Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1085 Always Unwilling

Chapter 1085 Always Unwilling
In early September, the Songjiang Mansion was a bit chilly. Wang Tong's fifth child was also born. Zhai Xiu'er gave birth to a girl whose name was similar to Wang Lan's. Wang Tong got the name Wang Hong.

The wives and concubines don't really care about whether they are male or female. The eldest son of the main house, Han Xia, has already taken up all the status. The status and future of other people are almost entirely dependent on themselves. , as a state official, there must be a good place in the future, not a bad thing.

Compared with the ups and downs in the north, the south is much quieter. What is really busy is the Sanjiang system. There will be a big war, and it will be a national war. The materials mobilized, various trades, prices and bills, etc., etc., are changing very much. There are many, big profits, but also big risks, so the high-speed operation is the commercial system.

What Wang Tong does every day is to collect as much information as possible, and then write down his opinions to counsel according to the urgent report from the capital.

These things are actually very idle and don’t take up too much time. However, in addition to the correspondence between the palace and some official affairs, Wang Tong also has some secret letters from Beijing and Tianjin. Qi and Song Chanchan were in charge.

After Song Chanchan gave birth to the child, she recovered to a certain extent and began to take over part of the intelligence collection work over there. After all, it is more assured to leave such important matters in her own hands.

In fact, Song Chanchan has other considerations besides the importance of this matter itself. Wang Tong spends more time here with her every day to read those confidential letters and do some intelligence analysis. Some women in the inner house divide Wang Tong's time, more is always better.

Song Chanchan has experienced many things, and her ability to observe words and emotions is considered the best among the female family members in the inner house. Song Chanchan noticed very early on that although Wang Tong commented on information with a relaxed expression every day, arranged business for the Sanjiang system, and spent time with his children. It's also very happy together, with constant laughter, but amidst these relaxed and happy moments, there is also a little unwillingness and loneliness.

After so many years of couples, some things no longer need to be communicated with words, and can be clearly understood from the facial expressions and the subtleties of daily life.

Since the news of the war in the north came, Wang Tong spent more and more time in the study. Wang Tong also has the ability to memorize by force. In the past, he just read most of the documents and letters, but now he reads them over and over again. Browse, since the letterheads from the capital and Liaoning came over, Wang Tong has been silent more often.

Often after reading the letter paper for a day, and handing over the memorial and reply to the courier for delivery, Wang Tong would still be alone in silence.

Sometimes, several women in the inner house talked in private, and they all said that Wang Tong had not slept well at night recently. When practicing martial arts, one often puts on armor.

Wang Tong is physically strong and full of energy. In the past, he would fall asleep immediately after touching the pillow. He must have something on his mind. Song Chanchan herself has experienced it.

At this time, the coolness of Songjiang Mansion was at night, and the quilts were thicker, but Wang Tong stayed at Song Chanchan's side this night. Song Chanchan asked her servant to make arrangements for Wang Yi, and washed and dressed herself.

When she fell asleep, Song Chanchan was already tired and fell into a deep sleep. She didn't know how long she slept before realizing that there was no one around her. Seeing that it was still dark outside, she wondered if she should go out at this time.

Song Chanchan turned her face inward, but she was startled when she turned over. It turned out that Wang Tong was sitting on the bed, leaning against the bed with hair in a daze. Thinking about something.

"Master, why don't you sleep!"

Song Chanchan rubbed her eyes and said vaguely, Wang Tong reached out to lift the long hair that had fallen from Song Chanchan's face, and said in a low voice:

"Can't sleep, don't worry about me."

"My concubine will make a pot of calming soup for the master."

Song Chanchan stood up while talking, but Wang Tong stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and said in a low voice:

"Don't be so troublesome, just sit with me for a while."

Although they are husband and wife, their status is precious and they are busy with official duties. Such intimacy is rare. Song Chanchan leaned into her arms docilely without much struggle. How did Qin Guan meet Wang Tong, what was wrong, how did she marry Wang Tong by chance, and now she has become a happy woman. Wang Tong stroked Song Chanchan's hair with his gentle movements, and Song Chanchan gradually became confused again. Woke up and was about to fall asleep when he heard Wang Tong say in a deep voice:
"How are you doing now?"

In a daze, Song Chanchan hadn't figured out whether Wang Tong was talking to herself or asking her, but she still came to her senses and said softly:

"It's too peaceful now, our family is happy and peaceful, of course it's fine."

Her answer made Wang Tong silent for a long time. In the quiet night, Song Chanchan had the illusion that Wang Tong didn't ask that question just now, but Wang Tong sat up straighter, sighed and said:

"Someone from the north wrote me a letter, saying that there are too many people in the world who rely on me. If my power is weakened, they will also suffer disaster. Said, this power is like sailing against the current, if I don't advance, I will retreat."

If it was another female family member, they would say "you can do what you want", but Song Chanchan has always been the counselor's confidentiality by Wang Tong's side, and she has to follow her to make decisions about many government affairs.

Song Chanchan was silent for a while, leaned on Wang Tong again, and said in a low voice:
"Master, if there is no accident on the North Korean side, the official letterheads from Songjiang in the capital will become less and less, and the name of the master will be mentioned everywhere in the capital."

"Yeah, no one mentions it, and if you don't contact me, the friendship, no matter how thick it is, will gradually fade away. This is the reason."

After Wang Tong said something leisurely, he fell into silence again. Song Chanchan thought for a while and said in a low voice:
"Back when I knew about the chaos in North Korea, the master began to practice more on the school grounds, and even deduced the battle situation with the guards. In fact, the master already made a decision in his heart, didn't he?"

After being said by Song Chanchan, Wang Tong was stunned, and after a long silence, he laughed softly. The strength of his arms around the woman was also stronger, and he said in a deep voice:
"You're right, what I want to do, what I should do, in fact, I have already made a decision in my heart, but I don't know it, I haven't thought about it, or I don't want to think about it."

"The master has made up his mind, so do it according to his heart, but the master must remember that when the master is away, the concubine and the sisters are always in fear, the master must take care of himself."


Wang Tong agreed, and the husband and wife had talked to this point, and everything was kept silent. Both of them felt that it was very comfortable to cuddle up to each other in such a quiet way. After sitting in silence for a long time, Wang Tong said again:
"But now it's different from the past. I don't know how many people in the capital don't want me to go out, Chanchan, we still have some unrevealed relationship in the capital?"

"There are a dozen or so people. These people don't even know that the master gave them benefits, but we can use them."

"Let's arrange it immediately, arrange people to write letters to Sanbiao, and send trustworthy people to the capital. At this time, it's not very interesting for people on our side to talk, but a few neutral people come out and say, sure. Just a little bigger."

When the husband and wife said this, the previous warm atmosphere has faded a lot, and the rest is just business. Song Chanchan agreed, and there will be shorthand charcoal pens and cardboard by the bedside, and quickly write it down. He murmured and said:

"My lord, I feel that with the current situation in the capital, even if we do what we can do, it will be up to the Lord Long Live to make up his mind. This is just not sure."

"I know, we should do what we should do. If we still can't do it in the end, it's God's will. If God's will is hard to do, then it really doesn't matter."

When Wang Tong got up early the next morning, after breakfast, the first thing he did was to gather his personal guards and the armed forces directly controlled by the Songjiang Mansion. Be vigilant and tense at all times and cannot relax. From today on, everyone must be treated according to combat readiness in daily life, and there must be no slack in the slightest. Daily drills are doubled.

This order is nothing to the pro-guards of the Liao government. These energetic young people are eager to do so. Wang Tong and them made a deduction some time ago, which made them feel itchy. The extra training now just happens to consume Excessive energy, just like this, still has resentment, thinking why he can't go to the battlefield, some people even begged to Wang Tong, begged the commander for mercy, wrote a note, and arranged people to go to the battlefield, all of them were scolded by Wang Tong .

The infantry training is like this, but what the fleet has to do is different. The sailors from Fujian on each ship began to be transferred from the original establishment. They were all arranged on several specific ships and mixed with the Portuguese ships to go to sea together. Most of the ships going to Japan are from Fujian and southern Zhejiang. They can't find any flaws when they go there, so they can inquire about the news.

As for the rest of the ships, except for commercial transport, all the ships that have been moored in the port for more than three days will be transferred to participate in the drill. Some are to cooperate with the Sanjiang Fleet to fight, and some are to be led by the local navy generals. Various forms and styles always make people nervous, and no one dares to relax.

This kind of atmosphere even dissipated a lot of the hedonistic atmosphere in Songjiang Mansion and other places in the south of the Yangtze River. There must be a war, and some goods must be priced up. Do you want to make some arrangements?There are also the restless and lonely sons of the wealthy family, the Xungui family, who want to come to join the army, maybe they will have a chance to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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