Supreme Demon Concubine: I don't accept the ghost emperor

Chapter 670 Intercepting the Guan Family

Chapter 670 Intercepting the Guan Family
After receiving the message from Guo Jun, the Ma family felt a little bit in their hearts.

Even the Yang family is worried about this problem, which means that this matter is not easy to avoid.

To be honest, if Ma Molin had a better mind, the Ma family would not be in this mess.

However, he is not really that stupid, let alone completely insensitive to other people's opinions.

Moreover, they have been looking for Yu Liuli for so long, but they still haven't seen Yu Liuli and the others, as if they disappeared here out of thin air, which made him wonder whether the other four families hid them.

Even if they didn't hide it, the other four families must know something!
Moreover, these days, the other four major families have become more and more difficult to deal with. It seems that they are about to explode!

Most importantly, the Jiang family seems to have some opinions.

Jiang Xian brought a group of people here just to catch Yu Liuli.However, Yu Liuli and the others have not been found until now, and their actions have been passively resisted by other families, which makes him very dissatisfied.

However, he is still sensible, knowing that this is Xialan City, not their Rocky City.Although he was upset, he was still able to restrain himself.

However, he couldn't find Yu Liuli for such a long time, which made him wonder whether Yu Liuli and the others had already escaped.

Because of his displeasure, Jiang Xian's attitude towards the Ma family was not very good.

The cooperation between the two companies has cracked.

When the situation in Xialan City was changing, Yu Liuli and the others also started to act.

After Guo Jun came out of Yang's house, he notified Guan Yuan to take action.

Although the Guan family is only a small family and there are not many experts in it, they were able to find a lord - although this lord was the only lord in their family, and he was also an elder.

However, in order to obtain more benefits, their main force almost came out in full force.

After knowing the actions of the Guan family, Yu Liuli couldn't help shaking her head.

These people, for the sake of profit, really don't even want their lives!
Because they missed a little bit, Yu Liuli is no longer a monarch, but a lord!
Yu Liuli alone is enough to crush them, let alone Jun Zhanchen!

However, Yu Liuli didn't do it herself, instead she asked Wen Renzhan and Shitou to do it.

Wen Renzhan finally climbed to the Great Monarch after a lot of hard work.

This kind of upgrade speed really makes everyone jealous!

The stone is a little worse, he is nothing more than a monarch now.

But, don't forget, they are still so young!
Calculated in this way, the four of them are all geniuses within a hundred years old!
However, Shitou and Wenrenzhan have relatively little actual combat experience.

There's no other way, who made Yu Liuli and the others provoke so tough people?With the strength and experience of Wenrenzhan and Shitou, it is easy to hurt themselves when dealing with these people, so Yu Liuli generally does not let them do it.

However, if you don't do it, how can you make progress?

However, it's not easy for them to just find someone to fight, right?They are not aggressive people!

But this time, the appearance of the Guan family happened just right!

The strength of the Guan family is not very strong, with the strength of Wen Renzhan and Shi Shi, they can just use this to exercise.

Moreover, there is also a grievance between Wen Renzhan and Guan Yuan.

At the beginning, because of Guan Pinchao's incident, Guan Yuan also specifically targeted Wen Renzhan's friends Li Mo and Bai Zhongchun.At that time, Wen Renzhan wanted to seek justice for the two brothers, but at that time, he was too weak to do anything.

Now that his strength has improved, he can also compete with Guan Yuan.

If at other times, Wen Renzhan would not have come back specifically to find Guan Yuan, but now, Guan Yuan came to find fault by himself, then no wonder he was there!
Guan Yuan is going to attack them!Of course they have to strike first!
Thus, Guan Yuan, who was about to go on the road, suddenly found that two people appeared on their way forward, and behind these two people, there was also a mythical beast standing respectively.

These two beasts look the same, but one is bigger and the other is smaller.

After seeing clearly the identities of these two divine beasts, his expression immediately changed!

It turned out to be a lion and falcon beast? !
How can it be? !
What a powerful beast the Griffin Beast is, how could it possibly appear with humans? !
What Guo Jun said before suddenly appeared in his mind, which made his heart skip a beat!
The lion and falcon beast... seems to have been snatched away by Yu Liuli!

He turned his head to look at the two people, and was shocked to find that one of the men who looked much more mature was Wen Renzhan whom he had met before!

It really is them!
its not right!How could they appear here? !Shouldn't they be besieged in Xialan City?How come here? !
Is he hallucinating? !

However, no matter how impossible it feels, things cannot be changed.

Wenrenzhan really appeared here with the lion and falcon beast!

They escaped from Xialan City!

At this moment, Guan Yuan's heart suddenly changed, and he immediately asked others to inform Guo Jun.

Guo Jun definitely didn't know that Yu Liuli and the others had come to Hefeng City!
If he knew, Guo Jun couldn't have been so calm before!

Guan Yuan's face changed drastically, and while he had someone notify Guo Jun, he was also preparing to win Wen Ren Zhan together with others.

No matter how Wen Renzhan and the others appeared here, Yu Liuli and the others definitely wouldn't go too far!
Guo Jun was going to ask someone to notify Guo Jun, but unexpectedly, the man was stopped directly.

The lion falcon beast opened its mouth, and a huge ball flew to the man, causing him to let out a scream and die.

"Since you're here, then stay and don't go." Wen Renzhan said with a cold face.

"Hmph! How dare you come here! Aren't you afraid of death!" Guan Yuan shouted angrily.

"If we were afraid of death, would we be here?" Wen Renzhan snorted coldly, cut down nonsense, and started directly.

Many times there will be accidents, mainly because everyone talks too much nonsense.

Therefore, the Wenren War started directly, and Shi Shi followed suit.

Their purpose this time is to practice their hands, and these people cannot be allowed to leave.

The main force of the Guan family is not many, there are only a dozen or so in total, the strongest is a lord, and the others are ordinary masters of the fourth or fifth level.

It would be impossible for Wen Renzhan to deal with this lord, Wen Renzhan's ability is not enough.

Guan Yuan was quite happy at first, Wen Renzhan is just a great monarch, how can he fight against the lord?

Unexpectedly, the lord was stopped when he was about to attack the two of them.

They turned their heads to look, and were immediately surprised!
It turned out to be another divine beast!
Before they could react, the divine beast spewed out a beam of flames at them!
But in one breath, two people have already died.

(End of this chapter)

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