Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1069 Peaceful 9 Years

Chapter 1069 Peaceful 19 Years
In the 19th year of Wanli, various things happened in Sichuan, Guizhou, Chu and other provinces where various ethnic groups lived together. There were big wars, small conflicts, and changes in positions.

Many chieftains who regarded a prefecture, a prefecture and a county as their own territory and would never allow the Ming court to get involved handed over their territory, and were willing to take their official status to become rich in Daming.

In fact, the imperial army's pursuit of several chieftains was only carried out in Sichuan, the farthest was the junction of Huguang and Sichuan, and then began to rectify and return, but these few people who could really gather soldiers were completely defeated. There is no possibility of trouble anymore.

The chieftains and chieftains everywhere also had the idea of ​​luck, thinking that your army will deal with the big ones, we will be the emperor honestly, presumably the government will not use weapons rashly, and they are too lazy to pay attention to this side.

The government really doesn’t care about these small fish and shrimps, but the local Han landlords and tyrants can’t tolerate their continued existence. The places where various ethnic groups live together in the three provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Chu have little land, even though the land occupied by the villages of each ethnic group is also barren. , But one more point is one point, one more slave is one slave, no one is too many, and the limelight of suppressing rioters and bandits everywhere is prosperous, officers and soldiers go, and "righteous people" follow one after another.

During this period of time in these three provinces, it was considered unsettled, but within the scope of the world, no one thought it was a big deal. It was only mentioned lightly in the imperial palace newspaper that the civil unrest in Sichuan had been pacified.

If they hadn’t stayed in the southwest, the civil servants wouldn’t think that it was a great achievement. They just wiped out a few copycat owners on the territory of Ming Dynasty, nothing more than suppressing bandits. What’s their attitude towards this matter? It's not even contempt, it's almost the same as neglect.

However, the local scholars in Sichuan, Huguang and Guizhou, as well as the civil servants who have been local officials for many years, know what this means. Many people are very excited in their notes and in their reports to their superiors. "". The domineering chieftain Yu Zai often startled himself in his dreams. There must be a catastrophe in the southwest, but he dared not tell others that today is worry-free and drunk for three days."

Powers like the Yang family, the She family, and the An family occupy one side. When the court was strong, it was okay to say, but now the government is getting weaker and weaker against the powerful, and the power that can be used is getting less and less. These actual separatist chieftains must have ambitions.It doesn't take any discerning person to be able to predict and judge that there will inevitably be chaos in the future. Everyone is worried, and some people even go to the south of the Yangtze River with their families to avoid disaster.

The appearance of the Forbidden Army made them realize that the authority of the imperial court was still strong. After all the ambitious consolation envoys were wiped out, the southwest was once again peaceful.

Those chieftains who had leaned towards Ming Dynasty before got preferential treatment this time, such as the Ma family in Shizhu County and so on.

The position of governor of the three provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou and Chu is not permanent. After the Southwest Incident is put down, Li Hualong must relinquish his official position and wait for his appointment.

However, this time he made great achievements in pacifying the Southwest. You must know that Li Hualong Shangshu invited the imperial army to enter Sichuan to quell the chaos. After the imperial army entered Sichuan, he was not indifferent or obstructive like other civil servants in Ming Dynasty. Instead, he tried his best to urge the upper and lower levels to cooperate. The results of the battle, his credit is also recognized by everyone.

Although this position was about to be handed over, someone who was already acquainted in the capital sent a private message, saying that Li Hualong had not lost his position as Minister of War this time, and in the current situation, it was not impossible to join the cabinet.

From the governor of Liaodong, the minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Industry, the governor of the military of Sichuan, Guizhou and Chu, to Beijing as the Minister of the Ministry of War and into the cabinet, this is a standard official jump.

For the Forbidden Army, although they suffered the biggest loss in previous battles, it was also a rare exercise, because in the past, firearms had played the greatest role in battles. This time, in the humid and rainy climate of Sichuan, Guizhou and Chu, Many times the firearm has no way to play.

Most of the soldiers of the Forbidden Army participated in hand-to-hand combat. Compared with firing from a distance, such a cold weapon confrontation with flesh and blood can temper elite soldiers.

As for the experience accumulated in mountain warfare, it was even more rare. Sun Xin and the generals below summed up the gains and losses, compiled them into a booklet and sent it to the capital and Songjiang. This forbidden army has to learn from everywhere.

Since the various regiments of the Imperial Army entered the border towns, a large number of soldiers have been converted into serfs, but there are also elite fighters such as householders and pacesetters. Naturally, it is not a big problem to support them with the financial resources of the Imperial Army, but the trouble is how to truly digest these people. , into the power of the imperial army itself.

Everywhere has its own method, Li Tao is to act vigorously, and those who disobey will either be dismissed or eliminated. Sun Xin did not use any means this time. The two sides fought together and cooperated with each other. It's in the middle.

Needless to say, the benefits that the wealthy merchants in Sichuan, Guizhou and Chu have gained, according to the fashionable saying of Songjiang Mansion, this is called expanding the market and gaining channels.Originally, he had to be handed over by the rich chieftains, but now he can directly open a branch there and conduct distribution transactions. This really brings too much profit.

They can see what the Sanjiang system can bring to them, and they also strongly support the existence of the Sanjiang system in Sichuan, Guizhou and Chu.

For the wealthy merchants in the southwest, the most important thing is not the above, but some things they have learned from the Sanjiang system's way of doing things. Originally, for them, doing business is to find relationships, compare prices, and talk about friendship. There is such a way as the Sanjiang system.

This method does not refer to the new business philosophy of Sanjiang System, but to say that if you don’t buy my things, then I will convince you and force you to buy. This land is not my market, so after I lay it down, This is my market. Sichuan Xiangxi also has business contacts with many Mongolian and Tibetan tribes. Is it possible to use this strategy?

There are so many private soldiers in his Sanjiang system, we have money and we don’t lack people, why can’t we just do the same thing, those Mongolian and Tibetan chieftains have a lot of gold, silver and livestock
The news of Xu Guozhi, a cabinet scholar, is not a big deal. This scholar is not young, and it is time to retire and return home.

According to the practice of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Wanli will give a reward, and after that, everyone is most interested in who is the successor of this great scholar, but now there seems to be no suspense, Li Hualong was originally out of everyone's sight I won this lottery.

The center of the Ming Dynasty focused on Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Everyone said that Shen Shixing was quiet and indifferent. It's been a long time, and I'm getting older, so I should go back to take care of myself.

Everyone understands the meaning of this wind, you old man has been in this position for too long, you can go down by yourself if you know something interesting
However, no matter how calm a person is, no matter how quiet and indifferent, he has been in the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet for almost ten years. He is the leader of civil servants in the world. According to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, everything in the world belongs to the first assistant, the credit is his, and the fault is also his.

The victory of the Custodian in all previous wars.With the improvement of Daming's finances, Shoufu Shenshihang has more or less shared some profits, and these victories and improvements are different from the past. They are not obtained by squeezing the profit space of the gentry. They are all happy, and no one needs to offend situation.

The seat at the top is really comfortable, a man cannot lose power for a day, and Shen Shixing is really reluctant, so he just ignores the hints given by the palace.

Now that Emperor Wanli is tired of governing, as long as he handles everything properly in this position, Emperor Wanli may not rush him to step down.

However, the situation has reached this point, it's not that you don't want to step down if you don't want to step down. If you don't back down with Shen Shixing, why doesn't the second assistant Wang Xijue behind you agree?
In August, there was still a big fight in Sichuan, and the capital was not peaceful. It was still the old rules of political disputes. The person in charge of the affairs of the world always has faults to find.

At the beginning, the official was reprimanded by someone sent by the palace, and he was directly dismissed from the capital, demoted and severely punished. Just as everyone was about to shrink their heads, the demoted censor was indeed demoted, and was demoted to the prefect of Taiyuan Prefecture. The current situation is not the same as it was a few years ago. It is no longer meaningful for Qinggui to stay in the capital, and it is a good place to go out to be a local official.

The so-called good, now it is difficult to get promoted just by scolding your mother and asking for fame. Now this Long Live Lord looks down on this kind of people the most, but if you have any merits and do something real, then you will Make a note of it in the emperor's heart, and he will be more confident when he is promoted.

Not to mention anything else, why did Wang Xijue become the No. 1 choice for the chief assistant? Wasn't it the fact that he took the initiative to ask for orders and asked the supervisor to conquer the army, which is why he gained the trust of Emperor Wanli, let alone Li Hualong, who was not originally in the central sequence The role is now also a popular candidate for the cabinet.

The whereabouts of the speaker immediately explained the court's attitude towards Shen Shixing, and some people even found out that the speaker was originally a student of Wang Xijue.

Ordinarily, at the beginning of the political dispute between North Korea and China, everyone covered it up, so that people on the periphery could not judge the cause and effect, and then they would tear up their faces later. This time, letting everyone know the details so early this time is clearly heated up.

Suddenly it came to such a fierce time, everyone was caught off guard for a moment, but they also immediately understood that this is the time to bet and stand in line.

Shen Shixing is indifferent, but no matter how indifferent he is, he has been the prime minister for ten years. How many good positions have been occupied by his disciples and old officials? There is no reason why there are so many people and so many officials in the world. There is no time to wait and see and mobilize. What is neglected is action, and began to attack impeachment.

In a short time, all the big and small things of Shen Shixing were searched out, ranging from flooding somewhere to ineffective disaster relief, to raising Qin Niang to indulge in sensuality and various crimes.

There was a lot of crowds and crowds, but everyone paid attention to the attitude of Emperor Wanli, and then Emperor Wanli did not show his attitude at all, but there was news in private that Emperor Wanli sent an official to ask Shen Shixing in private if there was such a thing , If there is one, change it, if not, add encouragement.

Not to mention whether someone was sent to ask about it, the release of the news itself explained the problem, and the criticism of Shen Shihang immediately became a hundred times more violent. Officials also began to stand up and "reveal".

Shen Shixing can control everything in the big festivals, and he didn't make any big mistakes as the chief assistant, but it is impossible to be without mistakes. It is easy to find faults and handles. Ten years later, this truth is still clear.

On September 19th of the 23th year of Wanli, Shen Shixing suddenly caught a cold at home. After recuperating for a few days, he expressed emotion to his relatives and friends. Go to the table to request to return home.

The next thing is more common. Shen Shihang submitted his resignation, and Emperor Wanli issued an edict to keep him. After tossing until October, Shen Shixing was still allowed to retire and return home. The crown can be regarded as favored care.

Then it was a matter of course, Wang Xijue's merit and ability were far superior to others, the ministers recommended him as a matter of course, and Emperor Wanli took it for granted.

Wang Tong has a feeling that the older he gets, the bigger the world will be, because as he gets more and more news, many news from foreign countries will follow.

For example, in June 19th Wanli, Myanmar invaded Yunnan and was repulsed at the border between Yongchang and Tengchong. I did not expect such a small country like Myanmar to have such courage. However, with the deepening of understanding, Wang Tong was surprised. This Burma is still a tyrant in the south of Yunnan. Countries like Siam are often invaded and plundered by Burma, and there have been several conflicts with Ming, but they were all repulsed.

This matter was an episode for Wang Tong, Zhai Xiu'er was also pregnant, and Song Chanchan's belly was getting bigger and bigger, which Wang Tong had to worry about. In addition, the first batch of sucrose from Luzon was delivered to Songjiang Mansion. In addition, there are all kinds of goods from Nanyang, such as spices, gems, precious hardwoods of various colors, and even selected Nanyang women, all of which are sold in Songjiang Prefecture.

A huge amount of goods came to Songjiang Mansion, and they were all commodities that would bring huge profits to the merchants. Although they had discussed how to share the profits at the beginning of the year, they had to come over to see the goods and communicate with each other.

Tomorrow will be peaceful——
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(End of this chapter)

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