Chapter 161
Tian Ronghao and Wang Tong really had nothing to talk about, South Street was not far from Tian Baihu's house, and it was only a short ride away.

The gate of Tian Baihu's house was ajar, and the two men hurriedly ran towards the house after dismounting their horses. Before entering the main house, Wang Tong asked in wonder:
"Why can't I even smell the smell of medicine!"

If there is a patient, the decoction will have a very strong taste, which is also the characteristic of the patient's house in this era, but this is almost the main house, but there is no smell at all.

Tian Ronghao went up the steps, opened the door, and said in a muffled voice:
"The doctor said that life will be good in a few days, don't take medicine, and the patient can eat whatever he likes!"

Wang Tong looked around, and there was indeed nothing abnormal, so he followed into the main room, Tian Ronghao entered the room, and yelled loudly:
"Lead mother to another house to take shelter, there are foreigners coming."

He could vaguely hear the cries and soft persuasion of the female relatives in the back room, Wang Tong's heart twitched, it seemed to be true.

Walking into Uncle Tian's bedroom, the first thing he saw was the old man on the bed. He was completely different from the strong old man he saw two months ago. Uncle Tian's cheeks were sunken, and there was no blood on his face. It looked extremely weak, which made people feel uncomfortable. Wang Tong quickly walked two steps to the bed, and said:
"Tian Bo, you..."

Feeling that his throat was blocked by something, he was unable to speak. Tian Bo turned around and looked at Wang Tong with dull eyes, and said with a smile:

"Wang Tong, you are here, Dahao, light a candle and come over. Why is this room so dark?"

Tian Baihu's family is well-off, so naturally he can't afford to light candles. In fact, the room is quite bright, but the old man's eyesight is very poor due to illness.

Tian Baihu over there couldn't bear it anymore, his voice was already crying, and he hurriedly said to go out to get the light. Tian Bo left after hearing the footsteps, and said with a smile:

"You kid, you are not a big person but you have a lot of thoughts. Do you think that you have a hundred households, and you have the same position as the old man's unsatisfactory son, and you cut off a piece of land to go out, and it would be awkward to meet the old man again, so you didn't come. "

Wang Tong gave a dry laugh, and Tian Bo was really sure, but Wang Tong still said with concern:

"Uncle Tian, ​​you should take good care of your illness. I'm also busy here, so I didn't come over."

"He can talk a lot more than before. The old man understands his illness. The doctor also told the truth. The old man has not lost money in this life. It is more comfortable to be a job in a big family than a small family. When he is old, he has earned a future for his son. , what else do you want, enough is enough.”

Tian Ronghao came in with a candlestick, and the room was much brighter again, but Tian Bo didn't seem to feel anything, and said loudly there:

"Dahao, come here, come here!"

Tian Bo turned his head and said to Wang Tong:
"The old man slept for three days, and he just woke up today. I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up if he sleeps again. I asked Wang Tong to ask you something."

After speaking, he raised his hand with difficulty, pointed at Tian Ronghao and said:
"This old man's son is obviously from a family background, but he always feels that he is from a wealthy family. He always puts on airs, as if he is a commander."

It sounds harsh, but it's the truth. Judging from Wang Tong's experience in dealing with him, Tian Baihu did put on a majestic look on purpose, and Tian Ronghao didn't care about anything at this time, but there was a sad face on his face.

"With the old man here, others will naturally not treat him because of Zhang Ge's face. If the old man is not there, the relationship between Zhang Ge's side will fade. At that time, who will pay attention to him? I know how many people I have offended, not to mention the ruin of this small family business, even the grandchildren of the old man will suffer."

Tian Bo understood clearly, but his voice was weaker than each sentence, and his strength was almost exhausted, but he didn't stop talking, and asked Wang Tong softly:
"Wang Tong, are you willing to help the old man?"

"Tian Bo, please tell me."

At that time, if Zhao Guodong was beaten violently in the street, if it hadn’t been for Tian Bo to intercede, how could Wang Tong be what he is today? A piece of the land was cut off, and his subordinates were also taken away. Not only was there no repayment, but it also caused damage to the interests of the Tian family. This made Wang Tong not know how to face the Tian family.

"The old man is worried about this son. When he met Wang Tong, it was the ancestor of our Tian family who accumulated virtue. The old man begs you to take care of Dahao from now on and keep him safe. Dahao, come and kowtow to Wang Tong!"

After hearing this, both Wang Tong and Tian Ronghao were taken aback. Tian Baihu was more than twice as old as Wang Tong, and even more senior in terms of qualifications. Difficult look.

Tian Bo couldn't see clearly, but he seemed to know his son's reaction. He patted the edge of the bed with his hand, and shouted with all his might:

"Dahao, don't you even listen to your father's words! Kneel down and kowtow, kneel down!!"

That Tian Baihu knelt down to Wang Tong stiffly, and kowtowed to Wang Tong three times under Tian Bo's weak urging. Showing a slight smile, he said weakly and gratifiedly:
"Now you are all from a hundred households, and it is not convenient for him to come into your sect. When you are promoted, I will make you a relative. Wang Tong, can you promise the old man to take care of you?"

Wang Tong took a deep breath, and despite feeling the pressure, he still replied in a deep voice:
"Uncle Tian, ​​don't worry, Brother Tian will be protected by me from now on. As long as Wang Tong is alive, Brother Tian will be fine."

The words were not loud, but they contained confidence. Tian Baihu, who was standing aside, looked at Wang Tong in surprise.

On July [-]th, Tian Ronghao personally came to tell Wang Tong the news of Uncle Tian's death. Wang Tong came to worship and did not control his tears when lighting incense.

Under the surprised eyes of other Jinyiwei colleagues, Tian Baihu respectfully sent Wang Tong out the door with the attitude of his subordinates towards his superiors. Hu Zhou Linbing made a report, and asked Wang Tong to take care of everything in his [-] households during the time he went home.

Anyway, the two parties used to belong to the same hundred households, and the errands below were familiar with each other, so it was very convenient for Wang Tong to take care of them. Zhou Linbing, a thousand households, also agreed to such extremely unruly things.

The news quickly spread to the entire Jinyiwei of the capital. Everyone was waiting for the commander Liu Shouyou to reprimand them in the next letter, or to withdraw the two unruly households, but they didn't expect that this matter would be acquiesced in this way.

Let's think about the incident that was reported some time ago. It was obviously Wang Tong who came to smash Zhuangzi. In the end, not only did Liu Dutang not get back his anger, but he also lost Zhuangzi.Thinking about this incident, I can probably understand why everyone is silent.

The ranks of Jinyiwei include Xiaoqi, Zongqi, Baihu, Qianhu, Qianshi, Tongzhi, Commander, etc. It is unprecedented to control two hundred households.

The character who has such a good thing is now Wang Tong has an official title, called "Jinyiwei Nancheng Two Hundred Households", everyone who heard it was shocked and burst into laughter, and it was also a joke inside Jinyiwei.

"People need to drink water, and livestock also need to drink water. If the luggage, food and grass go along the waterway, it can also save the livestock's transportation capacity. Therefore, the army should move along the river as much as possible. Not only our Ming soldiers and horses are like this, every time the Tartars invaded It's the same, we have to travel along the river valley..."

"...When camping, there must be an outer ditch outside the wooden fence, an inner ditch inside, a road for the army to gather and dispatch, a cellar for burying gunpowder, and latrines away from water sources..."

"... march steadily, walk for half a day, and spend the rest of the day setting up and dismantling camp..."

"...At night, there must be trusted soldiers patrolling the night as a law enforcement team. Anyone who makes noise at night will be beheaded, otherwise there will be a camp roar..."

" should choose flat land for camping, and you should deploy guards and sentries at the water source and upstream. If there is a high ground nearby, you should send people to garrison. The drinking water for livestock should be placed downstream, and the water for people to wash should be upstream. Before drinking water, lead a cow and horse to drink. You can take it after nothing happens, and drink as much water as you can..."

On the tenth day of August, Huang Yang, the eunuch supervised by the Imperial Horse Supervisor, handed over his errand, and was taken outside the imperial city by his nephew to take care of the elderly. Every morning, he came to the Huwei Wuguan to give lectures.

The things he said were all common sense, the teenagers had a little understanding, but it was the first time Wang Tong had heard of many things, for example, the Tartars marched on river valleys and waterways. Come, roar away, I didn't expect that there are so many ways.

Marching into formation is not about commanding soldiers to fight in front of the formation. There are too many preparations to be made in advance.

From the beginning of the basic training to Yu Dayou's lectures with Huang Yang, Wang Tong roughly judged that if the youngsters in the martial arts gym can really put their minds to learning, and experience and grow on the battlefield, becoming a so-called famous general may depend on chance, but becoming a A well-known general is still not a problem.

But Yu Dayou had to give lectures in the afternoon, and Wang Tong had to do business in the morning, so he might not have time to listen, so he simply asked Zou Yi to arrange the little eunuch in the palace to take notes next door, and when he couldn't go to listen, he took the notes to read.

Listening to live questions on the spot and the old eunuch pointing at the sand table to demonstrate, the effect is much better than watching the record, Wang Tong also knows, but he is helpless.

Emperor Wanli still came to attend lectures in the afternoon. He was interested in the battles and battles that Yu Dayou talked about, but he didn't care about the military rules involved in these cases.

When it came to the Mid-Autumn Festival, Emperor Wanli had sacrifices to be made, and the teenagers had two days off. Even though they didn't go out, they cooked a few good meals for them and gave them new robes.

On August [-]th, Zou Yi, who had nothing to do, got drunk in the Zhenxing Building and slept in Wang Tong's main room all afternoon.

Wang Tong knew the reason. After the eunuch Huang Yang handed over his errands, Zhang Cheng recommended Zou Yi to take over, but Queen Mother Li did not agree. Instead, he chose King Lu's companion as Eunuch Lin.
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(End of this chapter)

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