Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 241 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 241 The wicked have their own grind

Hearing the greeting, Wang Tong also looked over, and he really recognized him. The blacksmith shop he owns now is the takeaway of this rich man.

They also drank wine together in the capital, and they were relatives of Wang Si. The two sides were separated by more than ten steps.

"Several poor masters, this cargo is here. I implore the poor masters to raise your hands and stop smashing. How about setting up a banquet tonight as a thank you gift?"

"It's a good idea. If you say you don't want to smash it, you won't smash it. Take the 500 taels of silver first!!"

"Several bad guys, this shipment is only 700 taels of silver, so it costs 500 taels"

"Fuck your mother!"

After saying a few words, the officer standing on the boat picked up a square porcelain pot and threw it at him. The officer dodged quickly, but the servants behind him didn't have time, and were hit hard on the forehead by the porcelain pot. Bleeding immediately.

Seeing this scene, there was laughter all around, and the member said in a low voice:

"My lords, my cousin is a team leader in Shuntian Mansion, and he is considered an official figure. Can you give me some favors, don't smash it, let the small ones go, and there will be a big thank you in the future!"

Hearing this officer's words, the guards standing at the bow laughed again and cursed:
"The leader of the Shuntian Mansion is an idiot. His governor is here, and my family's Wan Gong is just saying nothing. You still move out of this."

"Put things down, and you will pay as much as you break!"

At this time, there was a very calm sentence, and the guards immediately stopped laughing. They also saw this officer bowing to a few people not far away. They thought they were acquaintances, and they didn't come down to help just now, so No one took it to heart, who would have thought that that person would still come over.

"What kind of thing are you? You dare to talk to grandpa like that, and you still pay as much for breaking it. Grandpa was sent by Wan Gonggong to check and carry it. If you offend Wan Gonggong, you have offended the emperor. You are the crime of deceiving the emperor!!"

The leader of the guard had some ink in his head, and after a few words, he was labeled as a crime of deceiving the emperor. There was a commotion here, and the dozen or so sampans on the river gathered, and about 30 people got off the boat. , or on the cargo ship transporting porcelain, or on the big vermilion ship, staring at this side.

Seeing that Wang Tong looked like a half-grown child, there was a tall brat next to him, but there was a child on the other side, and the three of them were dressed like children of a wealthy family.

Seeing Wang Tong's leadership, the outsider was grateful and wanted to salute to thank him, but he was also a little puzzled, there were only four, why there was one less, and how could the opponent be able to confront each other with so many people.

Those officers consciously saw the identities of Wang Tong and the others, and they shouted and cursed even louder. Wang Tong's face gradually darkened. Seeing his face change, the officers on the ship became even more angry, and several people rushed down directly. If they stretch out their hands, they will be beaten. These people are either showing off their power on the river every day, or drinking and gambling. What kind of skills do they have? It can't compare to Wang Tong, a warrior who struggles all day long.

Wang Tong really didn't expect that the other party would hit him if he said so, and he was not afraid. He took a step back and kicked the ground with strength, and kicked the man directly in the lower abdomen, and swept his arms across the other man's mouth and nose to bleed. Ma Sanbiao's side It was even more different. He was tall and powerful. He knocked down two people with two punches, and then easily grabbed the third and threw it back.

Li Hutou is short, but his movements are fast and his strength is not small. Others thought he was going to run, but Li Hutou rushed over and slapped his crotch ruthlessly.

In just a few moments, the few people who rushed over were all knocked down, and the remaining twenty or so guards were startled and angry, and each drew out their iron ruler waist knives, yelling and cursing loudly, about to rush over.

Wang Tong pulled out his Xiuchun knife backhandedly, stood there and shouted coldly:
"My official is Wang Tong of Qianhu of Tianjin Jinyiwei, who dares to mess around!"

As soon as these words came out, the gang of guards were stunned for a moment, and immediately quieted down, but Ma Sanbiao and Li Hutou were not armed. Seeing that Wang Tong had restrained the gang, they immediately turned and went back to that guy.

Li Hu's head was hung on the side of the saddle with a five-foot short spear, while Ma Sanbiao was holding a two-foot long broad-bladed hatchet. Regardless of the number of people ahead, Wang Tong just strode forward. Go, said coldly:

"How much do you pay if you break it!!"

The reputation of Jinyiwei Qianhu Wangtong is very famous in the streets and alleys of Tianjin. Not everyone knows it, but everyone knows it.

And everyone also knew that this Qianhu looked like a half-grown child, and when they heard Wang's announcement of his name, everyone had no doubts and immediately believed it.

Seeing Wang Tong striding aboard, no one dared to say anything, and the guy in his hand didn't dare to make the slightest move. No matter how you look at it, the two people behind Wang Qianhu were even more terrifying, not to mention the big axe. , the child's short spear, the cold light on the tip of the spear makes people tremble.

The knife in Wang Tong's hand has not been sheathed, and when he came to the man who said the crime of deceiving the emperor, the man looked frightened and at a loss as to how to show his favor. When Wang Tong raised his wrist, the knife was already on his neck. When it was put on, the force was a little stronger, and the skin was cut and bleeding came out.

Thinking of the behavior of this lord, the officer whose neck was tied to the knife holder turned pale all of a sudden, his whole body was so limp that he was about to collapse on the boat. move.

"Didn't you say that this is the crime of deceiving the emperor? Tell me, what do you say about this crime!"

"Master Wang, Master Wang, the little lard is blinded, and you talk nonsense, you always treat it as a fart, and the small one has a big mouth"

The guards at the side all stepped aside, fearing that they would not be able to avoid it, Wang Tong looked at a few places, and said in a cold voice:
"Whoever smashed this porcelain just now, stand up, I won't kill anyone!"

His words "don't kill people" sounded like they were going to kill people. Everyone trembled, but no one dared to move. Wang Tong slightly strengthened the knife in his hand. The man immediately yelled like a pig butcher, chanted the names of those people just now, and cursed:
"You heartless bastards, leave me alone at this time"

A total of three people just smashed there, and when they heard their companions calling out their names, they knew they couldn't shrink back, and each of them came out with sad faces. Wang Tong withdrew his knife and said:
"It's just some money, it's not difficult for you, now count how much is smashed!"

The bow of the boat is full of broken porcelain. It is not easy to sort it out, but there are a certain number of wooden cages and straw ropes that bind the porcelain. After sorting it out, Wang Tong said coldly:
"Compensate according to the price, and add three taels of silver to buy wine for the brother who fell into the water to warm up."

These are all trivial matters, a few servants under the grain supervising eunuch just smashed the porcelain for fear that it would not be enjoyable enough, but now they regretted that they smashed too much and spent money to compensate for the pain.

For surveillance on the water, those who are entrained need to pay money, and every officer is pocketed, and the embezzlement is severe, and a lot of money was destroyed just now, and it can be scraped together.

The money was given to the people in Wang's warehouse, and the guards were relieved. They thought the matter was over, but Wang Tong said in a cold voice:
"Jump into the river!!"

Everyone was stunned, Wang Tong didn't say much, he just pointed his sword over the boat, it was so cold, but things got to such an extent, but he couldn't help jumping, everyone walked to the side of the boat with a sad face, just about to The move was stopped by Wang Tong. The half-grown child, Qianhu from Tianjin Jinyiwei, said:
"Take off your clothes, take off your clothes!"

The faces of the three guards immediately changed from suffering to mourning. When they were hesitating there, Ma Sanbiao, who was holding an axe, threw the nearest guard into the river, and shouted viciously while holding the axe:

"My lord has spoken, and you are still dawdling, why can't I let my ax help you!!"

Not to mention the unlucky ghost thumping in the water, the three of them saw Ma Sanbiao looking fierce, and the ax in their hands seemed to be the size of a cattail leaf fan, so they dared not hesitate, and hurriedly took off their clothes inside and outside, so as not to die just now Broken tiles all over the bow, he took off his boots and stepped on them, screaming loudly and jumping into the river.

People who often run on the canal will not drown, but the river water is cold and their feet hurt. Needless to say, this is uncomfortable. Just now when I dived here, there was constant laughter around me.

At this moment, the guard stripped naked and jumped down, the surroundings were completely silent, Wang Tong looked around, pointed at the people in Wang's warehouse and said to the guards:
"See clearly, if these people are troubled by you again in the future, you will be tied up with stones and thrown into the river, do you understand?"

Seeing his methods, the guards did not even dare to speak out, and nodded in panic. Then Wang Tong put the knife back into the scabbard and strode off the boat.

Except for the people in the warehouse who were going to sail the boat, those few people hurriedly followed Wang Tong and thanked him gratefully. Wang Tong answered a few words casually, then got on his horse and left. Halfway along, he met the reinforcements called by Sun Dahai. The two sides headed back towards the new barracks together.

"Since the boss has called me, Mr. Wang, this matter has to be taken care of. If you don't take care of it, you will inevitably fall into the name that Jin Yiwei has worked so hard to get."

Wang Tong said immediately, and everyone passed by with a smile. Seeing that the new barracks was ahead, Wang Tong said in a low voice:
"When we boarded the ship, there were many Cao Ding on the official ship and young and strong people on the shore who wanted to gather here. Probably after the official reported their names, these people dispersed again, and this card was checked and carried. I can't figure out the way, there are a lot of strange things on this river!"

Everyone didn't watch it so carefully, and didn't know how to answer the conversation, they just waited for Wang Tong to make arrangements.

After Wang Tong left, the inspections on the canal did not stop, and everything was as usual, but a few days later, among the news that the people at Hang Daqiao inquired, there was a piece of news that Wan Dao and Eunuch Wan overturned the table at home.——
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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