Chapter 871 Greetings (Part 6)
Can such a Mr. Gu know how to punch?
Hong Dou was thinking, did he miss it, Gu Changping is actually a martial arts master with unique skills.

Gu Zian laughed and said, "Father got a book of boxing from somewhere, and I fought according to it. The first time I punched, I was only five years old, and I couldn't read the boxing book. It was my father who taught me the poses and movements. Slowly, I grew up and gained my own understanding, which is why I have today's set of boxing."

"Oh, I see!"

Hong Dou also wanted to laugh, she definitely read too many novels in her previous life.

Gu Zian said something casually, and she felt that Gu Changping was a hidden person, and this was already a little crazy.

Seeing that Hongdou hadn't spoken for a long time, Gu Zian said amusedly, "What's wrong? Why didn't you talk?"

"It's okay, I was just thinking, Mr. is very good." Hongdou praised sincerely.

To be able to teach Gu Zian like this just by looking at boxing records is indeed very powerful.

Gu Zian nodded in agreement when he heard the words, "Father is indeed very powerful."

The two of them were talking, when Xu Yibai came out from the upper room, "I heard you two boasting here this early in the morning, why didn't you praise me? Could it be that I'm not amazing anymore?"

"It's amazing." Hong Dou hurriedly said, "Uncle Xu is also amazing."

If he wasn't powerful, how could he subdue Gu Changping.

However, that cannot be said.

As for Gu Changping, Xu Yibai, it's still unclear who subdued whom!
Xu Yibai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but he didn't continue on this topic, instead he asked something else, "Why did I seem to hear the sound of a rooster crowing just now?"

"Oh, that's Duoduo learning how to crow from a rooster!"

"What does it learn this for?"

"I do not know either."

Gu Zian stood up and said with a smile, "Live and learn, so do robots!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Zian went back to his room to change clothes.

Looking at Gu Zian's back, Hong Dou didn't know what to say.

If Gu Zian was wrong, it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

But why does this sound so awkward!

December [-] is a good day for marriage.

Before it was cold, Hongdou and the others got dressed and went to Wang's house together.

There was a mule cart parked at the door of the house, and a big red flower was tied to the mule with a red cloth.

Straw mats were spread on the car, and all the people who greeted relatives sat on it after a while.

In addition to those sitting in the car, there were also people carrying boxes following behind, and the suona team was already in place.

The wooden door of Wang's house was pasted with big red happy characters, which made people feel beaming at a glance.

Entering the yard, there are already quite a few people in the yard.

Hongdou and the others went directly to the upper room. As soon as they walked in, they heard Grandma Wang say, "Are you here? Have you eaten yet? Come and have something to eat together."

"Milk, we've eaten it all." Hong Dou smiled.

Grandma Wang knew that Hongdou was not the kind of person who would tell lies just to be polite, so she didn't say anything more.

When the sky is slightly brighter, it's time to greet the relatives.

Here, the rules of Yingqin and Hongdou's previous life seem to be similar.

There must be brothers who are good friends with the groom, unmarried girls, and some elders, all of whom will go to greet the bridegroom together.

Hong Dou and Gu Zian were naturally also on the list, so they sat on the mule cart with Wang Shouli.

After sitting down, Hong Dou glanced at the people in the car, only to realize that Zhang Wang was there.

(End of this chapter)

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