super god undead master

Chapter 201 The Eye of Truth!

Chapter 201 The Eye of Truth!

Call ~
The Flame Demon Emperor descended to the surface using the Levitation Technique, and there was a burst of ice waves under his feet.

"Flaming Knife!"

The Flame Demon Emperor roared violently, and a flaming saber appeared in his hand, but unfortunately it was white, emitting a thick white gas... without the blessing of its fire power.

It rushed over suddenly and fought with Xuanyuan Taki'er.

But Xuanyuan Taki'er's dark iron epee slashed at it, but split the flames and passed through it without causing any damage.

After all, the Flame Demon Emperor is physically immune.

Yang Tian prepared Xuanyuan Taki'er with a "magic transmission potion". After using it, the nature of the attack changed, and the physical attack became a magical attack.

Now the price of "Magic Transmission Potion" has plummeted several times, but it is still 1000 silver coins a bottle. Yang Tian didn't let Xuanyuan Long'er use it, because he can kill the Flame Demon Emperor himself.


The ice attribute attack of the Flame Demon Emperor was reduced by 20 times by Xuanyuan Longer.

But its white flame knife, with one slash, can still deal more than 1 damage to Xuanyuan Long'er and cause an earthquake.

Earthquakes do not eat attributes. For BOSS, the damage caused by earthquakes is not high.

But now... the earthquake caused by the Flame Demon Emperor, at least the damage will not be reduced!

An earthquake, but up to more than 4 damage!

Therefore, the Flame Demon Emperor slashed down with his sword, causing an earthquake, which could cut off about 6 lives of Xuanyuan Long'er.

The Flame Demon Emperor's attack speed was very fast, and he slashed down the saber repeatedly, causing earthquakes one after another, causing Xuanyuan Long'er's HP to plummet like a tide!
Yangtianmei Peak lifted, and the Flame Demon Emperor cut off one-third of Xuanyuan Long'er's life in two or three strokes, but he didn't panic at all. Firstly, Xuanyuan Long'er still had a strong body, and secondly, his damage was even worse. high.

Running two steps forward, Yang Tian rolled over and came five yards behind the Flame Demon Emperor.

He didn't dare to move forward, otherwise, with his life, he would be easily killed by the Flame Demon Emperor's earthquake.

Cursed Arrow!

Yang Tian stretched out his hand a little forward, shot out two red arrows, and hit the Flame Demon Emperor on the buttocks.

Now he hit back, and the damage tripled again.

He has already trained the Cursed Arrow to LV5, releasing two arrows at the same time to hit the enemy. A single arrow does not have as much damage as the Bone Spear, but the combined damage of the two arrows far exceeds that of the Bone Spear.

With just one move, he instantly angered the Flame Demon Emperor's 90 lives.

"I'm going?" Xiaoyao Lanyan looked at each other with disbelief.

Once upon a time, they were quite confident in their output explosion, but now seeing Yang Tian's explosion, they wished to die of shame.

Basic attack power, doubled skills, doubled attribute strength, doubled back attack, doubled critical strike!
Their basic attack power, skill damage, and attribute strength are no less than Yang Tian's, or even a little higher than Yang Tian's.

However, they don't have a back attack bonus or a crit bonus, and their damage is directly several times less than Yang Tian's!
"Brother Shui turned out to be an absolute crit. He has piled up the crit rate to 100%?" Xiaoyao sighed secretly, feeling unbelievable. For the first time in his life, he felt admiration. He wished to ask Yang Tian's crit rate source.

"There is also a back attack, did you see that, as long as he attacks the enemy's back, he will do triple damage."

Lan Yan frowned and said: "And even if we attack the enemy's back, there is no damage bonus."

"God knows how good his equipment is?" Xiaoyao's mouth twitched.

However, he didn't know that Yang Tian's triple back attack was purely derived from the title [low-key warrior].

In addition, Yang Tian also has a painful price, and also has the effect of doubling the damage.


Lucky to add body!

Darkness is coming!

Undead Transformation - Skeleton Archer!

Armored Arrow!
Multiple arrows!
Rain Arrow!
Yang Tian hit the Flame Demon Emperor's back with three consecutive skills, and each skill dealt 60+ damage.

Especially the rainstorm arrow, which hits a full screen of critical damage, I don't know how much it adds up...


After the Flame Demon Emperor received the rainstorm arrow, his blood gauge instantly returned to zero, and with a scream, he turned into flames and disappeared, leaving only a huge amount of loot.

The Ping An City broadcast sounded. Of course, only Yang Tian and Xiaoyao showed their IDs, and the rest all hid their IDs.

After all, Yang Tianxiaoyao and others are powerful, so even if they are targeted, it will only be a little troublesome and not cause for fear.

If Xiaofei Lanyue and others were targeted, life would be very difficult.


This time, Yang Tian led the team, because Alice joined, a total of 12 people took the Hell Dungeon, each with a skill point.

The other three, Yang Tianlong'er and Xiao Fei, take a little each.

Yang Tian stepped forward to clean up the loot, and there were two more royal items——

【Flame Knife】(Emperor)

Grade 20
Equipment type: short sword (for knights)
Magic attack power +2000~2500
Intelligence +2000
Fire attribute attack

Additional attributes: fire power +250, fire resistance +600
Additional attributes: magic penetration +300
Additional features: elemental weapons, when attacking, it is judged as a magic attack.


"Tsk tsk tsk, it's used by the yellow-haired boy again." Yang Tian sighed secretly, before he exploded a royal-grade flame spear, and now he exploded a royal-grade flame sword, both of which are equipped by knights.

Yang Tian put away the Flame Knife and prepared to mail it to Huang Mao. Of course, the mailbox cannot be used in the copy.

Yang Tian continued to pick up another imperial product, another natural furnace, and now he has two natural furnaces.

Yang Tian picked up all the trophies, there are three pieces of royal equipment, and the income is beyond the charts. In addition, there are two rare skill books——

[Levitation]: Elemental mage level 20 rare skill.

[Eye of Reality]: 20-level stunt, no occupation restrictions.

Yang Tian is a necromancer and cannot learn levitation. Of course, he can transform into a flying undead, and he doesn't need levitation at all.

He gave the levitation technique to Huo Wu, clapped his hands together, and learned the Eye of Reality——

[Eye of Reality] (stunt): Passive, can see invisible targets, in addition, can see through the specific attributes of the target.Remarks: Can see through targets at most level 10 higher than itself.

"Okay, from now on, assassins will have nothing to hide from me!" Yang Tian chuckled, from now on, he will no longer be afraid of assassin's sneak attack, although he was not afraid at all.

But now, he can take the initiative to take the initiative!
In addition, he can also see the specific attributes of the boss, and he is very satisfied with this effect.

Although he has the memory of his previous life, it is impossible to remember all the attributes of the boss so clearly, but now that he has the Eye of Reality, he will see everything at a glance in the future.


After receiving the reward for the first kill in hell, Yangtian's team contributed the most, and their experience soared, rising to 30% of level 65.

It is estimated that if you take another hell first kill, you can upgrade.

Yang Tian led the group to cycle through the dungeon, and it took more than ten minutes to brush the hell dungeon of "Forbidden Land of Flame".

Without the first kill, Yang Tian's income was much less, mainly due to another wave of experience.

In addition to the time when the Nightmare was played and the Hell dungeon was opened, Yang Tian and the others brushed "Forbidden Land of Flame" three times, and today's challenges were exhausted.


(End of this chapter)

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