Chapter 1087

There is an east-west road near Iron Mountain Cave (the "cave" is an administrative unit similar to the villages and towns on the Daming side) in North Korea's Pyongan Road, leading to Daming. In the past, this season was quite busy, and they were all people who went to the Yalu River to work and sell. , There are also nearby farmers who come to do some small business on the road.

But this year, the road was very deserted, the villages on both sides of the road were deserted, some fled into the mountains, and some were captured by the Japanese army.

Tieshan Cave is next to Tieshan Mountain, which is a hilly land with lush forests. Without human habitation, some animals even swaggered onto the road.

Although it is the second half of September at this time, the first snow has already fallen in many places in North Korea, and animals such as roe deer can still be seen on the road. Although this animal that looks like a deer is called "silly roe deer", But in fact, it is very vigilant and will run away at the slightest sign of trouble.

A roe deer was about to cross the road when it heard the sound of horseshoes in front of it. It turned around and ran very quickly. The grass on both sides of the road was waist-high. The roe deer ran a few steps, but then turned and ran towards the road. Just as the roe deer was about to run across the road, there was a sharp sound, and the roe deer was shot by an arrow in the neck, and the roe deer also fell down.

"Good luck, I have some meat tonight!"

The three hunters on horseback stopped in front of the roe deer, one of them laughed and said, and the other followed with a smile:

"It's a pity that I didn't bring sorghum to burn, otherwise there would be wine and meat, this would be very nourishing!"

These people wore leather robes slanted on their bodies, leather hats buckled on their heads, bows and arrows, and a knife and ax on the side of the saddle. Orion had such equipment. The bows and arrows were obviously military bows, and the knives and axes were not common people's. The working tools of these people are the dialect of the Liaodong Army. If someone is familiar with it, they will be able to recognize this as the so-called "No Harvest at Night". attack.

Those two people talked and laughed loudly, but the other person frowned and said:

"Keep your voice down, there will be tens of thousands of Japanese pirates one day before, who knows if there will be Japanese pirates' sentries."

"It's been almost three days since we've been here, and we haven't even seen a few North Koreans. The Japanese pirates who came here are probably nestled in the city to warm up!"

The other person said nonchalantly, and the other two shook their heads and laughed. Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the grass on both sides of the road was blown. only flourishing.

It's also late autumn now, Feng Qi was normal, but the man who was grinning and laughing earlier turned around and raised his bow and arrow, shouting angrily:
"There is someone in that grass!"

With a sound of "嗖", the sharp arrow shot directly into the grass, and the other two were also preparing. As expected, there was a scream in the grass, but three people stood up in a panic. It was obvious that the three of them were all dressed in North Korea. The attire of the local farmers waved their hands and shouted in panic.

Ye Bushou, who entered North Korea in Liaoning, knew a few words of Korean, and could understand what was shouted over there, "We are the people and good people". Ignore it, the bow and arrow in my hand has already been shot.

Another two North Korean farmers screamed and fell to the ground. The other farmer was stunned, but immediately realized that something was thrown towards this side with a touch in his arms.

The man who shot the arrow first screamed, but one arm hung down, and he cursed angrily:
"It's a dart, it really is a Japanese pirate's spy, go and catch him, this bastard is hiding in the grass and running away!"

The person over there has disappeared, probably hiding in the grass. Not long after I talked here, I heard a noise in the grass on the side of the road. The "North Korean farmer" was holding a straight knife cat He crawled out from the grass with his waist down, and before the person who had been hit by the dart in his arm could react, he was directly stabbed into the lower abdomen by the straight knife, and fell to the ground with a loud cry.

But when he was about to die, his hands tightly grasped each other, his two companions roared and pulled out their knives and axes, chopping the spy to the ground.

A person who was stabbed in the lower abdomen may not die immediately, but he may not be able to support him when he is sent back to the camp by the Yalu River. The person who was stabbed yelled like crazy, and his companions knew what to do, so they simply gave him a good time.

Searching the bodies of those "North Korean farmers", we found weapons and hidden weapons. These are the secret agents of the Japanese pirates who disguised themselves as Koreans and ambushed Daming's scouts everywhere to spy on the military situation. These people thought they were disguised as North Koreans. At least the soldiers and horses of Ming Dynasty will not kill indiscriminately, but those in Liaoning don’t care about what the people think when they don’t accept them at night. In Ming Dynasty, they may have some guesses, but in North Korea, they are even more indulgent, and they will do it directly.

What's more, in broad daylight, a few people are hiding in the grass on the side of the road. Such a North Korean farmer is full of suspiciousness in one way or another.

Such scenes happen every day in the area between Pyongyang and the Yalu River. Ming's scouts and Japanese pirates ambushed and fought each other, covering each other. Although the battle was silent, there were bloody casualties every day.

Zu Chengxun's failure made both Daming and the Japanese pirates more cautious. Now, the command of the battle against the Japanese pirates is completely in Daming's hands, and North Korea is at most playing a leading role. Of course, they can also inquire about some news through North Korea.

But the information provided also makes it difficult for Daming to believe. For example, according to North Korea's informant, it is said that the military strength of the Japanese pirates in the Pyongyang area has not increased, but has decreased.

At this stage of the stalemate between the two sides, Da Ming has been gathering troops to the border. Why did the Japanese pirates reduce their troops in the front line? The information provided by North Korea made Da Ming more suspicious. Later, Da Ming's spies got the exact news Yes, the Japanese pirates have indeed reduced their number of soldiers in Pyongyang.

Because Pyongyang was captured at the latest, and it will not take too long to resume farming. There is not much food output, and there is no way to obtain supplies on the spot to supply the First Army of the Japanese pirate army, so thousands of soldiers will go to Seoul. There is food in the area, and North Korean civilians have to be recruited to build roads and repair ports, in order to transport more food from southern North Korea to the north.

Liaoning itself still has law and order to maintain. At present, the soldiers and horses gathered by the three generals on the banks of the Yalu River can still be maintained for defense. It is a bit risky to launch an attack, not to mention that the opponent's strength has an advantage over Daming, so this Bian did not dare to act rashly, and the two sides still maintained a stalemate.

North Korea's courtiers from the king to the lower officials are all in a hurry now, but the attitude of the Ming court towards them is also getting colder every day. Originally, they could go around crying and complaining in the same way as Qin Ting, but now the other party has disappeared. , completely exclude them, which makes everyone helpless.

Based on North Korea's understanding of Ming Dynasty's internal affairs, it also knows where the current limitations are, and knows that the reason why there is no further military action at present is because the candidate for the commander-in-chief has not yet been decided.

King Li Zan of North Korea summoned his civil and military officials to discuss. The Li family in Liao Town knew what kind of people they were, and they were so domineering to the extreme. The coach of North Korea, I am afraid that the harm to North Korea will not be small, and the Li family will continue to exploit North Korea in the future. Such a person will not benefit much. The most important thing is that the failure of Zu Chengxun made North Korea feel cold. Originally, I was looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that as soon as the heavenly soldiers of Ming Dynasty arrived, they would immediately drive out the Japanese pirates, but thousands of cavalry were simply thrown in the city of Pyongyang, and they were charged with various crimes against North Korea. what will happen.

North Koreans naturally knew Wang Tong's reputation. They had a lot of dealings with the Jurchen tribes in Baishan Heishui. We all know that Wang Tong is quite reasonable, he has a method in doing things, and he is not that kind of overbearing character.

Under such circumstances, the North Korean monarchs and ministers also had a judgment. If they could push the Ming coach to be identified as Wang Tong as soon as possible, then the Ming army could enter the court to drive out the Japanese pirates as soon as possible.

North Korea's monarchs and ministers have also begun to operate. As the parties involved in this matter, it is convincing to have such a choice, and North Korea also has various relationships in the capital. There are still.

Around October of the 20th year of Wanli, the call for Wang Tong to be handsome became louder and louder. Not only the Qingliu civil servants who were born in Tianjin Wei, but also some neutrals who had always been neutral, and even some officials who thought they understood the situation thought Wang Tong was more important. It is suitable, and the trend in the palace is also changing.

The eunuch Tian Yi, who is in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, doesn't like Wang Tong. This is known all over the world, but the relationship between the eunuch Zou Yi, the admiral of the chief inspector of rites, and the eunuch Zhao Jinliang, who is in charge of the Qianqing Palace, and Wang Tong is also known to the whole world. Tendencies in the palace will happen. Such changes are also normal.

Now that the situation has come to this point, whether it is the outer court or the inner court, the debate is not so fierce, because everyone knows that at this time, Emperor Wanli should make the decision.

In the Imperial Study Room of Qianqing Palace, Emperor Wanli sat opposite Wang Xijue, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and said:
"Wang Aiqing, there are currently two candidates for the commander-in-chief of the imperial army. One is Wang Tong and the other is Li Rusong. Li Rusong has already asked for a fight, but Wang Tong doesn't know what his attitude is. If he doesn't want to, force him to go. It's also inappropriate."

Wang Xijue shook his head with a smile, and said slowly:

"Your Majesty, if Wang Tong doesn't want to, I'm afraid the government and the public will not have so many remarks. If the Li family can find someone to talk about it, wouldn't Wang Tong be able to?"

Emperor Wanli would not fail to think of this, and shook his head and chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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