Chapter 221

Wanli six years.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, divided the surrendered Mongolian tribes into three guards, Duoyan, Fuyu, and Taining, in the northeast of Liaodong.

Hearing that this name is an auspicious word, Ming Taizu did hope that the outer town formed by these three Mongols could protect the safety of the northeast border of Ming Dynasty.

However, the civil fortress change during Yingzong's time made these Mongolian tribes immediately lose their introverted minds, or stand on their own, or collude with powerful tribes on the grassland to form their own.

The so-called Duoyan Sanwei is just a title in the official documents of the Ming Dynasty, and more people call it the Duoyan Department, the Fuyu Department, and the Taining Department.

The chief of the Taining Department, Subahai, is considered a talented person. He overwhelmed the Jurchens outside the pass and the small Mongolian tribes, and formed an alliance with the most powerful Tumed tribe on the grassland, and forcibly repelled Duoyan, the most powerful of the three tribes. department.The wealthiest Fuyu Department has occupied the best territory.

But the so-called best land is nothing more than swamps, pastures and forests. Daming Liao Town in the west is the real rich place. There is a large population, abundant food and gold, silver and satin. It can occupy a piece of land over there. , but worth ten times the size of the pasture.

So from the end of the fifth year of Wanli, Subahai, the chief of the Taining Department, began to gather cavalry from his own tribe, and Tumote Khan also sent more than 4000 cavalry, preparing to attack when the Han people's defenses were lax during the Spring Festival.

In the land outside the pass, the mobilization of tens of thousands of cavalry at one time can already be described as huge. Subahai has only camped for ten days in Pishan, two hundred miles away from Liao Town, and there are dozens of Jurchen and Mongolian children. The tribe came to Shucheng to seek refuge, and was willing to attack Ming with the army.

On the fifth night of the first lunar month in the sixth year of Wanli, outside Guanwai in the first lunar month is the coldest time of the year, and the cold air is a little bit heavier on nights without the sun.

Even the Taining and Tumed cavalry who had lived outside the pass for a long time crowded each other by the fire or kept cats in the tents, and people from the commander-up class all gathered together to drink and have fun.

The nearest Wubao here to Daming is two hundred miles away, so everyone is not too worried, but thinking about how to revel after entering Daming.

Everyone knew that it was freezing cold, so a small tribe that had just joined was willing to stay overnight. Everyone was very happy that someone would take on this drudgery, so they immediately pushed over.

So when it got dark, no one noticed the dots of light coming from the west.

The dots of light turned into dense dots of light, and then the Mongolian camp that split the mountain saw that half of the sky in the west was lit up...
In the evening, six thousand cavalrymen from Liaozhen rushed into the split mountain battalion set up by the Taining and Tumed tribes. These cavalrymen were wearing iron armor and holding sharp knives. The horses under their crotches were also healthy cavalry. Hundreds of them formed a team. Charged and killed in this split mountain camp, cutting the caught off guard camp to pieces.

Some frightened Mongolian cavalrymen have already shouted out, "This is the elite soldier of Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaozhen!!", and some Jurchen cavalrymen, who were wrapped in leather armor and held The big sword and long bow are equally brave.

In fact, if the soldiers of the Taining Department and the Tumote Department took a closer look, they would find that the troops of the Ming Army were extremely exhausted.

The Pishan camp lasted for a stick of incense, and even without any support, the entire camp collapsed at the very beginning, and everyone was running for their lives.

Cavalrymen from different tribes even began to kill each other in order to compete for the fleeing horses, and the entire camp was completely chaotic.

At a place more than a hundred steps away from here, there are several hills, surrounded by more than a hundred elite cavalry, guarding the few people who are watching the battle on the hills.

"The commander-in-chief led his troops and horses to gallop for two hundred miles, and defeated the Tazi's Pishan camp in one fell swoop, what a great achievement!"

There was a praise from the side, and immediately echoed in unison. The object of praise was silently watching the fierce battle in the distance. He was wearing a finely crafted armor and a red cloak, but he didn't wear a helmet on his head. The fur hat is very warm.

For the praise around him, his expression didn't change, as if it was a matter of course. Under the firelight, he looked like he was in his early forties, but looking at his eyebrows, he seemed to be in his fifties, but there was not a trace of beard and hair exposed White, completely black.

He suddenly raised his hand, tapped the right side with the whip, and said in a deep voice:

"The order was sent to tell Ru Bai that his team was a little scattered, and he was told to stop and restrain the soldiers and horses, and not to act rashly. Instead, the Tartars took advantage of the loophole."

Several cavalrymen got the general order, and immediately galloped out and headed there. A general came over and said in a low voice:

"Brother, Rubai's side is about to intercept Subahai, which is a great achievement."

The general known as the big brother also lowered his voice and reprimanded:

"What benefit does extermination have for our Li family? Did you forget the example of Yu Dayou being impeached by the inspector the year before last and then demoted in the court? Didn't the Japanese pirates be wiped out..."

The general immediately fell silent, and did not go to follow the rear of the Taining cavalry. Several nobles from Subahai and Tumote, under the escort of trusted cavalry, gathered the remnants and fled to the north.

At this time, the victory was basically certain, and the soldiers of the general on the hill proudly raised the banner. Against the backdrop of the fire, a blood-red "Li" character fluttered in the wind.

Li Chengliang, General Liaodong General of the Ming Dynasty....
There is a scene in the city of Tianjin today, that is, from the second day of the first lunar month, some young people line up neatly and run in the city shouting in the cold weather.

In the freezing weather, this group of young people who are less than 20 years old are running along the city wall of Tianjin City. They are all wearing single shirts, which makes people look really fresh. At the beginning, some dolls clapped their hands and ran along. There were also some rascals who made fun of it, but the next day they found out that this was the family guard of Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong, which frightened everyone. Now when they run, the surroundings are very clean.

The Hang Baihu finally found a place on the fourth day of the first lunar month to remove all the goods stored in the yamen, and these newly recruited people lived in the houses of the Jinyiwei official office in Tianjin.

The Bingbei Dao Yamen cooperated very well this time. Wang Tong recruited so many people, and Panda specially arranged a few officials to follow him. As long as the people arrive, the food will be allocated immediately, and there will be no delay.

Lu Tongpan from Shuntian Prefecture left Tianjin City on the third day of the first lunar month. He did not come to see Wang Tong empty-handed. He brought 5000 taels of cash, which was part of the money received by the Ping An brand of the Department of Public Security at the end of last year.

Every time he ran, Wang Tong took the lead in person, and he also had to exercise his body. Yu Dayou drank for three days, and on the fourth day of the fourth day, he was driven by a carriage to the outside of the city, saying that he wanted to choose a place that could be used as a barracks where.

"My lord, tomorrow our blacksmith workshop will start to forge iron. There must be something special in this business. The bellows of the stove will be pulled by the owner for the first time. Would you like to go over and do it, lord?"

As soon as Wang Tong wiped off his sweat, the blacksmith Qiao Da came to invite him. Wang Tong glanced at him with a smile. He said that he was so particular about it. It was just a trick to curry favor with him. Nodding his head, Qiao Dalian hurriedly thanked him and said goodbye.

"The accounts at the Xingcai Inn have been settled, and the owner told us that if the adults take care of their business in the future, we can give a [-]% discount on all prices."

Zhang Shiqiang came over with the list, Wang Tong glanced at it casually, threw it on the table, and said with a smile:

"There are so many big inns outside the city. It is said that there is no business in winter, but they have opened so many. The business in the other three seasons must be good. Brother Zhang, please find time to go outside the city. Can we buy a few, not only If the business is good, you can make money, and the place can also accommodate people when the time comes.”

Zhang Shiqiang nodded in agreement. Wang Tong felt a little sore all over his body. He hadn't rested since he came to Tianjin and was preparing every day. Today, everything came to an end. The news and reply from the capital will not come in a while. Instead, you can take a break.

"Brother Zhang, I'm very tired, let them talk about everything later in the evening, and I'll take a nap."

Zhang Shiqiang quickly agreed, and said:
"My lord has been working hard since he came to Tianjin, so get some sleep, and when the time comes, let someone deliver the food to your room..."

Only halfway through the polite words, he heard the loud sound of firecrackers outside. Wang Tong frowned. He didn't have much to say today. Why were firecrackers set off? , with an excited expression on his small face, he said:
"Brother Wang, someone is here to pay New Year's greetings!!"

Wang Tong was taken aback. According to the official rules, those qualified officials and generals of Tianjin Wei sent posts over. No one else was qualified to give him New Year's greetings. Moreover, they only came to the door after the fifth day of the junior high school. what to do.

He was in a daze on this side, but Li Hutou urged excitedly on the other side:
"Brother Wang, go and have a look, those people pulled a small boat over."

Having said that, everyone was interested. Wang Tong put on his outer robe again, and came to the main entrance with Zhang Shiqiang and others. There were already many people watching the excitement, and everyone in Wang Tong's mansion who had nothing to do gathered around. , the door was wide open, and the smoke of firecrackers was filling the outside, and there were many people watching vaguely.

There was really a small boat outside, and I don’t know what it was shining inside. There were wooden wheels on the bottom of the boat, and a few animals pulled it in front.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and you could see a dozen short-dressed men standing on the side of the wooden boat covered in red and colorful. When they saw Wang Tong coming out, they all knelt down and kowtowed, and said loudly:

"You guys kowtow to Master Wang to wish him a New Year greeting, and wish him a promotion and prosperity!!"

The onlookers clamored loudly, and the firecrackers went off again, but Wang Tong was a little confused, which way is this? ——
The curtain has opened

(End of this chapter)

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