Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 111 Today I Know You Are the Emperor's Nobility

Chapter 111 Today I Know You Are the Emperor's Nobility
"After reading this report, I was very interested in some things, so I asked someone to go to Shuntian Mansion to check some files."

The little emperor seldom said anything in the cabinet, and even if he did, it was only what the queen mother or Zhang Juzheng asked him to say, but what he said now was obviously not hinted or taught.

Even Zhang Juzheng, who had been worrying about his father's condition and Qingzhang's farm, couldn't help but look up at Wanli. Wanli had a smile on his fat face, and said gently:

"The East Factory said that Wang Guoguang, your son, Wang Tailai, robbed the women of the people and intended to commit murder. The East Factory only fought to protect the safety of the good people."

Feng Bao lowered his head, Zhang Juzheng was surprised, but Wang Guoguang's body trembled violently, he didn't know where to throw those words of impeachment and attack, but his reaction was also quick, and after a little bit of astonishment, he kowtowed landed on the ground and said eagerly:
"Your Majesty, don't listen to Dongchang's one-sided words. Dozens of servants in the minister's family were killed. Did Dongchang kill one person and injure another? The casualties were disparate, but Dongchang slandered his ministers with harsh words. Your Majesty knows clearly. Your Majesty is aware!"

"Your Majesty, Dongchang is mostly cunning villains in the market. This kind of villain likes to turn black and white the most. Lord Wang is famous for his clear look in the capital. How could he do such a joke? Your Majesty is clearly aware!"

After Wang Guoguang kowtowed and shouted, Wan Shihe, Minister of Rites, also stood up to help. In their eyes, Emperor Wanli's strange behavior might have been instigated by Feng Bao or Zhang Juzheng. The emperor has never insisted on his ministers, but he can handle it.

The two ministers stood up and insisted on the same point of view, and the Wanli Emperor would often be shaken, and Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao have not made a sound until now, one is silent, one is surprised, it seems that the emperor's words may have been passed on by someone else, Since there is no big boss behind it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, it was not the same as in the past, when the two courtiers spoke in unison, Emperor Wanli would hesitate and stutter, and instead he continued to say gently:
"Lord Wan, please don't get excited. Lord Wang also sit down. Of course, I will not listen to one side or believe it. The slaves in Dongchang are really too courageous sometimes, so they specially went to Shuntian Mansion to transfer the files. Over the past year , there were four cases of Wang Tailai robbing civilian girls, but they were suppressed by Yin Huangsen of Shuntian Prefecture. Wang Tailai also said that although the robbery of civilian girls is dirty, others don't know the fun of it. Is there such a thing? "

There was no sound in the room. On the one hand, it was filled with the central leaders of the Ming Empire, and the cultivation of the city was enough to prevent them from losing their composure. On the other hand, today's Emperor Wanli is very different from the past.

Emperor Wanli could see the shock and solemnity of the crowd. Before this, he could only see the contempt of the officials hidden under awe. This change made him calmer and more composed, and continued:
"Wang Aiqing, in the past nine months, four young maidservants in your house died of sudden illness. According to the coroner who conducted the autopsy, each maidservant had been whipped and needled and tortured, but this was also suppressed by Huang Sen. do you know?"

Ever since Jinyiwei and Dongchang came into existence, every move of Gaopin officials has been under surveillance. There are daily reports, weekly reports, and quarterly reports. Of course, several women died in Shangshufu's family, so turn a blind eye to such things. It will pass in an instant, who would care, but if it is really taken out, it will immediately become a crime.

"Wang Tailai practiced evil skills, spoiled women from good families, and killed many people. Do you know about this matter, Wang Shangshu?"

Emperor Wanli's words became more and more gentle, but Wang Guoguang, the official minister who had just sat down, couldn't sit still any longer, and knelt down on the ground, weeping and saying:
"Your Majesty, this is all slander by others and a trick of a traitor. I really don't know..."

"Jin Yiwei and Dongchang both have spies and secret agents in the official residences above the third rank. You all know this custom. Doesn't Yin Huangsen of Shuntian Mansion claim to be your protégé? Why is there such a thing in the hands of Shuntian Mansion?" files!"

Shuntian Mansion handles cases, and cases involving important figures are often suppressed and left alone, but they will definitely keep the case files secretly. Whenever there is a thorough investigation by the Shangguan, they must take out the case files to deal with them, so as not to have time to say that they Concealment and failure to report, corruption and perversion of the law.

Emperor Wanli really wanted to investigate, and the officials and servants below naturally knew how to find them. Among the high-ranking officials in the capital, there were no honest and upright ones, and there were some problems. Not to mention Wang Shangshu, who was impeached many times on weekdays. Collecting bribes, a check really finds out too many things.

"Wang Guoguang! You are the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the leader of Qingliu, but your own son has committed such a beastly behavior. Did the sage books you read end up in the stomach of a dog?"

Emperor Wanli suddenly spoke harshly, Wang Guoguang went limp and could only kowtow again and again, and everyone in the room looked at Wanli in surprise.

"The family is in trouble, and your children are like animals. What qualifications do you have to be in charge of the bureaucracy, and what qualifications do you have to be the leader of this Qingliu!!?"

He spoke lightly before, but then his tone became more and more severe. Wang Guoguang didn't know where to throw his previous thoughts, and the little resistance in his heart was defeated. Now although he was kneeling on the ground, his whole body was about to go limp.

Wanli is only 14 years old, but no matter how young the emperor is, he is still an emperor. After these words are spoken, everything is irreversible, and the next thing to consider is life and death.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, coughed lightly, and was about to persuade him. At this time, Emperor Wanli softened his tone a lot, and said with a smile:

"Wang Shangshu has also gone through three dynasties. He has worked hard on the king's affairs. There is hard work without credit. The matter of Wang Tailai is his own business. He will be arrested and questioned by the officials. Wang Shangshu is also old. Go back to your hometown and study hard behind closed doors!"

Wang Tailai, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, felt cold in his heart. He was such an only son, and he had always spoiled him a bit, but what Wang Tailai did was not too out of the ordinary. If you speak, I'm afraid the only son will not be able to keep it.

Thinking of this, I really feel sad from my heart. Compared with this son, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who has worked so hard to manage all the officials and rewards and punishments, did not expect that everything disappeared in a morning when he was unprepared.

But he is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and he is the candidate for whom neither Zhang Ge nor Feng Gonggong has any objections. The emperor can't remove himself like this. Waiting for the opportunity, someone will definitely speak for him.

After listening to Emperor Wanli's words about Wang Tailai, Shangshu Wan Shihe of the Ministry of Rites hesitated for a while and still sat in his seat. As the leader of Qingliu, he had no position to defend others against such charges, and even wanted to speak out. Zhang Juzheng reprimanded him, but he didn't move. Zhang Juzheng, who was sitting at the top, pondered for a while, got up and said:
"Your Majesty, Jiuqing is an important minister of the country. It is quite appropriate for Mr. Wang to be in charge of the Ministry of Officials. Resigning in such a hasty manner will cause confusion in the affairs of the Ministry. Should he be temporarily replaced and then select alternates? As for Wang Tailai, he may be raped. If someone bewitches you to make a big mistake, let Lord Wang strictly discipline you."

Wang Guoguang finally stopped trembling. Most of the time, Zhang Juzheng's words were even more effective than those of Emperor Wanli. Emperor Wanli respected his teacher so much, so he must have a chance.

"Mr. Zhang Ge, my emperor's ancestor killed Yan Shifan and ordered Yan Song to become an official. First, he was serious about the laws of the country, and second, he was sympathetic to the hard work of the veterans for the country. What I have done today is to imitate this law. Is there anything wrong?"

The ancestor of Wanli was Emperor Jiajing, and Yan Song was a treacherous official who was reviled by everyone. It was impossible to refute what he had said. Zhang Juzheng paused for a moment, bowed quickly, and said respectfully:
"Thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace, His Majesty's handling is fair!"

This time, Wang Guoguang collapsed on the ground, and the officials in the room exchanged glances with each other with a slight movement, and they all stood up, bowed and praised:
"Your Majesty Shengming!!"

Emperor Wanli was breathing heavily. He looked at the fear from the bottom of his heart for the first time among the officials, and felt a tremor from the bottom of his heart to the officials in power. An extremely sweet feeling filled his whole body. The identity of the emperor made him I feel extremely boring and feel that everyone treats me as a child.

But at this time today, he felt the power, the wonderful taste of the peak of power, this is the so-called emperor's joy!

Emperor Wanli took a deep breath, and said to Zhang Juzheng, who looked a little ugly:

"Old Man, Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, has always been loyal and has some ability. If Mr. Wang becomes an official, let Zhang Han fill in the vacancy!"

Who in the capital didn't know that Zhang Han, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, committed a crime when he was admiral of the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi.

After Zhang Juzheng heard the appointment, he couldn't help being stunned for a while, the ugly face quickly faded, and he solemnly replied:
"What Your Majesty said is true, please make an order after the cabinet will be postponed!!"

It turned out that Wang Guoguang was pushed to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials by him, but there were many restrictive actions. Zhang Han counted his direct lineage as his replacement today, which was beneficial and harmless to him. Emperor Wanli dismissed him without discussing with him. Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Juzheng was quite annoyed at first, but with this appointment, he has nothing to say.

Outside the cabinet building, there are young eunuchs who are waiting for orders. As long as they stand a little closer and listen carefully, they can hear everything inside.

It said that when Zhang Han filled the vacancy, a young eunuch said to his companion:

"Urgent urination, find someone to help me take over the shift first, and treat you to a drink later..."

His companion nodded, and the little eunuch ran out with a bowed body. After turning a few turns, the little eunuch tucked the hem of his robe into his belt and ran wildly towards the palace.
Thunder, rain and dew are all a blessing from heaven. Monthly ticket subscriptions and rewards are all for support. Thank you, everyone, for continuing to support.

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(End of this chapter)

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