Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 1134 Qualifications and past events

Chapter 1134 Qualifications and past events

From the beginning of the entry into the dynasty in the 21st year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, until the end of the war in the 22nd year of Wanli, although there was still war in Japan, North Korea was completely pacified.

When the Korean king Li Zhan and his party were on their way to Seoul, they were attacked by "remnants of Japanese pirates" on the way. The local Ming army "rescued them too late", resulting in heavy casualties for the Korean king Li Zan and his party, including the royal family and ministers. .

As if it was a signal, the whole territory of North Korea, which had not been quiet for a long time, suddenly had riots everywhere. Many remaining civil and military officials in North Korea and the villagers who once gathered to fight against the Japanese were attacked by the remnants of the Japanese pirates and some by the "Jurchen bandits". There were many casualties and heavy losses.

Emperor Wanli was "extremely furious". This time, Xu Guangguo, the civil servant in charge, was fined for half a year, and the prince of Liao Kingdom was fined for three months. At the same time, he ordered the three towns in Liaoning to rush into the court to stabilize the situation.

The few remnants of North Korean nobles in the capital felt that the situation was difficult and that North Korea alone could no longer maintain the situation, so they jointly requested to be included as the prefecture of the Celestial Dynasty.

The six ministries of the cabinet debated fiercely for many days, with the participation of officials and ministers. Emperor Wanli hesitated again and again. North Korea cried and begged to kowtow outside the Daming Gate for more than a month. Emperor Wanli finally issued an edict to allow North Korea to be attached and set up eight government offices. The two states were garrisoned by the imperial court and officials were sent to govern them.

North Korea was under the rule of Liaoning, and there was a special establishment of the North Korean capital of Liaoning, and the special town of Sun Shoulian, the general soldier of southern Liaoning. Now the place under the jurisdiction of Sun Shoulian, the general soldier of southern Liaoning, is equivalent to a large province, and its position among the three general soldiers of Liaoning is already At the highest point, the imperial court is already discussing adding the rank of general with the word "town" to the general army in southern Liaoning.

Almost ten years before Wang Tong ascended the throne, North Korea had already stabilized. However, there have always been complaints among the old Korean clan, saying that North Korea is the most loyal and naturalized. Why is the center treating North Korea far worse than Japan? How is the distance reversed.

It is true that crying children have milk to eat, and North Korea borders Liaoning. If something happens, the army will arrive in an instant, and the country of Wa is separated by the sea, so it is naturally different.

Therefore, the Han people of the Wa Kingdom were treated the same as the Han people at first, while the Koreans were inferior. They had to focus on Ming Dynasty as North Korea. This policy has been implemented for a long time.

Guihua, Jianzhou, Hami and other places are all considered to be the inherent territory of Ming Dynasty. Since the time when the Taizu became the ancestor, many Mongols have served in Ming Dynasty. They are not regarded as outsiders from top to bottom, and so are they themselves. , but North Korea and Japan were newly conquered territories. From the 22nd year of Wanli to the Dahua period, the whole country looked at it differently. When they said one thing, they always had to mention another one.

Of course, the fate of Japan and North Korea is better than that of the natives of Nanyang. If you only read the official documents of the imperial court, you may even have an illusion that there are only Han people in Nanyang and nothing else.

It was also today that Wang Tong summoned Li Shun, and they were talking about the Japanese policy again. The attendants below will inevitably have some discussions. They have a lot of contact with state affairs, and it is normal to have some knowledge and opinions of their own.

Wang Tong's kindness to Li Shun was truly astonishing. After breakfast, lunch and dinner were eaten together. Although the rules in the palace are not very strict now, the emperor often has banquets with his courtiers, but he is like this to a general. But it was an unprecedented first time.

The young children of each family are around the emperor. On the one hand, they learn knowledge and receive training. On the other hand, they also have the function of inquiring about news to the family. According to the rules, there are 32 personal attendants of Wang Tong, each with a job, and some are confidential secretaries. Some are armed for protection, and others take care of trivial matters.

Those who can send their children to do this are also high-ranking characters in the sequence of great wealth and wealth. Naturally, they have to be sure of the troubles in the palace, and the family can also judge and stand in line.

Today's matter is not a big deal, just casually mentioning that the people who served by Emperor Wang Tong's side are not in a hurry to go home, they are wealthy children, they have a lot of salary, and they have ample money, so they can find a restaurant at will, After finishing the dinner, the servants around the emperor pay attention to going to the Zhenxing Building and the Gourmet Restaurant. These two restaurants are the first-class restaurants in the capital, with branches in the east, west, north and south.

The two attendants who were in charge of trivial matters had always been good friends, and they went to Zhuangzi in the west city of Zhenxinglou together. Although they were in charge of trivial matters, those who could do this by Wang Tong's side were all outstanding figures among young people. All are exceptional.

The guys in the restaurant and restaurant all have eyesight and can remember people. When they saw these two masters coming, they all tried their best to curry favor with them.

These two people are also used to such scenes. They have been with Wang Tong for a long time, and they also know that they should be low-key and modest. They found an elegant seat and sat down. They ordered a few dishes and warmed a pot of wine. Half of the attendants were Permanent, but there are also some people who are on rotation. These two will start to rest tomorrow, so they have to drink.

After dismissing the buddy, the two of them sat opposite each other. Although they were calm, they were good friends, and they were young after all. This private room seemed private, so there were too many gossips.

"Look at that Li Shun, who is a few years younger than us, and now he is a general. The most we release is a thousand guards. There is no comparison between people!"

"Your brother is out of his mind. Compared with him, even if he didn't make meritorious service in the country of Wa, how do you compare the position of the Duke of Lu? Didn't you hear that he will become a prince after he is 30 years old. It is estimated that when he is 30 years old, his body There should be a title of general."

The two had a drink, and they both sighed. Dahua's military system basically inherited the Ming Dynasty system, but the people in charge of military affairs everywhere are different from before. Generals are set up in key border areas, prefixed with the city where they are stationed, for example General Xi'an, General Datong, etc., the commander-in-chief is under them, and they have the power to make exclusive decisions on military affairs.

This situation happened because of the reform of the military system that began in the 15th year of Wanli. The defense of border towns was gradually taken over by the forbidden army, and the number of troops under the command of the local army was greatly reduced. Those who command the troops don't know what to say, and improve efficiency.

The old rule of eunuchs supervising the army has also been abolished. Every general usually has several adjutants around him. One of the adjutants must be Jinyiwei Qianhu, and he is not a Jinyiwei student stationed in the local area. He must be dispatched by the capital and rotate regularly. Among the troops under the general's jurisdiction, there is also the Jinyiwei Battalion, which actually played the role of supervising the army in the past.

Moreover, the current generals are different from the previous generals. Now Dahua has a total of ten generals. Except for guarding the important areas and guarding the capital, the rest are responsible for the strategy of one direction, expanding the territory, beheading the generals and killing the enemy. , This is the glory of a warrior, and everyone is very envious.

After a few glasses of wine, there will be more words, and one person said with emotion:
"This person really depends on his luck, not only on his own, but also on his own elders. My father is lucky. He stayed in the Huwei Martial Arts Hall with His Majesty. You said that if he had been with His Majesty and King Lu for a long time Alright, Piansheng is the gang that chased and beat Duke Qin, tell me?"

"It's not to show off, it's not to show off, your lord came out of the first phase of Tiger's Mighty Martial Art Museum. My old man didn't have this blessing back then. If he didn't follow Zhang Laodutang early, he wouldn't be where he is today!"

Born in the Huwei Martial Arts Academy, it is now a shining signboard in the Dahua Empire. Those teenagers who were selected back then did not expect to be colleagues with Emperor Wanli, let alone when Wanli was in power, they did not get any promotion because of their qualifications. Of course, they did not expect that their glory and wealth would come because of Wang Tong.

I have stayed in the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Academy, and I have been working in the forbidden army. Don’t stand in the wrong team, not to mention the few princes. The worst of the rest is an earl. Even if you stand in the wrong team, you can still enjoy the treatment of a third-rank official. And the family property has tax-free treatment.

In addition to the origin of Huwei Wuguan, there are also origins of "Nanjie Jinyiwei Hundred Households Office", "Tianjin Wei Old Man", "Huwei Army Old Department" and so on. It's all developed now.

The so-called "Zhang Laodutang" is Zhang Shiqiang, the commander of Jinyiwei today. His title is Hai Guogong, and he is the first-class trusted minister next to Wang Tong. He is in his 70s and still holds a high position.

In addition, the current name of the Huwei Martial Arts Hall is Huwei Lecture Hall. In the west of the capital city, there are more than 1000 students studying in it all year round. For the above, one must have the qualification of graduating from the Huwei Lecture Hall. Many generals have to come to study. The emperor comes every five days, and the prince comes every seven days. This is a common practice.

"At that time, what would it be like to stand together and fight? It's hard to say whether it can be done today. How about Li Hutou, he was stabbed in the back."

"It's better not to talk about it."

The person who spoke was obviously a little drunk, and he waved his hand when he heard this, and said carelessly:
"These things are explained in official brochures, so there is nothing you can't say."

Having said that, the man lowered his voice again, pretending to be mysterious, and came to the front and said:
"Old Qiu, let me tell you, I've heard people talk about this matter. At that time, not only Wanli sent people to question Li Hutou, but it is said that His Majesty also sent people to question him."

"...You are a person who doesn't have a gatekeeper every time you drink. You are drunk, you are drunk."

Early the next morning, a message was sent to Wang Tong, explaining that the two attendants had a conversation in the restaurant last night, after Wang Tong read it, he commented, "Pretend to be drunk, don't pay attention to it".

In the 31st year of Wanli, the remnants of the Horqin tribe colluded with the merchant group to make an armed rebellion. Li Hutou led the army to suppress it. Everything went smoothly. The enemy was cornered and wiped out.

After the fifth year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty, no such high-ranking general was killed in foreign wars. However, news spread immediately that Li Hutou suffered a fatal wound on his back.
This is the beginning of it all.—
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(End of this chapter)

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