
Just as Hongdou was thinking about how to go out, she heard footsteps behind her.

Looking back, it was indeed Gu Zian who came over.

"Little brother, why haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing Hongdou's question, Gu Zian did not answer, but instead said, "It's too early, and there are still people who sleep late in the village. Wait until midnight."

At that time, most people in the village were asleep, and the two of them quietly went there and came back quietly. As long as no one saw it with their own eyes, even if An Sanzhu's family clamored that she did it, it was useless.

After figuring it out, Hongdou showed a big smile on his face, "Brother Xiaoyi is right, then let's wait."

Originally, Hongdou wanted to go there alone, after all, it was because of her.

If she hadn't been a member of the Gu family now, and had given An Sanzhu some courage, he wouldn't have dared to take things from the Gu family blatantly.

If An Sanzhu really did that, not only would it not do any good, but it would offend many people in the village.

Hearing the tone and content of Gu Zian's words, Hongdou suddenly felt that it would be nice to have one more person.

At least when she does something bad, someone can watch the wind for her.

Thinking of this, Hongdou looked at Gu Zian even brighter.

In order not to disturb Gu Changping's rest, Gu Zian simply went into the red bean's room, and talked with the red bean at random.

As I was talking, I somehow came up with the issue of reading and literacy.

Hongdou wants to read and write.

But before she dared to think secretly by herself,

Not to mention that no one can read and write now because of the famine, even if there is no famine now, the An family would not let her a daughter learn to read and write.

Now hearing Gu Zian mention it suddenly, Hongdou's eyes were shining.

"Brother Xiaoyi, can I read and write?" Hong Dou was very excited, and looked at Gu Zian without blinking after saying this, for fear that Gu Zian would refuse.

It's no wonder that Hongdou thinks so, in Wei, the status of women is still very low.

Except for the young ladies from rich families, few of them would let their girls learn to read and write.

Not to mention whether it costs a lot, but girls always want to marry when they grow up.

A married woman has to take care of the housework all day long to raise children and honor the elders, and she has no time to study.

Besides, when you are not married, you can also help the family with work.

Life is not just about talking, there are a lot of trivial things in the day, who can allow the daughter at home to sit there reading and practicing calligraphy all day long instead of working.

Gu Zian was naturally aware of Hongdou's nervousness, so he didn't let Hongdou wait any longer, and replied quickly and seriously, "Of course, I will teach you."

(End of this chapter)

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