Chapter 1112

The cavalrymen of the Ming army yelled and yelled strangely, chasing up the enemies in front of them, slashing and assassinating them. The Japanese pirates in front could not resist. The people were still kicked out and ran around, completely defeated.

The Ming army cavalry who were originally concentrated in a team began to disperse because they were chasing and killing the scattered enemies, but there were still queues behind the enemy's front team, and there were gaps between the queues. The samurai and ashigaru were shouting loudly to let the fleeing soldiers The pawns walked away from the gaps between the queues and lined up at the back. If they charged into the formation, they would be intercepted and killed immediately.

The Ming cavalry, which had been charging and running, had already slowed down, and there were fewer and fewer routs in front, but rows of iron artillery soldiers squatting or standing appeared.

On a high hill near Bichi Pavilion, thousands of well-armored banner warriors guard several horse seals. The so-called horse seals are the recognition flags of Japanese generals. Some are flags, and some are symbols of certain shapes. The object represents the general himself, similar to the handsome flag.

Those who are familiar with the Japanese pirate sequence look at these horse seals, and they will see Governor Konishi, Kuroda Nagamasa, the general general Ukita Hideka who invaded the Japanese pirates, and even Takakage Kobayakawa of the Sixth Army.

"My lords, the Ming invaders are powerful, let's go back to Seoul and defend ourselves!"

Surrounded by all the generals, the most gorgeously dressed fat general stammered there. When he said this, even the banner warriors surrounded outside couldn't help but bow their heads. Some were hiding the contempt in their eyes, while others were feel ashamed.

A trace of contempt flashed across the faces of President Konishi and Kuroda Nagamasa, but they ignored this person and looked at the solid middle-aged man standing on the left side in unison. The middle-aged man was about 50 or [-] years old, with broad shoulders and short legs. , the whole person seemed to be square, and he turned slightly sideways there, and said in a deep voice:

"His Royal Highness Yuxita, you can see that Ming Kou's offensive is fierce at this time, but have you noticed that Ming Kou's impact is being absorbed by the array, and they are powerless!"

The Ukita Hide family looked over there tremblingly, and found nothing at all. After all, Konishi Governor and Kuroda Nagamasa had fought battles for a long time, but they could find there that the Ming army's marching speed had slowed down and was already scattered.

"Yamato's counterattack is now!"

As if to match Takakage Kobayakawa's words, the iron cannons and large canisters could be heard roaring, and the battlefield was filled with rumbling sounds and white smoke.

"His Royal Highness Yuxita please order that the cavalry and warriors of each legion must march forward bravely to divide and encircle the cavalry of the Ming invaders. Today, this cavalry team of the Ming invaders must be completely wiped out!"

Takakage Kobayakawa raised his voice and said that he asked Ukita to give an order. Before Ukita could make a move, the orderly samurai who was waiting there was already running down the mountain at a fast pace. Forehead said:

"Maybe it's because I got up this morning and the wind blows. I feel dizzy now. In this state, the command may delay this important task. Why don't you carry it out for me, Mr. Kobayakawa?"

The voice of the words became smaller and smaller, and the contemptuous expressions of the people around became more serious, but Takakage Kobayakawa showed a concerned look on his face, bowed and said:

"Your Highness is a body of ten thousand gold, it is better to go back to the city to rest quickly, and leave everything here to the subordinates!"

After finishing speaking, just as if he didn't see the surprised expression on Ukita Hideka's face, he turned his head and said to several banners:

"Don't escort His Highness back to the city to rest, let the military doctor come over for diagnosis and treatment."

"I'm really sorry, I have to arrange a few adults to worry about it here."

The Ukita Hide family staggered to the side while pretentiously prevaricating, pretending to be weak, and Kobayakawa and the others bowed to see them off, and then turned back to observe the battlefield. Kobayakawa Takakage was about to give an order to speak, but he heard someone who didn't know where Someone said:
"If this trash wasn't for my mother and Master Taige."

Takakage Kobayakawa glanced around with a stern expression, and the surroundings were immediately silent. At this moment, Konishi Yukio-chan at the side hesitated for a moment, and said:
"Lord Kobayakawa, the casualties below are too severe, and the Ming cavalry is still too strong. If we hold on to the forts around Seoul and exhaust the food and grass of the Ming cavalry before attacking, the Ming cavalry will be defeated by then, and the result of the battle will be greater after all. !"

Kobayakawa shook his head slowly, and said:
"No, since the Ming invaders entered the dynasty, our army has never won any victories. We have retreated all the way from Ping'an Road and Huanghai Road, and there have been many casualties. If we don't win a battle, we will completely eat up the elite of the Ming army. Then our army will no longer have any morale, and will retreat all the way in the future, and by then, everyone will suffer more than this!"

When Kobayakawa said this, everyone was awe-inspiring, and Kobayakawa pointed to the battlefield and said:

"The cavalry can't run, and they are surrounded and divided by everyone's superior forces. The results of the battle are about to appear. The key now is to see how determined we are and how much strength we put in!"

After saying this, Takakage Kobayakawa turned around and shouted:

"Xiu Bao, you lead my banner team into the battlefield, and you must come back with the head of General Ming Kou!"

A general standing behind Takakage Kobayakawa agreed loudly, and quickly walked down the mountain, followed by many armored banner warriors on the hill.

As soon as Takakage Kobayakawa mobilized his elite troops, Governor Konishi and Nagamasa Kuroda followed suit, and several generals left behind by Hideo Ukita's family also led the troops into the battlefield.

Li Rusong threw himself forward, and a spear stabbed behind him fell into the air, but there was still an enemy in front of him, and a warrior was holding a long knife in both hands, and he was already picking up and chopping down. The Japanese pirate warrior was not tall, but this time The jump is not short, and the length of the knife is enough to pose a threat.

Li Rusong slammed his legs into the horse's belly, the spurs pierced the horse, and the horse rushed forward, but the Japanese pirate's knife cut through the air. Li Rusong swung the long knife in his hand, and half of the warrior's neck was split open, bleeding. Spraying wildly, the corpse fell from mid-air, but there were several ashigaru screaming in front of them and stabbing them with their guns. Li Rusong wanted to move the horse, but it was too late. He was about to hit him, and there were several sharp whistling whistles behind him. , the foot light in front were all shot to death.

"General, there are too many pirates, we can't move forward!"

Hearing the voice of the man behind him, Li Rusong heaved a sigh of relief. Looking back, the guards had already followed. Most of the people's bodies and faces were covered with blood, dirty and purple. Li Rusong nodded, Shaking the reins, he turned around and said:
"Gather our team and go out!!"

After urging the mount, the horse started to run again, and it took only a short while to get out of the crisis, and immediately there were soldiers of Japanese pirates rushing over here.

The front team of the Japanese pirates was rushed to kill, and after the cavalry of the Ming army completely dispersed several battalions of the front team, they found that they did not cause a large-scale collapse of the Japanese pirate army, but they themselves fell into it.

The momentum was exhausted, and he was hit head-on by the opponent's iron cannon. After paying a certain amount of casualties, the team experienced a short period of stagnation and chaos. The team is stagnant, but the back team will not stop for the time being.

The front and back are crowded, and it is even more impossible for the entire team to make big moves in a short period of time, not to mention that the army's front team has already dispersed in order to pursue.

Using the front team to consume the impact of the cavalry, using iron cannons to cause damage, and interspersing and dividing before the opponent has time to evade the action, these tactical arrangements of the Japanese pirates have all been realized, and the intended effect has been fully achieved.

The superior Japanese infantry and cavalry cooperated and began to surround the Ming army cavalry regiments. The cavalry could not maneuver in a wide range, and there was no way to rely on speed to charge. Now it was a strangulation battle.

After all, it was the old background of the generals of the Li family. Even if these cavalry were divided and surrounded, they did not flee in panic. They gathered together and fought to the death with the Japanese infantry relying on their equipment and condescension.

But in such a situation, a Ming army cavalry has an advantage over a Japanese pirate ashigaru or even a Japanese pirate samurai, but the opponent is often several or even a dozen people against one, and casualties gradually appear.

Everyone knows that at such a time, they can't escape by themselves, and they can't escape. They can only regroup the troops, but the horses can't run fast, so they can only march while fighting.

The cavalry of the Ming army finally felt one of the characteristics of the Japanese soldiers and horses, that is resilience. From the beginning to the present, the cavalry of the Ming army continued to attack, and the formation of the Japanese pirates retreated again and again, but they were on the top again and again, and finally paid After suffering heavy casualties, they surrounded the Ming army.

Li Rusong's team of hundreds of people is his most elite personal guards, wearing plate armor, steel knives and strong bows, and the horses are all first-class horses, invincible, rushing left and right in the chaotic battle Suddenly, scattered soldiers were continuously gathered, but correspondingly more and more Japanese soldiers gathered.

There were already sporadic sounds of iron cannons behind him, and Japanese pirate warriors in iron armor appeared on both sides, holding spears and spears, constantly approaching to fight to the death.

"Lord, Zha Dashou is on the right!"

Li Rusong looked over, and it was indeed so, and immediately shouted:

"rush over"

He was interrupted by the screams behind him just halfway through his speech. He turned his head and saw that the guard who had just shouted had been hooked off his horse, and a Japanese soldier rushed in with an iron hook and dragged him off the horse. Going down, the person who was dragged down was Li Yousheng, the general of the Li family, already in the guerrilla position.

Li Rusong cursed loudly, took off his bow and arrow and shot a Japanese pirate to death, but Li Yousheng was still surrounded by people, chopping and stabbing randomly, and soon there was no sound. As soon as he moved, another short spear was thrown from the other side. Several people were caught off guard and were directly knocked off their horses. Li Rusong desperately drove his mounts and led the team forward, aiming to join Zha Dashou's team.
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(End of this chapter)

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