Hidden marriage husband always wants to trick me

Chapter 698 Tonight, I Can Finally Sleep Well

Chapter 698 Tonight, I Can Finally Sleep Well

Back in the ward, Su Yuan was still sitting on the bed, her face tightly wrinkled.

Seeing Mother Su come back, she hurriedly said, "How about it, mom, are they all right?"

Mother Su smiled and said, "Okay, when I went, they were sleeping soundly. Come, take a look."

Su Yuan quickly took the phone, looking at the two little guys in the photo, her heart softened.

After the baby was born, Su Yuan was so tired that she didn't look at it carefully at all, but now seeing the pink faces of the two little guys, her heart finally dropped.

"The two of them slept soundly..." She hooked her lips and said in a low voice.

Mother Su followed and said, "Yes, newborn babies are like this, eat, eat and sleep, what can they do?"

Su Yuan nodded, looked at Su's mother and said, "I'm sorry, Mom, I asked you to see the child at such a late hour."

"Sorry for what? Why are you being polite to me? I didn't go in vain tonight, and I even took a frontal photo of the two of them."

Hearing this, Su Yuan looked at the phone screen uncontrollably, and nodded, "Yeah."

Mother Song, who went back to the ward first, pushed open the door, then slammed the door shut, and leaned against the door panel, her legs went limp.

Song Shishi, who was anxiously waiting for her to come back, saw this, and was very panicked: "Mom, did you...didn't replace it?"

Song's mother took a few breaths, stabilized her breathing and emotions, and then walked to Song Shishi's side, and said in a low voice: "It's changed! I just went out and met Su Yuan's mother."

Song's mother was really scared to death. If she moved more slowly, she would be caught by Su Yuan's mother!

Song Shishi was shocked when she heard this.

"Then she didn't find anything?"

Mother Song nodded: "I've come out, what can she find?"

Hearing this, Song Shishi immediately smiled with widened eyes: "Great! Su Yuan's daughter is finally in my hands!"

Song's mother was a little worried: "Shishi, although the child has changed, it is inevitable that you will not find anything. When you feel better, we will leave the hospital and go back."

Mother Song was really afraid that if she stayed for a long time, she might be discovered.

After all, the child was in the same intensive care unit.

Song Shishi narrowed her eyes and sneered: "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will be discharged from the hospital."

"What?" Song's mother was shocked: "But, is your body okay?"

Song Shishi snorted softly: "Both left and right are raising, it's better to go back and raise."

"Then, that child... I don't know if I can hold it out."

Song Shishi snorted softly: "It's been so many days since I've been in, what can't be hugged, isn't it just lack of oxygen? No one can die, so tomorrow you go to urge the nurse and say I'm going home."

Song's mother was very helpless when she heard this, but she was also afraid that something might happen if she stayed here for a long time, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and tell them tomorrow."

Song Shishi's mood is really enlightened.

When she thought about Su Yuan and Li Shichen's darling little daughter being raised in her hands, she couldn't be happier.

"Tonight, I can finally sleep well."

Mother Song saw Song Shishi lying down to sleep with a happy face, she really didn't know what to say.

"Shishi, after all, she is also your biological daughter, just replace her like this, you..."

Hearing this, Song Shishi, who was happy, couldn't help frowning: "Mom, I did it for her own good! Now everyone in the Li family is looking up to Li Shichen and Su Yuan. If she follows me in the future, she won't have a good life. Staying here The Li family is fine, what's wrong?"

Mother Song didn't say any more after hearing this, she just nodded: "You're right...Anyway, we know who she is, from now on, just treat her better..."

(End of this chapter)

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