Chapter 700 He committed suicide

For a moment, Li's father was stunned, and Song's mother was overjoyed.

"Look? I said my granddaughter is fine, but you still don't believe me!"

After that, he snorted softly, turned around and left.

Father Li blinked and said, "Nurse, is my granddaughter alright?"

The nurse nodded: "Well, she is recovering well and can be taken out this afternoon."

Now, Father Li was completely relieved, and said with a smile: "That's good, that's good."

" about my baby twins?"

From Father Li's words, it could be heard how much he liked the twins.

The nurse smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you are really lucky to get three at a time."

Father Li smiled and said, "Yes, I'm very happy. How about the two of them? Can you hug them out today?"

The nurse said, "I've already shown them when I came here. The boy is fine, but the girl...may have to wait."

"Huh? Then, how long will we have to wait?"

The nurse said: "It will take another two days. It will be fine in two days. The child's lack of oxygen is not a small problem, so don't be careless."

"Well, good, good."
In the afternoon, Song Shishi and Song's mother went through the discharge procedures happily, and directly called the nanny to pick up the children, and Li's father sent them to the car by himself.

Seeing the shadow of the car slowly disappearing, he couldn't help but sighed deeply. Originally, he wanted Song Shishi to return to Li's house to take care of her health, but she insisted on going back to Song's house instead.

He was very uneasy, always feeling that Song Shishi was going to do something this time.

If she wants a divorce, they naturally have no right to object, but if she wants children and property, this issue will be difficult...

He didn't want the flesh and blood of his Li family to be raised in the Song family!
He was standing on the side of the road in a daze when a military vehicle suddenly stopped in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, took a closer look, and immediately said happily: "Major General Qin!"

Qin Zirui got out of the car, waved to his subordinates, walked up to Li's father, wondering, "What is Mr. Li doing here?"

Li's father smiled and said: "Just now Shishi and the child were discharged from the hospital, I will send them off."

Qin Zirui nodded knowingly: "Well, let me come and see Yuanyuan and Shichen."

Father Li said embarrassingly: "You are so busy, but you always miss them."

"Should be."

Father Li nodded, and walked in with Qin Zirui. He hesitated for a while, and in a place where there were no people, he suddenly stopped, looked at Qin Zirui and said, "Major General Qin."

Qin Zirui paused, turned to look at him: "What's the matter?"

Father Li looked at him with some confusion and said, "I want to ask if you have heard from Ming Hao recently."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Zirui was immediately stunned.

Father Li didn't know that it was Li Minghao who kidnapped Su Yuan this time.

He also didn't know what happened when Li Shichen went to Su Yuan.

Seeing Qin Zirui's expression, Father Li felt a little uneasy, and hurriedly said, "Have you found any news about him?"

Qin Zirui looked at him with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "He is the one who kidnapped Yuanyuan this time."

Father Li is like being struck by lightning!

"What did you say?"

"He threatened Shi Chen with Yuanyuan and the child in his stomach, and wanted Shi Chen's life."

Hearing this, Father Li felt his whole body go limp.

He couldn't believe that Li Minghao was so obsessed and did such an outrageous thing!
"Then... where is he... now?" Li's father suddenly panicked.

Now that the matter had come to an end, Qin Zirui couldn't hide it even if he wanted to, so he paused for a while and said in a low voice, "He committed suicide."

(End of this chapter)

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