1122 Sea Battle
For the Japanese pirates, the focus of the war into North Korea was to quickly invade and occupy the entire territory of North Korea, determine the rule, and then operate it as a base for attacking Ming Dynasty.

The purpose of the early battle was on land, and the sea was not taken into consideration. So Yi Sun-shin, the left water envoy of Jeolla Province, brought out more than 50 ships. At that time, there were already a full scale of 130 ships.

The essence of the Korean navy is located in Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do, and the Zuoshui envoy of Jeolla-do has the highest status everywhere. Of course, among the various fleets that came here this time, there is no general with a higher official position than Yi Sun-shin. Yes, the head of the navy became Yi Sun-shin.

The plank boat and the turtle ship were not moving fast, or the king of Joseon was moving too fast. When the remnants of the Joseon navy arrived in Incheon, they knew that the king of Joseon and his ministers had arrived in Daming. It can only be sent to contact the king, and then the headquarters will stay at sea to fight.

Their activities in other places are fine, but activities in Incheon are not allowed by the Japanese pirates. Seoul is the heartland of the Japanese pirates' Korean raiders, and they must not be allowed.

The Japanese pirates underestimated North Korea's military strength, because North Korea's performance on land was really a mess, and the navy would never go anywhere if they wanted to, they were all like chickens and dogs.

Unexpectedly, the battle would be a bitter experience. In the first battle, more than [-] warships of the Japanese pirates were hit and sunk, and [-] ships were sunk, and the rest were all burned.

Transporting grain by land from Busan to Seoul is obviously not as convenient as transporting grain by sea to Incheon and then taking the Hanshui River to Seoul. The Japanese pirates gathered more than [-] warships to go there.

This battle is not much different from the previous battle. Five turtle ships crashed directly into the Japanese pirate navy team, the center blossomed, and the wooden house boats were cruising outside, constantly sinking and setting fire. After this stop, The Japanese pirates lost more than [-], which was regarded as a major defeat in the sea battle. All the army commanders were shocked, and the news even returned to the Japanese pirates’ home island. Cutting off, North Korea has become so barren is something that everyone did not expect. The Ming army in the north has already overwhelmed. The transportation of materials and even the withdrawal of soldiers and horses at critical moments have to go through the sea route. Cutting off the sea route is a major event that will turn the world upside down.

Under the current situation, some people already want to withdraw troops from North Korea, but Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who has always made a clear judgment, is now persistent. Those who went to test the tone were scolded back. According to the rumors about the appointment, Tokugawa Ieyasu fully supported the continuation of the Korean conquest, and the daimyos in Xiguo and Kyushu yelled at them in private, and they didn't do anything about Kanto.

The sailors lost in the two sea battles were the most elite troops of the Japanese pirates, and they were all the strongest pirates somewhere. Who would have thought that they would be so unstoppable.

Under normal circumstances, these people would not be able to do it, and others would not be able to do it, but now it is different, Shen Wang's fleet is also among the Japanese pirates' navy.

The third naval battle was near the mouth of the bay between Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do. In the bay, there were more than [-] warships of Japanese pirates, which were blocked by the North Korean navy.

At the beginning, the warships of the Japanese pirates still wanted to fight, but they had no power to fight back. Their tactics were nothing more than arson and jumping close to the gang. , still fell to the same end, shot and killed one by one after being hit and sunk.

After sinking and destroying nearly ten ships, the rest of the warships shrank back, trying to rely on the defenses on the shore to resist, but there was nothing on the shore. Could it be that bows, arrows, iron cannons and large barrels can cause damage to such ships, The rise of North Korea's naval killings simply rushed into the bay.

The ships in the bay had little resistance, but at least the soldiers had a chance to go ashore. A group of people could only stand dejectedly on the shore and watch their own ships set on fire one by one.

Just when the North Korean Navy was about to swagger and return in victory, Shen Wang's fleet arrived, and the battle started again near the mouth of the bay.

Shen Wang's fleet consists of more than 70 ships in total, mainly Guangzhou Ships. The Ming Dynasty's Guangzhou Ships are much larger than the Japanese pirates' warships, and their movements are also flexible and fast. Not to mention that Shen Wang's men are old sea dogs who have been at sea for many years. The tactics at sea are much better than the Japanese pirate navy.

At the beginning of the battle, the tortoise shell ship of the North Korean navy rushed towards Shen Wang's fleet, trying to disrupt the opponent's formation, and then rammed and killed.

However, Shen Wang immediately released the fire boat. This kind of fire boat is a small-scale Guangzhou boat. There are big iron nails on the bow, and iron hooks and claws on the boat. Hook the protruding part of the ship, and then start setting fire. If the ship cannot get rid of it, it will be burned together.

Shen Wang's men avoided the collision of the turtle ship and released the fire boat. The fire boat pinned three wooden house boats, and the rest were thrown off, and then they set fire to it.

The ability of the Han pirates to control ships was far superior to that of Japanese pirates and Koreans. After the turtle ships rushed up, the originally dense fleet immediately dispersed.

But there is a problem. If a ship relying on the wind wants to maneuver and change direction, it is fine with the wind. If it is not in the direction of the wind, it has to go around in circles or circles. With the sails down, the tortoiseshell boats and plank boats that are paddling forward will lose weight within a short distance. But the mobility is much stronger. Two ships with [-] materials were directly crashed and destroyed because they couldn't dodge them in time. Two other ships were set on fire.

Immediately, several ships responded. These ships looked like western ships, but they were not as big as the turtle ship and the wooden house boat. They would definitely suffer when they collided. The North Korean navy is also extremely fierce. Rushing over, however, these ships have artillery.

The armed merchant ship that Shen Wang ordered when he was in Tianjin Wei was used here. When the turtle ship and the wooden house boat approached, the artillery fired a salvo.

A thick enough plank can also withstand the shooting of artillery, but there are many holes in the turtle ship and the house boat. These holes and the surrounding area are the weak points, especially the area where the oars protrude, where the ship's maneuverability lies. Because the wooden oars must be thick, and this side is also the weakest. The ship has double decks, and the artillery on the second floor can just hit the oars. After the second round of shelling, two wooden houseboats have lost their combat effectiveness. What's more troublesome is that before the ship that lost its motor power had time to raise its sails, another pirate approached and threw an oiled quilt over it. Other ships didn't eat this at all, and the quilt only It will fall into the sea, but for turtle boats and board house boats, in order to prevent climbing, the hull is full of barbs and spikes. The quilt can be easily hung on it, and then a fire arrow is enough .

Several hut boats caught fire, and the tortoise-shell boats hurriedly avoided them. They had no way to deal with the enemy's artillery fire. The core of the entire navy is currently five tortoise-shell boats, so there can be no mistakes.

There was no other way for the wooden house boats. After removing the burning wooden boards with a knife and axe, the opponent's large ship had already approached, so the only way to do it now was to fight hand-to-hand.

Although there is a heart to serve the country, the combat effectiveness of the Korean navy in hand-to-hand combat is really not worth talking about. When the ship was opened, it was first swept by the local guns of the sinking fleet, and then the Japanese warriors rushed over brandishing their swords. By the time the Japanese warriors rushed aboard, the battle was practically over.

The real trouble is actually those flexible and maneuverable arson ships, as well as the gunboats of the Shen Wangjun. After the North Korean navy damaged more than a dozen ships, and even a turtle ship was set on fire, the flagship issued an order to retreat. Order.

At this time, it was not so easy to leave. Ten wooden house boats were separated from the North Korean Navy and stopped at sea, ready to fight to the death and serve as the rear of the brigade.

After the Shen Wang fleet damaged five large ships and three small boats, they sunk and burned all ten wooden house boats. However, they did not want to expend too much of their own strength against such a desperate enemy, so they did not continue chase.

But after this battle, the Korean navy no longer dared to come to the sea around the Japanese-occupied area for activities, which was completely controlled by the Shen Wang fleet.

Because the safety of the sea route was guaranteed, the new daimyo of the Wa Kingdom, Shen Wang, made a fortune. Transporting grain and grass supplies from the Wa Kingdom to North Korea was not a white job, but there were various benefits.

At the beginning of May in the 21st year of Wanli, the leader of the North Korean Navy Yi Sun-shin led a team to join the Daming Navy at Haeju Port, and continued to go south to Incheon, preparing to block the maritime traffic in Gyeonggi-do.

The Korean navy knew something about the Ming Dynasty's navy, but they didn't think highly of it. In their eyes, it was inconceivable that the navy of the Celestial Kingdom was so poor and weak. Li Shunchen once said to his nephew, Lu The heavenly soldiers are invincible, but we rely on us North Korean men at sea. Even if the Chinese navy comes to support them, the navy may not be able to compare with the sinking fleet.

However, after seeing it, Li Sunchen found that his opinion was old. The total number of ships in the fleet of the Ming army was only more than [-] ships, but the quality of the ships was quite astonishing. It seemed that the ships were not older than For ten years, all of them were equipped with firearms, but it was the big ships that really caught Yi Sun-shin's eyelids.

This kind of ship is in the style of a Western ship, but the size is astonishing. Because the turtle ship and the board house ship are coastal warships, they are very large, but the Ming army's large ship is much larger than the turtle ship, with a huge hull and a huge size. The sails and the cannons on both sides of the hull are even more terrifying.

Except for such gunboats, there are still some ships that are slightly smaller, but under the same regulations, such "small boats" need more than [-] artillery pieces.

After leaving the port of Pingan Road, Yi Sun-sin was very silent, and only said a word to his nephew:

"It may not be the blessing of North Korea to have such a navy in the Celestial Dynasty!"
Two revisions, the fallacy of Wonsan Port is too outrageous, changed to Haizhou Port, Haizhou Port

(End of this chapter)

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