Chapter 224

When I went out for a run, I naturally wore short casual clothes. This kind of attire made Wang Tong look younger, and Wang Tong was more like a big kid from a well-to-do family.

Maybe Chuan Touxiang and his group have never called to stop their work. When Wang Tong walked in, a group of people, including that Jiang Song, including that old Zhang, and a group of people on both sides were all staring blankly. with him.

After discovering that he was a half-grown child, Jiang Song's entire face was contorted with anger. This Jiang Song was tall and burly, with a broad-bladed short knife pinned to his waist. People in the Northland market with two coins wore it backwards. Leather jacket, but Jiang Song's is a fine cotton padded gown, which looks brand new.

This cotton robe is much more expensive than this sheepskin jacket in the north, and there are five men standing behind Jiang Song, all wearing sheepskin jackets, which shows Jiang Song's identity.

With a loud shout, everyone was stunned. When they saw that Wang Tong was the only one coming in, and he was a half-grown child, Jiang Song and his group immediately became angry. Before Jiang Song could yell, a man behind him jumped out first. , came to Wang Tong and cursed:
"Where is the bastard!"

Before the scolding sound fell, a slap had already slapped him. It was completely thought that Wang Tong had no ability to resist. It was an extremely insulting style of play. Wang Tong raised his left arm and slapped him hard. The man's face was in the middle of the bridge of the nose. He had practiced for a long time, and he punched him straight to the end.

After the man fell to the ground, he covered his nose and yelled, bleeding from his fingers, thinking that the bridge of his nose was broken, Jiang Song and the others were stunned again, they didn't expect this half-grown boy to have such vicious tricks.

"Damn it, come here to make a fuss if you know how to do it twice, break this bastard's leg for me!!"

Jiang Song blushed and shouted loudly there, the four men behind him immediately rushed towards Wang Tong, but they really didn't have any cooperation or training, they looked like they were fighting on the street.

Wang Tong took a step back, looked at the person who ran to the front, and kicked the other person fiercely on the lower abdomen. After kicking the person down, he slammed his whole body to the other side again. Instead, he waved his fist, but Wang Tong flew towards him with his head in his arms. The hit on Wang Tong had no effect. On the contrary, the feet hit by Wang Tong left the ground, and he fell to the ground on his back. stand up.

But the open space in front of the yard is only this big. Two of them were knocked down, and the other two had already surrounded them. One of them had pulled out the iron ruler from his waist, and chopped it down with a whimper. Wang Tong hurriedly backed away. , but it was still rubbed on the shoulder, and it was so painful that I couldn't lift it up.

Wang Tong took two steps back and pulled out the dagger at his waist. Wang Tong held it horizontally in his hand, flat on his chest, and looked coldly at the two men who were approaching him.

"Small kid, I thought I could do some tricks, and with a broken knife on my waist, I'm going to be a chivalrous man like others. I've been watching too many plays!!"

Jiang Song grinned grimly and pulled out the broad-bladed dagger at his waist, and also strode forward, the three who were knocked down by Wang Tong just now also climbed down, drew out the iron ruler dagger, and surrounded him viciously.

Originally, Lao Zhang and his daughter thought they were saved, so they didn’t seek death. Who would have thought that the situation would be more troublesome. The woman burst into tears again, and the little girl who was crying there was also at a loss. She paused and followed. Crying loudly, Lao Zhang looked at this side with a dead face.

This old Zhang didn't hesitate too long, finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said:
"Jiang Song, Lao Zhang and his daughter and granddaughter died here today, you let this little brother go."

"Damn it, you can let go of the old stuff as soon as you say it. If you don't teach this kind of bastard bastard who doesn't have eyes, who cares about our Chuantouxiang on the ground in Tianjin Wei? When the time comes, he will break his legs and let him The family takes money to get the person!"

The idlers were delighted to watch the excitement, and a few in the inner circle still commented there:

"That's the downside of getting ahead in disorder. Chuantouxiang's uncles are also easy to offend. Look, this is a disaster."

"Don't mind your own business. It is said that in Tianjin City, there is still a child from a rich family who is so short-sighted..."

Wang Tong took a step back and said in a cold voice:

"Master, I am from the government!"

The men gritted their teeth and said nothing, and took another step forward. Jiang Song took a knife and slashed, and said disdainfully:

"Where are the guards of the military department, or the guards of the Qing Army Hall, or some of the subordinates of Eunuch Wan and General Li, if you tell me your name, do you think Grandpa won't dare to fight?"

Wang Tong could understand that if he was really a member of these four families, the other party would not dare to force him too much, but Wang Tong didn't answer the conversation, but raised his voice and asked:
"Old Zhang, don't worry about dying. Did you light this incense yourself?"

"It costs 50 taels a year to light incense. It is free on weekdays, and other offerings are required during New Year's festivals. Who is willing to give money, but in this city of Tianjin, it is not run by the government. Who can continue to open without burning incense? People are trivial matters, if the shop is burned down and people’s not like no one has experienced it before.”

Anyway, it was said that he was going to die, and this old Zhang let go of his guts. Wang Tong listened carefully, and the iron ruler on the opposite side had smashed down his head and face, and there was a short knife stabbing straight, but he couldn't dodge to the side. Had to back off.

He took two steps back, was suddenly blocked, but leaned against the wall, unable to retreat anymore, Jiang Song laughed loudly, spit and pointed at Wang Tong and said:
"Look at you jumping around like a monkey, now you fly to the sky for me!"

Wang Tong swiped forward a few times with the dagger, forced the people around him back a few steps, and shouted loudly:

"What are you doing standing outside, come in and help me!!"

This yell made everyone stunned again, the blood dripping that the idlers onlookers expected did not appear, and everyone subconsciously looked towards the outer circle.

Before they could react, the young and middle-aged teenagers who had been standing in line all the time ran and rushed in. Those who stood in the way were inevitably punched and kicked, and hurriedly dodged to both sides.

The leaders, Sun Xin and Li Tao, saw Wang Tong surrounded by people, and immediately became anxious. Li Tao yelled directly:

"Threatening the court officials, are you looking for death!?"

There were about 70 servants and young men, and they immediately surrounded Jiang Song's circle. This sudden change made Jiang Song and the others stunned.

No one cared about Wang Tong who was surrounded, they leaned against each other and gathered into a pile, Li Tao and the others didn't have any weapons in their hands, and the other party had a sword and iron ruler in their hands, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Jiang Song's complexion changed. Hearing the loud shout and seeing these young and middle-aged boys, the half-sized boy who suddenly appeared must not be an ordinary person.

Lao Zhang and his daughter on the side were stunned again, speechless for a moment, and the whole body collapsed on the ground. The woman hugged the little girl and burst into tears, but this was a kind of wail for escaping death. .

"Chuantouxiang has never lost his courtesy to the officials in the yamen. Just now, Jiang didn't wink. I don't know who this lord is?"

Jiang Song was unambiguous, and could still speak the scene. Wang Tong put the dagger back into its sheath, straightened up and said in a deep voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, leave the guy in your hand!"

The response to Wang Tong's words was silence, Jiang Song coughed twice and said:

"Forgive others and forgive others. Today, the younger one offended, and another day will serve wine and presents to make amends. How about the adults let the younger ones go back first, or wait for the brothers who are off the boat to come over and collide with the adults and the subordinates." Now, everyone is not looking good."

Wang Tong was so angry that he almost laughed out loud. There are so many demon moths on the ground in Tianjin Wei, and Jin Yiwei is like a melon. This folk association dares to warn the government to consider the consequences.

"Don't rush up, they have guys in their hands, and they look like they have some skills!"

Wang Tong wasn't angry, the young servants under him were all furious. Seeing that they were going to charge, Wang Tong stopped him with words, and Jiang Song's expression softened, thinking that it was time to talk.

"Go to this yard and take out sticks and belongings to beat them, and then pay for the money!"

Wang Tong slowly pointed to the old Zhang's house and said, everyone suddenly agreed, leaving a dozen people to stare, and the rest rushed in. The three people in the Zhang family were completely stunned, they didn't know what to do, and they didn't dare what to say.

Jiang Song's six people were also stunned, and they subconsciously turned their heads to look at Jiang Song. At this moment, a person suddenly jumped out from the crowd of young servants, and suddenly one of Jiang Song's subordinates let out an earth-shattering cry. Shouted, hunched over and fell down.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads back, but they didn't see anyone. One person screamed in pain, but also fell over. These movements were extremely fast, and only then did everyone see what was going on.

The shortest of the boys was holding a clothes-horse in his hand, and just stopped, all the boys cheered in unison, and some of the servants even shouted:

"Young Master Tiger Head is a good trick!!"

Li Hutou nodded triumphantly towards the surroundings, when he heard a noise in the yard, everyone rushed out with sticks and belongings, and surrounded the people inside and outside.

"I have something to say..."

"Say your grandma, hit, let go!!!"

Wang Tong shouted angrily, and everyone shouted, and immediately started to strike. The short knife and iron ruler had no advantage in front of the demolished table legs and stool legs. They were all overturned, but Jiang Song was unambiguous, and the short knife in his hand was flying up and down to block a lot of attacks.

At this time, in the other direction, the idlers flashed to both sides in a panic. A large number of men in brown short cotton robes ran over, each holding a knife, ax and stick in their hands. The leader was wearing a loyalist robe and a royal blue He was also a 40-year-old man in a black satin coat, and shouted loudly from a distance:

"Burning incense to worship heaven and earth, and burning incense in the city to worship ghosts and gods, the people from there dare to fight with our brothers at bow incense!!!"
thank you, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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