Chapter 1095
"Although the country of Wa is bigger than North Korea, it is not difficult to annex it. Although the country of Wa is now unified by a strong man, the undercurrent is raging. The big names everywhere, put it on our side, are the so-called princes, and they are all dissatisfied. To accumulate troops and horses to prepare for resistance, as long as Ming's army enters the Wa Kingdom, they can disintegrate and disintegrate them, break them up one by one, and cannibalize them step by step. But at the beginning, if all goes well, they will have to cede land and pay compensation to become a vassal. "

Wang Tong's last paragraph can be regarded as a summary. After finishing speaking, everyone present was silent. After a while, Emperor Wanli laughed out loud. eccentric.

"Ceding the land and paying compensation to become a minister, I read history books, it seems that such things are mostly in the Han family, but I didn't expect it to be applied to others. Wang Tong, you said it very well, but when I heard this, I felt unsure."

"What your majesty said is that the old minister also finds it strange."

Wang Xijue's words were just for fun. Although everyone said that, the tone had already been settled. Emperor Wanli patted the back of the chair with his hand, and said again:
"Zou Yi takes the lead. The news from the Wa country, whether it comes from the official or the private sector, should be inquired as much as possible. Wang Aiqing still needs to verify what Wang Aiqing said. After all, it is such a big matter. Be careful first. Wang Tong, let’s go to North Korea now, do the things right now, let’s worry about the rest, and figure it out slowly!”

Emperor Wanli's words had actually acquiesced to Wang Tong's proposals, and the rest of the work was all about details.

When an army of this scale is dispatched, a grand ceremony must be held, and the emperor personally grants the seal letter of the soldiers, praying to the ancestors, the ancestors, the heaven and the earth, and bless such an army to win.

In the past, the common people in the capital watched the excitement, but Xungui's family didn't even bother to watch the excitement. Many of the Xungui's children in the capital were serving in the army. They had already made contact with each other during this season, saying that they would be removed from the army so as not to go to the battlefield. Go up to die.

But now it is different. Anyone who seeks to make progress is looking for a relationship to ask someone to intercede, and asks his children to follow Wang Tong to go to war. The situation is different these years. Enjoying peace and wealth is certainly a way out, but if you want to have some hope of getting ahead If you want to earn a greater share of wealth for yourself and your family, then you have to go to war.

Seeing the blood, having military merits, the above is very creditworthy, there is always a position that can be promoted, not to mention anything else, how did the Chen family of Xiangcheng get their current glory, and what is the Tang family of the imperial merchants like now? up.

For such a relationship, Wang Tong didn't need to push back. In fact, with his status, no one could use favors to arrest him. Anyone who wanted to go to war would directly push it to Ma Sanbiao and Li Hu. Head, if you want to serve the country, you are welcome, but first you have to see if you have the ability.

For entertainment or something, Wang Tong just got together with Zou Yi, Lu Wancai and other old friends, and the others were also rejected. At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Wang Tong had already lived in the barracks outside the capital. It was already wartime, and the Sanjiang system and Jinyiwei were all in operation, and they began to check military supplies and check armaments everywhere.

The grand ceremony before the expedition was quite grand. Entering the DPRK to fight against the Japanese, this battle was to defend the Ming Dynasty, but the use of military power was huge, the cost was also huge, and it was also related to the fate of the country. The condition is also to light incense and pray, hoping that Daming will win this battle.

The ceremonial officials sang the salute, the emperor paraded the army, and after all the procedures were completed, it was the Emperor Wanli who awarded Wang Tong Shangfang the sword and the commander-in-chief's flag on the high platform.

This procedure was personally authorized by Emperor Wanli, and Wang Tong had to kneel below to accept it with both hands. On this platform, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of officials and people, Wang Tong finished all the items in the hands of Emperor Wanli.

"This is the way to win!"

Emperor Wanli said in a loud voice that a ceremony officer on the side had already sent a signal to the people below, and all the people below shouted in unison:
"This is the way to win, Daming is mighty."

Some sharp-eyed people also noticed that after Emperor Wanli granted Shang Fang the sword and the commander's flag, he bowed and picked up Wang Tong, and said a few words. Everyone was solemn and solemn on the surface, but they sighed in private. It's amazing, if so kind!

"If you return after a big victory this time, don't go back to Songjiang. Come to the capital, let us monarchs and ministers make good use of it!"

If the words of Emperor Wanli's private advice were heard, they would be even more amazed. Wang Tong didn't expect Emperor Wanli to say that. He hesitated for a moment, bowed and knelt down, and said:
"The minister leads the decree to thank you!"

On the eleventh day of the twelfth lunar month in the 20th year of Wanli, it was an auspicious day for the army to travel. A ceremony was held, and the army officially marched towards Liaoning.

The capital held a ceremony, and the army set off. In Yizhou, Liaoning, the battle had already begun.

In November of the 20th year of Wanli, the Yalu River was already frozen. Frozen three feet describes the actual scene in such places. Not to mention leaving people, even heavy-loaded four-wheeled and four-horse carts can pass safely.

Li Rusong, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, led [-] cavalry in the headquarters, and Li Rubai, the commander-in-chief of Liaoxi, led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry in Liaoxi, and Li Rubai, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, led [-] infantry.

This dispatch, even though Ma Lin, the commander-in-chief of Eastern Liaoning and Sun Shoulian, the commander-in-chief of Southern Liaoning, did not sell the Li family's face very much, but many of their subordinates were former members of the Li family. Xu Guangguo came forward and said that soldiers and horses were also needed to be stationed along the border of Daming in Yizhou, so that the cavalry in southern and eastern Liaoning were left behind.

Xu Guangguo also has practical considerations, because now Liaoning and various places outside the Liaoning side wall are transporting grain and grass to Yizhou to facilitate the arrival of the next army.

Although the road surface is hard and the carts are convenient for transportation in winter, it is troublesome after all. The real large-scale collection of grain and grass will have to wait until the waterway is unblocked next year, and the grain will be transported directly from Shandong to the Yalu River.

In the current situation, the transportation capacity of grain and grass is still too tight, and it is naturally stretched to be used by the front troops, which is quite troublesome.

According to Wang Tong's intention, the army led by Li Rusong was not going to launch any big offensive, but to make it impossible for the Japanese army in Pyongyang to gather together and build fortifications. The number of troops led by Li Rusong was obviously far beyond the scope of doing this, and the pressure on them to provide food and grass was also great, so Xu Guangguo would naturally not allow it.

Nearly [-] troops entered the DPRK. This is also a large army. After crossing the Yalu River and entering the North Korean side, the spies and scouts who were originally deployed here can be used. The roads and camps are also familiar, and there is no obstacle .

In contrast, the Japanese pirates were also aware of the movement of this army led by Li Rusong, and they were also well prepared on the side of Pyongyang City.

The Li family's generals use their troops, whether it is frivolous or swift, relying on the cavalry to advance quickly and attack those who are not prepared, this is the characteristic of the Li family's use of troops.

This time it was the same in North Korea. The army set up camp after half a day's march, but Li Rubai led four thousand cavalry, carrying two days' worth of dry food and fodder, and kept moving forward to see if there was any possibility of a surprise attack by the enemy.

However, in winter, Pyongan-do, Hwanghae-do, and Gyeonggi-do in the north of North Korea are a bit colder than Hokuriku in the Japanese country.

When Zu Chengxun led the army to advance, he once rested in a town on the way. Now the town has been occupied by Japanese pirates, and they built an earthen village and deployed [-] soldiers to guard it.

This actually proves that the Japanese pirates' control over northern North Korea is gradually strengthening. This earthen village blocked the only way for the cavalry to go to Pyongyang, and the first battle was fought here.

The stockade was very simple. The trees felled nearby did not even peel off their bark. They were sharpened and inserted into the ground. Half a foot of soil was buried outside the place where the stakes were inserted, and then trenches were dug outside.

Although this fortification is simple, in this severe cold season, as long as water is poured on the thick wooden fence outside and on the earth wall, a very strong fortification can be formed.

Even though the scouts and scouts below had talked about various situations in North Korea before coming here, Li Rubai still laughed when he saw this village.

"Just such a kennel is still blocking the road, little ones, it's the first achievement to beat him!"

But when we started fighting, it was not so easy. The place where the earthen village was built was in the middle of the mountain, and there were only two roads for entering and exiting, and the rest were rocky or potholed.

The [-] cavalry had a huge advantage in field battles against the [-] infantry in the village, but if they attacked the village, the cavalry would have to dismount, cut down trees to make tools, and attack step by step, which was quite troublesome.

In fact, Li Rusong's explanation to Li Rubai was very simple. Don't pay attention to the fortifications of the village. It's not easy for them to go up the mountain. In fact, it's not easy for the soldiers and horses in the village to come down. The task of the thousands of horsemen led by Li Rubai is to go all the way. Push forward and check to see if there are any enemy troops or other abnormalities on the road ahead of the army. As for attacking cities and villages, this is not the task of cavalry.

The general of the Li family is frivolous. This is Wang Tong's evaluation. One of the manifestations of frivolity is that he is very happy. Seeing such an earthen village, Li Rubai wants to get something else. He only wants to win this place and win the first prize among the army entering the court. , It also makes the family happy.

The war is not one-sided, and the generals of one side can do whatever they want. When Li Rubai's cavalry approached the stockade, the iron cannons and bows and arrows in the stockade fired together, killing and wounding dozens of people immediately. Li retreated in embarrassment. How could the commander-in-chief be so angry that he immediately cursed and added more people.

(End of this chapter)

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