Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1047 This is an old trick

Chapter 1047 This is an old trick
The fortress bell tower was much taller than the church bell tower, and he could see the edge of the residential area in Manila. In fact, now he didn't have to look that far to know that there was a big commotion.

The entire residential area seemed to be boiling, and every native ran out of their homes in a panic, and then used it towards the fortress port, as if they could seek shelter here.

We can vaguely see different teams on the edge of the residential area. The local natives like bright colors, even the poor have to use their own methods to dye them, while the fringe areas are relatively monotonous dark colors. This habit is exactly what the Han people dress up.

Compared with the headless natives below, the different teams in the distance moved much more regularly. Governor Paul Louis and several officers also went up to the bell tower. Seeing this scene, an officer spoke harshly. said:
"Those people are driving the natives towards the sea, this is a dead end, what do they want to do!?"

The sea is a desperate situation, and there is no way to escape here. Even if you observe from a distance from the bell tower, you can see that the number of teams in the distance is far smaller than that of the natives.

Compressing tens of thousands of people into a small space is not a good thing for the side with fewer people pursuing them. Although the natives are weak, the Spaniards also know that when people are pushed into desperation, accidents often happen. When the time comes, the side with fewer people It will be very troublesome.

There was a blockade by the fleet at sea, and at night they unexpectedly set fire to the ships in the port, cutting off their retreat, and intruding on land from places they could not take care of. Until today, the opponent is also a very experienced military personnel, for sure Such a mistake would not be made, so all the Spanish officers were puzzled.

Doubts turned into doubts, Paul Louis was still sober, he turned and yelled at the guards:

"Order! Order! The natives dare to approach the fort wall within the range of the musket, fire immediately, fire immediately!"

"Master Governor, the priest is still outside!?"

"Heavenly Father will reward his piety in heaven, and he will not blame us."

Paul Louis yelled back directly. The orderly was taken aback and ran down quickly. Paul Louis approached a trusted officer beside him and said in a low voice:
"Go down too, let the best marksman shoot that priest first."

The trusted officer was taken aback, nodded and ran down. The priests who came to the colony were too fanatical. Louis demanded that all the Spaniards be withdrawn to the fortress, but the priest sang a loud tune and refused to enter.

If the priests ran over and asked to open the door, the natives would inevitably follow in, and the current situation didn't matter so much.

"I don't know if after many years, someone will say that there are bones of native people under every foot of this road?"

"My lord, what do you mean?"

The guards on the side obviously didn't know what Wang Tong was talking about, and wanted to ask carefully, Wang Tong waved his hand with a smile. The materials and supplies needed by the shore personnel can also arrive in time.

When the team led by Wang Tong appeared in the sight of the aborigines, the aborigines immediately collapsed in panic. They also heard the news of the Han pirates in the jungle, but they could not confirm it.

When the armed forces of the Han people appeared in front of them, before they even raised their weapons, the aboriginals began to flee. When they slaughtered the Han people in the past and did whatever they wanted, they naturally thought it was a carnival, but they also felt panic in their hearts. The aboriginals were also comforting themselves. Killing is killing. Daming never cared about his subjects overseas, and it has been true for more than a year. After they saw the new Han people, they were completely relieved.

It’s not that they didn’t report, the time has not yet come, and no one thought that after more than a year, the armed forces of the Han people really came. When the indigenous people saw these Han people with weapons, they didn’t even ask or infer. One thought is that the Han people are here to take revenge, and the atrocities we inflicted on the Han people will still be on us now, so run away!
The natives are less intelligent, but some people know that if they run to the fortress, it is a dead end, but they run in other directions, and several roads are blocked by the other party.

Those who ran past were killed quickly. Instead of seeking their own death, it is better to run to the fortress. There may be a glimmer of life. Compared with the Han people, the Spaniards are much stronger.

"Grandpa, the little one has been talking for almost half an hour, and only a hundred young and strong are willing to follow. The little one is incompetent, please forgive me."

Bai Wu knelt on the ground with his face flushed, Wang Tong smiled and said calmly:
"They are all kind people! Don't dare to do anything against the rule of law. They still expect me to leave. They can stay here for a long time. The white ghosts and natives in the future can treat them kindly. Bai Wu, you tell them, From now on, this Luzon will be dominated by the Han people. If they don’t do it today, they won’t be able to gain a foothold here in the future. I don’t care about women or children under the age of ten. The rest don’t have a life, so let the sea masters take their lives. Let's go, and besides, those more than a hundred young men who are willing to follow will be given five taels of silver each, and they will be given swords and guns, and they will be laundered later, and they will keep everything for themselves!"

If Wang Tong makes such a rule, you won't be allowed to stay still, Bai Wu blushed, knocked his head on the ground a few times, and left in a hurry.

Bai Wu was extremely angry with the newly relocated Han people to Luzon, and he had a mentality of hating them. He thought he was the same way back then, thinking that the white people and natives would let him survive, and he would be richer and more peaceful than Daming. What can be waited for in life is constant bullying and final massacre.

He knew better in his heart that if King Tong of the Liao Kingdom hadn't led people to take revenge, the fate of these newcomers would have been the same.

"The Duke of Liao is also a general. Why is he so familiar with the method of casting a name?"

"Keep your voice down, those on the sea to the north, and those on the grasslands to the north all rely on the Duke of Liao to make a living, how unfamiliar are the methods of the green forest!"

On the right side of Wang Tong, there are two skinny men talking in a low voice. These two skinny men are dressed in coarse cloth and look no different from fishermen, but these two are the second and third sea masters on the sea in Fujian. hero.

After hearing this, Sha Dacheng saw that Wang Tong's face was relaxed, and said with a smile:

"Grandpa, this is a good way. Let these people be stained with blood, so that we can be united with us. Otherwise, we beat them to death for them. They will become law-abiding citizens. How can the sons below be willing. "

These words are completely the words of two thieves in the green forest and underworld. Sha Dacheng is also unaware that this situation is too similar.

Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"No matter how good you are, as long as it is stained with blood, the sheep will also turn into wolves. From now on, this land will be managed by the Han people. It is not enough to just hold the port area. It must continue to expand outward and seize land. People's land, so that more and more Han people can come here and stand more and more firmly here."

Wang Tong and Sha Dacheng, the leaders of the army, were discussing here for a long time, but the whole area here was full of killing sounds, and not all the natives had the opportunity to escape.

The pirates were divided into teams according to their affiliation, some guarded at each intersection, but Sha Dacheng's team rushed directly into the street.

The fleeing natives had no way to fight against this group of capable pirates. Some ran to the direction of the fort, while others were driven by Sha Dacheng's men to various intersections.

Those who were driven there had nowhere to go. A little resistance was quickly shattered by merciless killings, and they could only surrender.

Wang Tong's guards didn't move this time, they just sat and rested behind Wang Tong. The current situation doesn't require them to be dispatched, they are enough as a reserve team.

Those new Han people were unwilling to cause trouble, but Wang Tong said the rules, and Bai Wu was unceremonious and accommodating, not to mention the viciousness of the pirates, and the young men who followed before got benefits. Let them have to go to kill.

The captured natives were escorted in batches, and the young and strong Han people who had newly moved to Luzon all started killing with weapons, willingly or unwillingly.

After the last massacre, the natives treated the Han people with a domineering look. During this period of contact, the newly arrived Han people were more or less bullied. They were originally trembling, but they held weapons Walking in front of those native captives, old and new grudges welled up in my heart.

Just as Wang Tong judged, kind people will become cruel after being stained with blood. After killing a native, the people who were originally kind people also lost their heart defenses. There is no difference between killing one and killing two. After getting rid of the psychological burden, a few people were crying and vomiting, and more people felt that there was a fire burning in their hearts.

The place where the aborigines live is the best location in the port area, and there are a lot of looted property in their homes. If these are ours, the Han people do not consciously think so.

Spears are the simplest weapons. After the spears were handed out to kill the native captives, the newly moved Han men began to walk towards the indigenous residential areas and led the pirates to search house by house. After all, they lived in Here, I am more familiar with the terrain here.

Watching the outsiders invade step by step, the natives kept fleeing to the fortress, and there were more and more Spanish soldiers on the stone wall of the fortress.

The natives cried and begged for asylum, and they also knew that they would be safe inside the fortress, but a burst of musket fire on the stone wall dispelled their idea, and someone shouted loudly on the stone wall:
"Go and fight those Han people, we will give support!!"

Most of the natives don't know Spanish, but some of the natives in the church still understand, but who dares to fight with the Han people at this time, everyone can only hide out of the range of the muskets, crowded together, It was chaotic, but no one dared to move.

Being oppressed by the armed Han people approaching from all directions, a large number of indigenous people crowded around the fortress and in the small area of ​​the port.

The Han people were getting closer and closer, and the Spaniards fired at the fortress. The shells fell over the heads of the indigenous people and landed on the street. Several indigenous people who were unable to dodge were smashed to pieces by the shells, but after the firing, the Han armed forces did stop marching.

The chaos and killing that started suddenly, suddenly quieted down again, and the Spaniards in the fortress and the natives on the outskirts all heaved a sigh of relief.

Paul Louis has been watching the chaos below nervously. Seeing the situation stop, he didn't feel relaxed. Instead, he became more and more nervous. These natives have no homes and food, and they can't last long around the fortress. Chaos will soon ensue.

Thinking of this, Paul Louis had other thoughts
Less than two hours later, on the stone wall of the fortress, some Spaniards suddenly dropped gold and silver coins, and some people threw food down.

Under such circumstances, the flashing light of gold and silver coins still swayed the shadows of many natives, and after such a long time, many people were already hungry.

"The number of Han people is much smaller than yours. Drive them out. The wealth is yours, and the food will be sufficient. If you don't go, you will be fired!"

With the temptation of profit on one side and the threat of cannons on the other, the natives gradually realized that the Han people were indeed fewer than their own, so why did they panic at first.

The natives started to pick up their weapons, turned around and walked towards the residential area. Their weapons were very rough, and they were all rectangular machetes with slightly curved backs. It is also one of the most important weapons of the natives in massacres.

One person turned around, two people turned around, and the Spaniards threw gold coins and dry food under the stone wall. Some natives wanted to go to get it under the stone wall, but were shot and killed mercilessly by the Spanish soldiers on the stone wall. There is no warning about this process.

More and more natives were tempted by the belongings under the wall, and more and more people turned around, and they all felt that their courage grew accordingly.

The Chinese armed forces on the street seemed to be intimidated by the Spanish artillery and never moved forward. The natives began to yell at each other to encourage each other.

"Everyone pick up one, and immediately avoid it after taking it out, or you will die!"

On Wang Tong's side, bundles of bamboo poles were thrown out, and one end of the bamboo poles was sharpened. The natives who were captured before finally knew why they were asked to cut down bamboo and sharpen it.

As on the march, the old people were killed as a shock, the women and children were rounded up, and the young and strong men were driven to the front one by one.

With the equipment in hand, the same indigenous people gathered together. Facts have proved that the indigenous people are indeed more like animals, and they don't value family affection so much. When they gather together, they are much more courageous.

A few bold natives began to stir in a low voice, some people started to look back, and the ranks of the natives began to commotion. After all, there were thousands of them, and the majority of the Han people had knives and axes, which showed the advantages of their cutting-edge bamboo poles. At least they had long weapons. It will be cheaper for short weapons.

Wang Tong was still standing there, and the sea masters beside him were already a little nervous. They kept looking at Wang Tong, and some natives had already turned around, and there were loud clamors in the back of the team.

"Line forward!"

The guards of the Duke of Liao, who had been resting all the time, picked up the firecrackers, lined up and walked to the front of the line. Wang Tong raised his hand and waved it down.

Hundreds of firecrackers were fired at the same time, and the natives with bamboo poles never expected that the Han people would kill people suddenly. They were always driven away by pirates with swords, and Wang Tong's guards had been acting silently. The natives didn't even realize that there was such a force, and they didn't expect that the firearms held by the other party were the same as those of the Spaniards, and they didn't expect that they were going to drive them to do things, so they did it mercilessly.

A volley of firecrackers was fired at close range, and the natives stood densely. They could only hear screams, and a large area had already fallen. What made them feel even more frightened was that four more artillery pieces were pushed up. The caliber of the artillery is not large, but it is a more powerful firearm after all than the firecracker.

The natives, who were still in shock, retreated step by step, and the sea masters all let out a sigh of relief. This time, they followed up, and everything was worry-free. Everything was done by Liao Guogong.

Several Han people stood behind the firecrackers and shouted loudly there:

"You keep rushing forward, you can't stop, if you turn back, these corpses will be your fate, rush over, rush to the Spanish castle, you and your family will live, if you don't rush or retreat, then all It is a dead end, and the drums have been struck ten times before the cannons are about to be fired."

The natives who heard this sentence were already trembling. With the sound of "Boom", the drums had already started to beat, and the natives all turned around. When the second drum sounded, the natives began to trot, and the third drum beat Ring, the natives run faster and faster
The tenth drum sounded, and the artillery fired. The last few of the natives were killed by the shells, and the people in front ran faster.

"In each direction, 200 people will be arranged as the backbone, and the sea masters will supervise the battle. Don't slack off."

Wang Tong opened his mouth to give an order, and everyone obeyed.

"Push the cannon up to keep up, and remember to fight back the natives who are rushing out of the range of the fortress artillery!"

Orders were issued one after another, and everyone took their positions. Wang Tong's last order was to Sha Dacheng:
"The fortress can't take care of the sea for a while. Let's see if we can transport the cannon up from Nangang in a circle. Regardless of the number of people, the natives may not be able to open the ghost's fortress. In the end, they still have to use heavy artillery to bombard them."

Sha Dacheng took the order and hurried away. On the street ahead, the natives encouraged by the Spaniards collided with the natives who were forced to go back by Wang Tong.

They were compatriots, even neighbors and relatives, but now they were enemies!
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(End of this chapter)

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