Chapter 238

Originally Zhang Cheng's selection and allocation of shares there was divided into three piles as usual, one pile for royal family officials, one pile for civil and military officials from foreign dynasties, and one pile for common people in the market.

The Secretary of Public Security has only been working for a few months, but all the rules are gradually taking shape, such as the distribution of the three stacks. Of course, the daily newspapers are always a few pieces of paper for the royal family, while civil and military officials and ordinary people in the market are Two thick stacks.

Each stack has a cover with a written summary on it. What Zhang Cheng does is to divide the volumes in the wooden box according to the intervals of the covers.

The third stack was just brought out, and before it was put away, the little Emperor Wanli erupted without warning, the teacup shattered with a loud noise, Zhang Cheng shook his hand, and the papers were scattered on the table.

The little emperor Wanli was furious, and threw out all the things he could grab. The stationery in the palace were all made of gold, silver and jade, and the fine porcelain from the famous kiln was worth nothing. At this time, they were all smashed to pieces.

Zhang Cheng took two steps back, and was about to persuade him, but saw that the face of the little emperor Wanli had been distorted. Zhang Cheng had never seen the little emperor like this before, and for a moment, he stepped back a few steps and knelt on the ground.

"Am I still the Son of Heaven!!"

"Am I still the emperor!!?"

"You just treat me as a child, teach me these bastard ways, but you are so happy!!"

He kept his voice down for the first two sentences, but at the end he was yelling through gritted teeth. Everything on the table was almost lost. He picked up the papers on the table with both hands and threw them upwards.

The papers were thrown into the air and spilled down one after another. The room was already in a mess. Zhang Cheng had never seen the little emperor so furious.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, he knew that the eunuchs and guards who were waiting outside the courtyard heard something was wrong here, and rushed over in a hurry.

Zhang Cheng quickly raised his head, but coincidentally, Emperor Wanli grabbed another jade carp pendant and threw it over, hitting the corner of Zhang Cheng's eyebrows, and a hole was opened immediately, and blood flowed out.

At this time, Zhang Cheng couldn't care less about it, and stepped forward a few steps to persuade him in a low voice:

"Long live Lord, drive away the people outside, or you will alarm the Queen Mother and Eunuch Feng, Long Live Lord!!"

The last sentence was almost yelled out, and Emperor Wanli recovered from his anger. He took a few breaths and shouted outside:

"Go away, everyone, have you forgotten the rules that you usually say, are you going to chop off your heads to refresh yourself!!"

The sound of footsteps approaching quickly stopped suddenly, and then came out the answer "servants are wrong, please forgive me, Long Live Lord", and the footsteps quickly retreated.

After such an outburst, Emperor Wanli couldn't lose his temper anymore, and he fell down on the chair, panting heavily, his eyes were red but he didn't speak.

The anger came out of nowhere, and Zhang Cheng felt a little terrified in his heart. He persuaded him not to know how to speak, but the wound on his forehead was bleeding, and it was still dripping. Emperor Wanli felt guilty when he looked up, and said in a calm voice:

"Zhang Banban stopped the bleeding first, everyone knew that if Feng Daban was alarmed, it would definitely be a bit tongue-in-cheek."

According to the rules in the palace, the places that Emperor Wanli often visited had some emergency medical supplies. Zhang Cheng was naturally familiar with this, so he took out the medicinal supplies to stop the bleeding and applied it to the wound, and covered it with a clean handkerchief.

But now the wound is a trivial matter, Zhang Cheng hesitated for a while, and then stepped forward and asked:
"Long Live Lord, what is it that made you angry? Can you tell the maidservant? Although the Sacred Heart of the Long Live Lord is dictatorial, the servant girl can give me some ideas."

Emperor Wanli was almost paralyzed on the chair, and he didn't move when he heard this sentence. He pointed to the scrolls all over the floor and said dumbly:
"Look for it yourself, there is one for Mr. Zhang..."

Zhang Cheng was taken aback for a moment. He also saw reports from Dongchang and Jinyiwei every day, and he knew the movements of officials in the DPRK and China quite well. The chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, did not go too far except for his request to go back to his hometown to pay homage to his deceased father. Out of the ordinary, why is the little emperor so furious.

When the chief minister of the cabinet was involved, the emperor was furious. He didn't know what a big deal it was. Zhang Cheng felt awe-inspiring, but at the same time he was a little curious. He didn't care about the pain of the wound. He covered his forehead with one hand, and lay down on the ground to search.

After tossing for half an hour, Emperor Wanli's breathing gradually calmed down, and he felt a little embarrassed by his gaffe just now, so he simply walked to the bookshelf with his hands behind his back, Zhang Cheng also found the document, he hesitated, and whispered said:
"Long Live Lord, I don't know if it's this one, but this servant has the courage to read a few words."

Seeing Emperor Wanli acquiesce, Zhang Cheng began to chant:
"...beauties from all over the world are gathered here, and there are overseas Taixi beauties, Japanese women... The wind is biting outside, but the warmth is like spring inside... All concubines and concubines are dressed in Tang Dynasty palace clothes, covered with tulle... Delicious delicacies are on display ...Although it is a cold winter day, there are sometimes fresh melons and fruits...the so-called Heavenly Palace on Earth..."

All the things mentioned in this document are descriptions of Zhang Juzheng's mansion. Perhaps the old master who handled it was in high spirits at that time, so he described it in more detail, and also used some confrontational words.

The collection of the daily papers of the Department of Public Security, it’s fine for the top to return, but it’s really difficult for the bottom to do errands. Everyone lives normally, and the political situation in the capital is abnormally stable at this time. How can there be so many things on weekdays? Dog, whoever's widow has reported it.

What the people of the capital like most is to discuss the privacy of the family affairs of the high officials and dignitaries, whose family is rich and luxurious, whose concubines are beautiful.

I don't know who has nothing to say, so I just told the Zhang family's wealth and extravagance, but these papers have to be passed once in the hands of officials from Shuntianfu Yamen and Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Neiting Jingchang. Those who were false and vain were stopped, and what Emperor Wanli saw was basically accurate.

"Those great scholars, ministers, imperial censors, and the eunuchs such as the palace chief of ceremonies and the chief of the court are all admonishing me every day to be diligent and thrifty, to cherish blessings, not to indulge in arrogance and extravagance, and to serve the world. Let me be an example. I didn't even enjoy eating meat last year. This year I didn't even dare to order more lanterns. Mr. Zhang's house is very grand. There are so many beautiful women, and he has to worry about state affairs. I don't know. Can you work hard to come here, Zhang Banban, I ask you, is what is said in the article the truth?"

It turned out that he was angry about this matter, and Zhang Cheng was a little bit dumbfounded. Thinking about it carefully, Emperor Wanli knew about the private lives of the ministers outside the palace. It seems that the Department of Public Security started it. There are more and more private affairs such as military and national affairs.

Seeing Emperor Wanli's anger, Zhang Cheng's heart turned, and after weighing all aspects, he said respectfully:
"When Mr. Zhang Ge was not an official, his family was rich and powerful. He was also famous in the capital for his love of sensuality, but the great talents had great desires. Mr. Zhang Ge's spirit was far beyond ordinary people, but he never delayed state affairs."

"According to what Zhang Banban said, what Wenjuan said is true!?"

Emperor Wanli's expression became numb, and he asked in a drawn-out voice. Zhang Cheng quickly lowered his head and replied in a low voice:

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, the slaves dare not speak nonsense on this matter."

"Humph, my family is living so happily, but my moral articles are eloquent. Zhang Banban, I will ask again, let alone others, how are the ministers who discuss affairs in Wenyuan Pavilion every day?"

"Going back to Lord Long Live, although the ministers in the court are not as good as Mr. Zhang, they are not far behind..."

Thinking that if these words were spread outside the palace, he would definitely be in great trouble, Zhang Cheng felt awe-inspiring, and gradually hesitated when he spoke.

"With a salary of only 300 taels per year and a reward of 2000 taels, how can I live like this, my family is like that, it makes my life miserable."

Emperor Wanli's voice gradually rose, and suddenly he sneered a few times and said:
"The widow has been on the throne for six years. The Dongchang and the Zhenfusi never said such things, and neither did the officials and censors. If there was not this public security department, I don't know how long the widow would have been concealed. Mr. Zhang Isn't it time to go back to the hometown to pay homage to the deceased father? I don't need to come back, and it is the rule of a son to keep the system for three years..."

After saying these words, Zhang Cheng was shocked, knelt down with a plop, and hurriedly said:
"Long Live Lord, this matter cannot be forced, Mr. Zhang Ge can't move it, can't move it!"

Emperor Wanli suddenly stood up again, and shouted angrily:

"Why can't it be done? Do they have me in their eyes? They have deceived me for so long, and I will still forgive them if they don't ask for guilt. Let them go home. What can't be done!!!"

Zhang Cheng originally thought that Emperor Wanli's anger dissipated just now, but only then did he know that Emperor Wanli was actually furious to the extreme, but when he heard that Emperor Wanli's anger was not loud, and he was still suppressing his throat, Zhang Cheng knew that this matter had not yet reached the end. At the turning point, just about to continue to persuade, but I heard Wanli ask in a cold voice:

"Zhang Banban, in the past six years, why didn't you tell the widow the truth, and let the widow be concealed like this?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Cheng crouched down again, and hurriedly said:

"My servant knows what Mr. Zhang has done, but the truth taught to Lord Long Live is always right. The Queen Mother also asks His Majesty the same way, and this servant dares to say anything."

Emperor Wanli let out a "hey" and remained silent again. Zhang Cheng was already on fire with his own family, but he couldn't persuade Emperor Wanli any more. But if Zhang Juzheng was to go home to guard the system, it would also cause a stormy event. The emperor had to be persuaded to take back his order, thought about it on the ground, walked a few steps on his knees, kowtowed in front of Emperor Wanli, and said:
"Long Live Lord, it's hard for slaves to say anything about such important matters, but someone has to give Long Live Lord an idea and consult them in detail. It's also a foolproof way. I think, should Long Live Lord ask Wang Tong..."

(End of this chapter)

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