Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1101 It's all expected

Chapter 1101 It's all expected
Surrounding three and missing one, the key is not three, but on that one, this tactic is used everywhere, and the Ming Dynasty's Art of War is also read by many people in Japan.

Nearly [-] troops broke through the east gate, and Chief Xiaoxi also knew that there would not be a wide avenue outside the city for him to let the First Legion escape safely. Under such a situation, there was no need to think about sleeping and resting at night. Although Xiaoxixing's actions during the day are flustered, but at night they are quite satisfactory.

Teams of ashigaru led by samurai were sent out, and even the ninjas under the generals were assembled into teams and arranged to fight. The number of each team was not large, but it was required to go deep enough to harass the Ming army as much as possible. In each battalion, the ninja teams as spies and assassins were required to get as close as possible to the commander of the Ming army. The commander who could assassinate the opponent was the best, and at the worst, he would harass him.

There are all kinds of magical legends about ninjas in the country of Wa, but their status in the country of Wa is always very low, far behind the samurai, which shows their actual ability.

The Japanese pirate army will be able to think of such tricks, and the Ming army is the same. The night is not accepted, and the warriors with strong martial arts from each battalion have been sent out, and the request is also harassment and investigation.

The two sides found each other on dark or not-so-dark streets and killed each other, because the fortifications of the two sides were too close. Fighting is easy to accidentally injure, and it is easy to cause chaos. Often, the two sides will withdraw after a little contact.

In Pyongyang at night, the sound of fighting came from somewhere, and it quickly subsided again, but the people in the whole city did not rest well, and all the soldiers and horses were preparing.

Early the next morning, no one paid much attention to this day, and the Wa country also used the Ming calendar, and now both sides should be approaching the Spring Festival, and the atmosphere is usually full of joy, but who cares about this at this time.

"My lord, the Japanese soldiers and horses have opened the east gate, and the army has fled out of the city!"

It was just dawn and before the sun came out, Li Rusong, who had slept for less than an hour, received an urgent report, and there was no need to rest. The whole group was actually wearing armor and waiting for the news in the tent. The Chinese army and the rest of the generals are watching from their own battalions, and the messengers are waiting for news around the commander's tent!
"Run away, brother, let's send all the cavalry out to chase now, great work, great work!"

Hearing this news, Li Rubai, who was wrapped in a bearskin cloak, almost jumped up, and shouted happily there, in the handsome tent, it is taboo to give orders by leapfrogging, but everyone understands what is going on when the Li family speaks out .

Li Rusong frowned, and cursed angrily:
"Chasing a ball, this kind of downwind battle, those sons of yours must be staring at the treasure and the head, and chasing after them, I am afraid that the chasing will cause trouble, pass my general order, immediately attack the whole city, and drive the Japanese pirates out of the city !"

"Brother, why don't we stop the pursuit outside the city!"

"I already arranged for Li Ning and Zha Dashou to do it yesterday, so you don't need to say anything!"

It takes time to transmit the order from the Chinese army to all places, especially the complex terrain and narrow streets in Pyongyang, which is even more time-consuming, but when the sun appears in the sky, the general offensive begins.

The city of Pyongyang suddenly boiled up, and the Ming army stationed in various places began to attack the Japanese pirate fortifications that had been located last night.

But this boiling was one-sided, most of the attacks were in vain, because most of the Japanese fortifications and camps were empty, and the Ming army scattered everywhere.

The Japanese pirates are retreating, and now the brigades of the Japanese pirates are gathering, but the forces of the Ming army scattered everywhere are not concentrated. No matter it is the arrangement last night, or because of the blockage of the streets and houses, they are scattered, and people everywhere dare not mess around. Move, report in a hurry and wait for instructions, and have a plan for this response.

Li Rusong immediately ordered the teams to gather troops in several open areas in Pyongyang City, and then moved forward again, and the fierce battle immediately broke out again. The two brigades met at the Bell and Drum Tower in the center of the city.

Different from yesterday's battle at the city gate, the Japanese soldiers in this area are very tenacious, and their tactics are the same. The nearly thousand iron artillery occupying the dominant terrain opened fire for nearly three rounds, and then retreated calmly. The opponent hid behind buildings and wooden shields made temporarily from door panels.

At this time, the battle team, wearing armor, holding long knives, spears and bows and arrows, has a large number of samurai, and the ratio of them to ashigaru is much higher than yesterday.

In the battle inside the city, Zu Chengxun's opinion is very important. The Ming army also pushed the infantry up. When fighting at the city gate yesterday, the elite servants of each family knew to step forward. Today is not such a fierce battle. Instead, they Without that energy, he pushed the pawns to the front instead.

The infantry of Liao Town may not be stronger than that foot light, or even worse, not to mention that the opponent is dominated by warriors this time, and their momentum has been suppressed all of a sudden.

"Damn it, that grandson said that Japanese pirates don't have bows and arrows, and that only North Korean spies use them!"

There are generals yelling in the crowd, and the Japanese pirates also have bows and arrows. In such a face-to-face battle, the damage is really not small. What the Ming army did not expect is that the bows and arrows of the Japanese pirates are big bows. The arrows are not long and cannot shoot far, but the arrows It is big and heavy. After being shot, the wound is not small, and people will bleed and lose their combat effectiveness. This is actually quite similar to the Jurchens' bows and arrows.

"Crew the cannon, pull the cannon!"

After several attacks, they were beaten to death by the Japanese pirates. The generals of the Ming army were unwilling to waste them. The iron wheel gun mount is also very easy to drag and pull, so get it over and blast his mother.

At the east gate, the Japanese pirate army has already gone out in groups. Originally, the Japanese pirate army’s marching regulation was that the ashigaru was in the center, and the iron artillery walked on both wings, because the iron artillery had to dance the match at any time to keep the fire burning, and the space required for the queue was relatively large. However, the samurai are mixed in the team as first-level leaders, but this time it is slightly different. The iron artillery is still on the periphery, and the samurai is not in the team, but between the iron artillery and the ashigaru. The samurai are used to The weapons are different from the ashigaru. Some hold wild swords and some cross spears, but now almost all of them are replaced with spears. Every 2000 Japanese pirate teams go out in a hurry.

Yesterday, Chief Konishi pushed Kuno Shigekatsubu sent by the Third Army to die, but he did not do anything similar when he withdrew today. Among the Japanese invaders, some of them belonged to a daimyo, while others were A collection of armies to which several daimyos belong, such as the First Legion.

Before the withdrawal, Ma Qingxin and a few others had already made preparations for an annihilation. If you, President Xiaonishi, arranged for us to die after we die, then you would have to see the truth in the sword, but President Xiaonishi’s arrangement this time was quite unreasonable. That's right, the broken soldiers and horses are his elite headquarters, and he led the team to walk in the middle. The only requirement is that the large barrels and iron cannons of each army should be used in a centralized manner. Since he did this, the generals below have no objection.

Everyone has been through battles for a long time, and they will not be naive and arrogant to think that after the battle inside the city, there will be no ambush outside the city by the Ming army, but the scene of the Ming army's cannons and impact yesterday was too shocking, let alone even There is an advantage in numbers, and everyone knows that it is a dead end in the city, so go as soon as possible.

The morality and size of North Korea are not much larger than the various vassal states of the Wa Kingdom. Crossing the Datong River is where the Yellow Sea Road is. When the time comes, it is not a problem for the Ming army of this size to go.

But whether they can escape safely depends on whether they can cross the frozen Taedong River. On the north bank of the Taedong River, there is a rare flat area in North Korea.

When you can see the meandering Datong River, you may also see the cavalry galloping in the distance of the army. Just as the Japanese general expected, the cavalry of the Ming army chased after them.

"The iron cannon team checks the iron cannon!! The banner team is on alert!!! Each team maintains the team and must not collapse."

The messengers on horseback kept running between the teams, conveying the orders of the regiment commander. The iron artillerymen slowed down, but the samurai in the inner circle did not. Naturally, Ashgaru also saw that they were galloping with the brigade and gradually The approaching Ming army cavalry, they were a little flustered, but the samurai were all on the periphery. During the march, they almost wrapped up the ashigaru, controlled the ashigaru from moving around, and in such a formation position, that Even if you meet the enemy at the outermost periphery, some people stand in the front, some people take the lead bravely, and the ashigaru people are also steady.

In the Datong River area, the terrain becomes flat and wide. You can see that the cavalry of the Ming army began to turn. Both sides are marching. The cavalry is attacking the formation mainly composed of infantry. This is an ambush. Such a large formation is too late to complete the formation. , If you want to line up to meet the enemy, if the formation changes and the enemy rushes in, it will be easier to collapse.

The cavalry of the Ming army got closer and closer, and they could already hear the generals shouting in unison:

"...You can only dismount after ordering, otherwise you will act according to military law."

".line up" ".bow"

The iron artillery soldiers all started blowing the matchlock fiercely to keep the fire head on. The cautious people had already tamped the gunpowder with a plow rod. The samurai of several teams had already stopped in their tracks. Banners were waving rapidly in the main camp of Chief Xiaonishi. .

The most effective position for cavalry to charge a moving column is in the middle of the column.The whole team might be broken up by the middle, and the Ming army's cavalry is aiming in this direction. This judges that the Ming army can go down, and the Japanese pirates also know that in the middle, two groups of Japanese soldiers and horses suddenly turned to face the Ming army's cavalry. Come up.

(End of this chapter)

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