Chapter 1059
It's true that the fleet encountered pirates, but the captains and sailors who run the ships in the Sanjiang system are almost all pirates, and they understand the tricks at sea very well.

When the pirates approached, they dressed up as other people, but everyone was so sharp-eyed, how could they be deceived by this, and immediately prepared to do it with a knife holder and cannon.

Seeing the rigorous defense here, the other party didn't dare to force it. The two sides passed each other on the sea, staring at each other on the side of the ship. Everyone has been on the sea for so long. After many years of business, those who knew each other more or less were recognized as a sunken ship.

Shen Wang left Tianjin Wei. Although he didn't make it clear to the public, he knew everything he should know at sea. Everyone was more careful. Seeing this, why didn't they understand what was going on.

Zhang Shiqiang and Sun Dahai immediately became nervous. On the one hand, they sent people to inform the fleets everywhere, and on the other hand, they hurriedly informed Wang Tong. The insurance company still needs to prepare enough money, or else there will be compensation, and the reputation will be affected if the response is not timely.

"Shen Wang is really shameless!"

A city like Wang Tong couldn't help but sneered and said something, but after all, there was an attempted malicious attempt, so it's okay to rely on the past, and the current maritime forces of Wang Tong's system are all focused on Nanyang, and they can't spare to deal with him. For the time being The peace is still to be maintained.

"Now go to Tangshan and ask him to send a message to Shen Wang. I just want to say that if one of my ships or ships registered with the insurance company is touched by Shen Wang, I will not do any business. The sea masters will kill you first, if you don’t feel afraid, come and try.”

These words are a warning and an ultimatum. Wang Tong's words have been released. What to do depends on Shen Wang's choice. In the face of Wang Tong's complete maritime superiority, this choice is not difficult to judge.

Although Tangshan is already an official figure, his position is different, and he is inextricably linked with the sea. Although Shen Wang has disappeared, his words will always reach the other party's ears. The attempted robbery that happened this time was forgotten in the following time, not because the sea was so peaceful, but because they never heard of Shen Wang's team doing illegal things again.

They seemed to have resigned themselves to their fate, and they just ran peacefully from Tianjin Wei to Wa Kingdom, as well as the routes they had controlled in the past.

The rest of the cases were mostly committed by some outlaws or pirates from the Japanese country, and they all ended up very miserable, so there is no need to say more about this.

It's August, and the Liao Kingdom's mansion is busy with the Mid-Autumn Festival. At this time, the postal road from the capital to Songjiang Mansion has been completed, and the personnel and horses are in place. He put great enthusiasm into this matter, seeing him as an opportunity to please Wang Tong and himself to make a fortune.

On the fifth day of the eighth lunar month, the first important news came from the mail.
People with high positions and powers leave power and live idle, and they always age very quickly. Feng Bao is like this, Zhang Jing is like this, and Zhang Cheng is also like this.

After leaving the inner court center that can determine the world, these people all aged and died quickly. Zhang Cheng himself said that the situation is calm, but the faint loss in his heart is impossible to think about.

Zhang Cheng, who has just passed the seventy-year-old age, is already a long-lived in this era. He was in good health in July and a half, but suddenly caught a cold one night, and his body collapsed quickly. Even the imperial doctor sent by the capital just received the order , Zhang Cheng swallowed his last breath.

When he was leaving, Cai Nan, Li Hutou, and two distant nephews were by his bedside. It was considered a younger generation who was dying. The letter did not say much, only mentioning that Zhang Cheng was dying. Always satisfied with a smile on my face.

Wang Tong and the people around him are more or less related to Zhang Cheng. Wang Tong's current status is due to Zhang Cheng's support and help. Meaning is also one of the elders of his family.

Wang Xia, who has always been very lively, didn't know what happened. He just felt that the mansion suddenly became very quiet. This sudden difference made the children very excited and fresh. After running to Wang Tong's study, he realized that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. His father, who used to smile when he saw him, had a strange expression on his face today.

Wang Xia had never seen such an expression before, he couldn't express his happiness or anger, but he was very calm. Wang Xia, who was grinning at first, felt very depressed, so he wanted to run out.

Wang Tong shook his head, the child didn't know what was carefree, he stepped forward to hug Wang Xia, and said in a deep voice:

"Xiao Xia, you must study literature and martial arts hard, don't waste your future, because with the help of so many people, our Wang family is what it is today, don't let it go to waste!"

Wang Xia didn't quite understand what Wang Tong said, but he knew that he only needed to nod in agreement. Wang Tong also knew that his son was still young, so he just smiled, walked out with the child in his arms, and turned around in the yard.

I don’t know when it started. Emperor Wanli went to court every other day, and the courtiers couldn’t say anything. They even secretly thought that this was not a bad thing. The emperor’s absence means that the cabinet handles the world’s government affairs more conveniently, but now it’s not like before. Although there are many places they can control, there are more important places in the world than before, such as opening ports, colonizing wasteland, overseas trade, and the imperial army system. Caught it.

These things are almost new products in the world, or there used to be, but now the nature is changing, and the land endowment is shrinking day by day, but these things have brought a lot of wealth and goods.

Only those who have money and soldiers have power, new things are booming, the wealth in the hands of the royal family and the inner court is expanding, and the power is growing, which is also squeezing the existence of cabinet courtiers invisibly.

What is even more helpless is that the lineage of scholars and literati also want to participate in reclamation, participate in overseas trade, and open ports for business as much as possible, but they are relatively conservative, and it is often too late when they enter, so they can only obey and Accept the status of those wealthy businessmen, dignitaries, and military leaders first.

If it is a normal industry, it is easy for civil servants to reach out. No matter how rampant the businessmen are, can they still be bigger than the Yamen? Wei, it's not something they can compete with.

The political struggles like several coups in the capital ended with the entry of the imperial army into the capital, led, instigated, and coerced.The end is extremely miserable, which is enough to teach people a lesson.

Because of this situation, the Wanli Emperor had all the power, and he didn't need to participate in the court meeting to influence and arbitrate the court situation as before, so he had time to rest. In other words, the Wanli Emperor himself was tired of the court affairs and wanted to enjoy himself. Played.

The relationship between Zhang Cheng and Emperor Wanli is extraordinary. The Tian family has no father and son. Emperor Longqing and the Empress Dowager Li do not have much parental love for him. It is Zhang Cheng who is by his side and takes care of his daily life. In the process of growing up, learning culture and handling government affairs were also taught by Zhang Cheng. In fact, Emperor Wanli also talked to Zhang Cheng about what he didn't understand, or complained about.

Compared with Emperor Longqing and Queen Mother Li, between Zhang Cheng and Emperor Wanli, the friendship between parents and children is probably deeper.

The news of Zhang Cheng's serious illness spread to the capital, and the Emperor Wanli immediately dispatched some of the best imperial physicians from the imperial hospital to Tianjin Wei. Just after leaving the capital, the news of his death reached here.

After Emperor Wanli heard about it, he still dealt with government affairs and ordered Zou Yi to arrange for Zhang Cheng's funeral. , but there was no expression on his face.

In the evening, I had dinner in Qianqing Palace as usual, and there were rice grains on the corner of his mouth. Although the emperor is an emperor, he might not pay attention to such things. Empress Zheng also wiped it off habitually for Emperor Wanli. Emperor Wanli continued to eat, and the chopsticks moved. Twice, the eunuchs and maids serving in the house, as well as Empress Zheng, were horrified to see Emperor Wanli weeping.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Emperor Wanli wiped it with his hand, as if he didn't realize that he was crying. After wiping it, he picked up his rice bowl and continued to eat, but the tears did not stop. Wanli put down his rice bowl and covered it with his hands. Turning his face, Empress Zheng glanced at the room, all the eunuchs and maids bowed and retreated.

After Emperor Wanli covered his face, he didn't cry, but his shoulders kept shrugging. Empress Zheng was also at a loss. She didn't know what to do. It didn't take long, but Empress Zheng felt that it took a long time for Emperor Wanli to take his hands off his face. , with red eyes and obvious tear stains, it was obvious that he had cried, but his expression had become very calm. Seeing Empress Zheng's surprised expression, Emperor Wanli lowered his head and picked up a handkerchief to wipe his face, and said, his voice had become Some hoarse.

"Partner Zhang is gone"

In August of the 18th year of Wanli, Jin Yiwei hurried out of Beijing to Songjiang Mansion. The imperial decree ordered Wang Tong, the Duke of the Liao Kingdom, to go to Tianjin to take care of the funeral affairs on behalf of the emperor, to pay homage to Zhang Cheng, and to comfort the hearts of loyal ministers.

This news is not a secret. For Zhang Cheng, it is extremely mournful. For an idle eunuch who is not strictly in the inner court, the emperor will arrange important officials to pay homage to him after his death. , no one has this treatment.

For Wang Tong, the emperor's arrangement once again proved his status. Whether Wang Tong who went to Songjiang lost his power this time is the best way to say.

But the civil servants were not happy. In their hearts, if Emperor Wanli wanted to arrange for people to worship, he would choose a civil servant. Don't the cabinet and the six ministries not have enough weight?Of course, if Emperor Wanli really chooses civil servants, the chosen ones will definitely make a fuss, thinking it is a shame. I read sage books, the imperial examinations in the cold window, and important officials in the central government. How could I worship an eunuch? It's one thing to choose, another thing to choose.

Maybe I thought this matter was not a big deal, but some officials actually reported that the emperor sent people to worship, and even sent military generals Xungui to worship, which is not in accordance with the etiquette
The official's memorial was actually sent to Emperor Wanli, and Emperor Wanli immediately dropped the memorial. On this matter, no matter how inclined the officials are, they have a clear stand. There are dispensable problems, and then use the court stick.

Ordinarily, after the court stick was hit, his worth doubled and he immediately became a celebrity. This time, he was not so lucky. This official was directly beaten to death by the court stick outside the Daming Gate. Outside the Daming Gate is the only way to go up and down. , is a place that can be seen by every yamen. The official was beaten to death, and everyone was shocked.

At the beginning of September, Wang Tong rushed to Tianjin Wei from Songjiang Mansion. Wang Tong returned to Tianjin Wei. The significance of Wang Tong’s return to Tianjin Wei was really extraordinary. Needless to say that, but this season is really not a good time to visit, the Duke of Liao has a serious business this time.

But the Songjiang mansion and the Luzon side are like mountains of gold and seas of silver. It is roughly estimated that this prospect may even surpass that of Tianjin Wei. Who is not tempted? Everyone has money and is familiar with Wang Tong. Convenient, it is impossible not to be tempted.

They couldn't disturb them, and they couldn't help but meet each other. As a result, all the relatives and followers of each household were guarding Wang Tong's residence, waiting for the matter to be finished.

At the beginning, Tianjin Jinyiwei was taken aback, thinking that there was something else going on, and called the inspection department and Sanjiang system guards to investigate, only to find out that it was a false alarm.

Ma Sanbiao rushed over from the capital, Zou Yi rushed over, and Xue Zhanye, a thousand household in Dongchang, also rushed over. Zhao Jinliang has only arrived in Shaanxi now, but he has no choice. , Han Gang and others also rushed over.

Zou Yi is the adopted son and Cai Nan is the adopted grandson. The two of them are Zhang Cheng's relatives and are responsible for receiving guests from all parties. Of course, everyone contributes money and effort, which is inevitable.

Sanjiang Commercial Bank has almost promised everything, whether it is the cost of equipment or manpower.
Wang Tong lived in the original house, and Cai Nan came to visit at night. After exchanging a few pleasantries, the two found nothing to say. Sitting dryly under the lamp, Zhang Cheng was too important to the two of them. Passing away, the two of them were not used to it, and they didn't know what to say.

After a while, Cai Nan cupped his hands and said in a hoarse voice:

"Grandpa, when Eunuch Zhang died, our family was by his side, and the tiger's head was also taken away. Eunuch Zhang said a few words to our family, and told our family to only talk to you."
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(End of this chapter)

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