Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1050 The battle that is about to end

Chapter 1050 The battle that is about to end

When the natives attacked the city frantically during the day, the Spaniards were looking forward to the dark, and it was impossible to support the night battle with the strength of the enemy. Unexpectedly, after dark, flames ignited, smoke rose, and the siege continued.

This time it was not so aimless to attack, but aimed at one point. On the left side of the fortress facing the inland, there was a dead angle between the bell tower and the stone wall fort. The natives started attacking at this dead angle, and attacked His determination is particularly great, and he basically doesn't care about casualties.

The determined attack of the natives was still an attack of the natives after all. The Spanish defended the fort very effectively, this time even better than during the day. The natives basically did not set foot on the stone wall.

The heavy artillery on the sea became more and more sparse, and the natives stopped after starting to attack, which made the defense easier, but the Spaniards were looking forward to the dawn.

In any case, the enemy also needs to rest, there must be a chance to breathe, and the firewood is ignited. Although the wind direction is beneficial to the people in the fortress, when the wind is weak, the people in the fortress are also severely affected. It was flushed, and his throat seemed to be burning. There were some reasons for the fighting and the smoke.

As the daylight dawned, the attack really stopped. The firewood piled up around the fort had been burned two hours before dark, and the intensity of the battle had weakened a lot by that time.

Paul Luiz, the governor of Spain in Luzon, announced a general mobilization order in the fortress, saying that every Spanish man and woman must fight for his freedom and life.

This order was mainly aimed at the several shipowners in the castle and wealthy local businessmen. They had their own guards and would not participate in the battle. Louis was polite to them at first, but now he couldn't care less about life and death.

When this order was announced, no one questioned it at all. Most of the people fell asleep there. The day and night fighting really made people feel haggard.

"My lord, the enemy is picking up the corpses."

Hearing the report from the soldiers on watch, Paul Louis hurriedly led the people outside. The water source of the fortress relied on an underground river. Although there was no need to worry about being blocked by people, he was afraid that the other party would use some insidious tricks.

"Thank God, these savages know how to burn corpses."

After Louis finished speaking, he turned his head and told his cronies to immediately store fresh water in the castle. He was worried that the enemy would pollute the river with corpses. In this case, even if the fortress could be held, it would face a terrible sign.

And there is a problem with the dark river. Once the tide rises, it is easy to be flooded by sea water. It is also a trouble at that time. Yesterday's battle made people have no time to think about it.

"Today's battle will not be so fierce!"

"My lord, why do you think so?"

A civil affairs officer approached and asked, Louis looked at the busy natives in the residential area, and explained with a wry smile:

"The natives have already died enough, and those Han people are not willing to use their lives to attack the city."

"After you came to Luzon, didn't the fish in the river be very cheap? After the natives caught them, they would sell them to you for a few pennies!?"

A group of newly moved Han people were gathered together, Bai Wu was in the middle, standing on a high place and asking loudly, the Han people below were all nodding their heads when they said this.

"Those natives say that the mountains belong to them, and you are not allowed to go hunting, and they say that the woods belong to them, and you are not allowed to cut them, right?"

Bai Wu used to live here before, so he asked the truth. The Han people below showed tiredness and fear on their faces, and they nodded impatiently. Yesterday, these Han people who had just moved to Luzon had more or less hands. At least they were stained with blood, or they were burdened with heavy labor. They were very uncomfortable and reluctant. They felt that they were good citizens who were threatened by pirates, and even complained in their hearts.

"The fish in the river are very fat. Do you know why? Because the fish in the river grew up eating our folks. In the massacre the year before last, all the corpses were thrown into the river. Why are those native monkeys who like to take advantage not here?" This river is occupied, that is because the flesh and blood of our folks are in the river and the belly of the fish, they dare not, they are afraid!!"

What Bai Wu said is indeed the truth. More than one of the Han people who have just moved here sighed, saying that the water and soil in Luzon are so good, and even the fish in the river are so fat. Hearing this, he immediately understood Come here, they may not have no doubts in their hearts, but no one explained.

Thinking that the fish was eating human flesh, and he ate the fish again, someone in the field vomited in an instant, and everyone else turned pale.

"You want to be good citizens and keep yourself safe, but the ghosts and natives don't let you do that. They are raising pigs. When you get fat, you will also be thrown into the river to feed the fish. The land you have cultivated so hard, you The houses you built and the gold, silver and treasures you have accumulated will all be taken by these beasts, are you willing?"

It was quiet down here. Bai Wu had worked so hard yesterday after running back and forth, but now he felt a kind of excitement. He reached out and beat his chest, and shouted with tears streaming down his face:

"Don't think I'm scaring you. I live in Mopanzhuang, southwest of Manila. My parents, my two younger sisters, my mother-in-law, a son and a daughter, and our two helpers all died in the Miserable, miserable, the ghosts and natives never regarded us as human beings, they thought we were pigs and sheep, they couldn't see us leaving our ancestral land, and we couldn't see us working hard in the face of disease, these beasts If we feel that we are full and have some spare money, that is to rob them, and they will kill them and grab them back!!"

Bai Wu said on the wooden platform, beating his chest and stamping his feet, exchanging tears and tears, and his voice was extremely hoarse. Everyone below was moved. Others said that they might have thought it was coaxing, but Bai Wu had already spoken in his own local dialect. The place where most of the Han people in Luzon came from, the various things he said about Luzon are, after all, actual experiences, and you can tell the truth from the first time you hear it.

"My two clan brothers said that those natives killed and robbed with machetes. The two of them survived by hiding in the cellar, but they are already crazy..."

Speaking of this, Bai Wu couldn't go on talking anymore, and wept there. The expressions of the Han people in the audience were not very willing at first, but now they gradually changed. There was less pity in the eyes of the natives, but more Out of fear and hatred, Bai Wu stopped crying, and hoarsely shouted:

"The army can't stay here for long. They will leave sooner or later. Do we still have to be bullied by the natives and fear the oppression of the ghosts? Although we are small in number, we are ten times better than the ghosts of the natives. We cross the ocean , working hard to survive, why give these things to them, we have to hold on, we have to hold more things, such a fertile field, such a good climate, why let these lazy monkeys take it away!!"

"Burn them to ashes!!"

I don't know who yelled at the following, the sad atmosphere in the field was disturbed by this, and it disappeared all of a sudden, everyone laughed, Wang Tong stood behind and watched, and frowned suddenly when he heard this sentence When he got up, Han Tie had been working by his side for a while, and with the training of his brother and sister, his mind was very clear. Seeing this scene, he leaned over and said in a low voice:
"Grandpa, this subordinate is going to arrest people now!"

Just as Wang Tong was about to nod, he heard Bai Wuzhi stand up and say loudly:

"This brother is right, we not only want to use their ashes to fertilize the field, but also let them make cattle and horses for us, and capture their women for fun, why those ghosts can be masters, so let's do it No, let’s form a group, and with the equipment, what are those monkey-like natives!!”

There was a sudden boom below, everyone's face was a bit fanatical, and Bai Wu's tears were still wet, but he waved his hand and shouted there:
"Snatch their property, capture their men to plant the land for us, and their women to work as children for us. Yesterday, everyone scraped off a lot from the natives!"

Wang Tong stretched out his hand to stop Han Tie who was about to move, and said in a low voice with a smile:

"This Bai Wu still has some talent!"

After all, there was no shortage of firewood. After collecting all the corpses that could be gathered, the piled firewood began to be burned, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

Seeing the thick smoke, the hearts of the Spaniards in the fortress sank even more. Such thick smoke is easy to find at sea. If passing ships see it, they will come to rescue people. The Port of Manila is also an important terminal on the waterway. For the other party to act so recklessly, it is obvious that this confidence is also great.

The sun had already risen, and the Spaniards on the fortress were all dozing in a daze, day and night without stopping, it was really exhausting, if they could sleep for a while, they should sleep for a while.

"The natives are attacking again!!"

Everyone cursed, but they could only start preparing with weapons.

Last night, Wang Tong took turns to rest. He took turns to drive away the aborigines from attacking the city. If the aborigines were tired, it was ignored, as long as their own soldiers could get a good rest.

"The warship going to Nangang has already returned to the fleet. We don't know what happened there last night!"

"Perhaps reinforcements have arrived..."

This time the attack was still at the "dead spot". In this area, whether it was the artillery or the defenders, there was a feeling that they couldn't use their hands and feet. Fortunately, after coming down one night, they also found a way to deal with it. Meters of stone wall jutting on the assumed artillery.

When the aborigines attacked, in addition to the frontal firepower, there were also side fires. This effect was better, and the aborigines would often be pinched and scattered in the middle of the charge.

"Damn monkey, come on!"

The Spanish officer stationed in this area cursed in a low voice. His soldiers were all ready to shoot. Suddenly, they heard a few low and muffled sounds outside the stone wall, and then whistling sounded in the air. Unexpectedly, the enemy also deployed artillery in the inland direction.

The natives didn't respond to the sound in a timely manner, but the white people in the fortress knew it was terrible. When they heard this, they all panicked and ran around. Several shells landed on the stone wall and the courtyard of the fortress. Hearing the screams, someone was unlucky and did not escape.

"It's a three-pounder gun, to the northwest of the clock tower, next to that tree!"

Soon someone judged the approximate position of the artillery, and hurriedly adjusted the direction of the artillery in the inland direction, preparing to fight back.

The natives rushed to the stone wall once, put simple wooden fences on the ditch, and then set up ladders to climb up. The Spaniards still maintained their will to fight. He chopped off his head, and even the ladder was overturned directly.

After the artillery fired back, the artillery shooting towards the blind spot also stopped. After a day and a night of fighting, the indigenous people were hungry, exhausted, and the fear that gradually surged up, so they were not crazy. The Spaniards, who have the will to fight, are basically in a situation where they can be defeated at the touch of a finger.

It’s a compliment to describe them as a touch-and-break, and thanks to those vicious Han armed forces, they seem to be saving their lives. They drove them within the range of the fortress’s artillery and ignored them. There is still some distance during this period, and they can run slowly. Just run slowly, dodge as much as you can, after all, no one wants to go all out.

"what is that!!"

The sentinel on the bell tower noticed the anomaly directly opposite the fortress. The Han people seemed to be about to launch a general attack. Nearly a thousand indigenous people were driven to the front by the Han armed forces who outnumbered them, and they actually maintained a dense formation. It was one dragged by dozens of cows. Seeing this, the sentinel rubbed his eyes. It seemed to be a big grass house, and people kept paving the road in front of that big grass house. It could be seen that this big grass house was very heavy. Could it be witchcraft, or some siege equipment.

Although there are all kinds of magical legends, everyone knows that those so-called siege equipment are of no great use to such a stone bastion, not to mention that the frontal artillery fire is the most intensive, with four artillery pieces. Three are six-pound guns, which can be completely suppressed.

The natives howled and launched the charge again. After fighting many times a day and night, everyone knew the maximum range of the artillery on the fortress. The Han armed forces still stopped when they reached the edge of the range. For this kind of move, the Spaniards in the fortress felt a little relieved, as long as they didn't dare to attack desperately, they could sustain it.

In the face of the natives coming, the Spaniards are more of a kind of impatience. The flies fly around you. Although they are not harmful, they must be driven away. Facing the direction of the natives, the artillerymen began to retreat, holding firecrackers The infantry stepped forward, ready to shoot for battle.

Suddenly, the entire fortress, and even the natives outside the fortress, could hear the sentry on the clock tower screaming in a tone-changing voice:
"Cannon, there are cannons over there!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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