Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 282 Gradually Approaching

Chapter 282 Gradually Approaching
"Feng Daban, ask Mr. Zhang to say hello in advance, don't make such a mystery, if the court doesn't explain clearly, how dare I make random decisions!"

Emperor Wanli was in a good mood after the dynasty was over. On the way back to the palace, he complained to Feng Bao. Feng Bao bowed down with a smile, and said:
"What Long Live Lord blames is that the slave must explain to Mr. Zhang Ge."

Emperor Wanli nodded. According to the rules in the palace, the emperor had to take a sedan chair when returning from Wenyuan Pavilion to the inner palace. However, since Wanli came back from Huwei Wuguan, he liked to exercise more and was unwilling to sit in a sedan chair.

When he was walking on this side, a group of eunuchs and guards followed behind him. After taking two steps, Emperor Wanli asked aloud:

"Feng Daban, Zhang Banban, why don't you discuss the matter of gold flowers and silver? I remember that this was said a month ago!?"

Feng Bao hurriedly bowed again and said:

"Long live the Lord, please remember that the servant girl is ordering the supervisor of rituals and the imperial supervisor to calculate with the household department. I will give the details to your majesty after the figure is calculated. Right now, the farming is busy everywhere, and the matter of clearing Zhang's farmland is finishing up again. There was a tight manpower everywhere, so it was delayed for a while."

Emperor Wanli nodded without making a sound, and walked to the door of the imperial study together. Feng Bao said that the Empress Dowager Cisheng had summoned him for something, and bid farewell to the emperor.

The small courtyard of the Imperial Study Room was very quiet, and the servants below knew that the emperor didn't like too many people staying in this place, and the only person allowed to serve him was Zhao Jinliang, who was less than ten years old.

To say that this child looks normal, and he can't see anything other than being honest and silent. If it weren't for Emperor Wanli who often stayed with court ladies, everyone would think of a crooked place.

Emperor Wanli came in, and Zhao Jinliang hurriedly brought over a clean wet towel. Wanli wiped his face, saw that the door behind him was closed, and asked with a smile:

"I don't know who was targeted at the academy, but Wang Tong got the prize. Originally, Wang Tong's memorial said that although his behavior was violent, it was in line with the rules and regulations. Liu Shouyou would protect him even if he was unwilling. He was dragged to the academy by Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Cheng thought for a while, stepped forward and said in a low voice:

"There is vague news from the East Factory that some of the courtiers are building up momentum in the academy to support each other in an attempt to influence the court. They violated Zhang Ge's taboo. That's why today's incident happened."

Emperor Wanli walked inward, shook his head and said:
"I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, should be severely punished, Zhang Banban, you and Daban have already finalized the amount of gold flowers and silver, right? How much is it?"

Zhang Cheng bowed his body and said:
"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, the number agreed by the servants, Eunuch Feng and the various yamen of the inner prison, plus 30 taels of gold and silver, will be enough."

"You can make it clear that you are hiding it from me. I can't be the master in the court, and no one listens to what I say in this palace. I don't know what it means to be the emperor!?"

What Emperor Wanli said was a bit annoyed, but Zhang Cheng seemed to be used to it, instead of kneeling down and kowtow to apologize, he just said with a wry smile:

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, the palace has negotiated 30 taels, but the cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs are still counting. Let's see if it can be suppressed. Today, Eunuch Feng went to the Empress Dowager's side for this matter."

"Bingjing and Tanjing in each province, their own production, the oil and water inside and outside, that life is not as comfortable as mine, there are so many people in the palace, and they will quit if they add this little money. What kind of rules are these, Zhang Banban, How can 30 taels be enough, I think, it will be about the same if it is added to 100 million."

Sitting in his seat, Emperor Wanli said angrily. Zhang Cheng sorted out the memorial and said with a smile:

"Long Live Lord, with this number, I'm afraid the Queen Mother's side will have trouble, let alone the cabinet."

A strange smile appeared on Emperor Wanli's face, and he wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't make a sound.

"My lord, the iron-smelting stove here is not easy to use. We are always afraid of fire and air leakage. We build cannons over there, and the masters here are invited to build the stove. This also adds a lot of cost."

Qiao Da, the leader of the blacksmith workshop, accompanied Wang Tong in the workshop. In addition to the busy work of nearly a hundred skilled craftsmen and apprentices in the workshop, there were also hundreds of young and strong people from the training camp called warehouse guys helping here.

Tianjin in July was already quite hot and humid, and the inside and outside of the workshop was even more scorched by the heat from the iron furnace. Walking in it, Wang Tong and the people around him were sweating profusely, and their backs were drenched.

The heat was unbearable, but Wang Tong watched it intently. With his concentration, others did not dare to neglect it, and Qiao Da was even more energetic.

"My lord, there are a lot of problems with the cannon. Only one of the three cannons is considered qualified, which also wastes a lot of time. Some time ago, there was an accident during the test of the cannon. Thanks to the master Bean who took the bucket and poured out the medicine gone."

"I have also heard about this matter. Eunuch Cai, now you will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, and you will be able to ride a horse around the training camp in red."

Wang Tong ordered in a deep voice, and Cai Nan who was beside him wiped off his sweat, and quickly took out a film to record it.

After walking a few steps, Qiao Da saw Ma Sanbiao and several members of the Tan family wiping sweat behind him, and quickly said with a smile:

"This is the place where the guns were made, and further inside is the iron stove. It's hotter over there, and you can't see anything. My lords, you should go to the wooden hut outside the camp. It's cooler there!"

Wang Tong shook his head, but still strode forward. Qiao Da couldn't continue talking, so he had to follow quickly.

After carefully looking at everything, Wang Tong walked out, Qiao Da wiped the sweat from his brow, he was severely ordered by Wang Tong because of his greed for money, whether the workshop is good or not, whether the cannon can be made or not, it is up to him to decide. This is why he is so diligent when he is not around, but Wang Tong is only sixteen this year, at the age of being active and playful, so he can calm down so much, everyone is very surprised when he thinks about it.

"The coal and wood to be burned must be far away from the source of the fire. Don't be afraid of trouble. The official knows that the cart pulls the coal for several miles, and then unloads it after passing the camp. Disaster, it is always right to be careful."

Qiao Da quickly agreed, Wang Tong looked at it carefully, but when he turned around, he smiled and said:
"But it can't be cramped for a few days. After a while, we will put the blacksmith workshop by the river. It will be very convenient to get in and out of the materials."

Being on the side of the canal, not only is it convenient to get water, but also it is convenient to get in and out of large quantities of coal and iron. This is naturally a good thing, but when Wang Tong suddenly mentioned it, everyone was a little confused.

Walking out of the iron furnace area, Wang Tong signaled Qiao Da not to follow, watched Qiao Da leave, and whispered to General Tan:

"How did you do what I ordered?"

"Returning to the master, according to the master's instructions, the young and strong laborers will work together with the oxen, horses and carts at night. It is better not to be noticed by others. This is all done, and now six of them have been transported!"

After hearing General Tan's words, Wang Tong nodded and said in a deep voice:
"The artillery sent by General Qi needs to be well-equipped, and our soldiers must learn it quickly. If we don't need it by then, it will delay our business."

Wang Tong spoke cautiously, and Tan Jiang quickly agreed, and walked to the edge of the workshop while speaking, Ma Sanbiao behind him let out a sigh of relief, opened his collar and laughed and cursed:
"It's so hot, it's almost cooked after walking around!"

Everyone laughed, Li Hu took a look at Wang Tong, and followed suit by taking off his shirt, but Wang Tong knocked him on the head and scolded:

"You should pay attention to your military posture. You don't care about yourself. How can you lead soldiers well in the future?"

Li Hutou put on a sad face and tidied up quickly, Ma Sanbiao reluctantly tidied up his clothes, and Wang Tong asked there:

"How is your errand over there!"

"Two hundred boys who can ride horses were selected, and they practiced on horses all day, and went out for a walk every night. The first few times I saw someone in the dark, but I couldn't see them a few times later. Mr. Yu and Brother Tan Over there, they have to lead the infantry out to sweep them regularly, and things the size of cats and dogs cannot be relied upon, no matter how small they are.”

Wang Tong pointed at Ma Sanbiao and scolded with a smile. This guy is used to being casual, and he doesn't look serious at all times, but he does his errands well, so he doesn't feel too restrained.

After finishing speaking here, everyone walked towards the wooden house, and Cai Nan followed up and said:
"My lord, more than a dozen doors have been built here, which is in line with the pre-determined number. If we continue to do it, it is too much to eat money. The money from the capital has not been drawn yet, can we stop first?"

Wang Tong waved his hand and said solemnly:
"If you don't have any money, you can use the old man. If you don't have the official to lend it to you, the cannon is enough, but you need some spares, in case it breaks and there is no replacement!"

He was talking here, and a person ran over quickly from the outside, but it was a guard on duty today, and when he arrived, he saluted and reported:
"My lord, there is a visitor in the city, and Sun Baihu said that it is an urgent visitor, please go back."

"What urgent customer!?"

Wang Tong was also puzzled, but the guard took an envelope sealed with wax paint and handed it to Wang Tong, and said:
"My lord inspected the sealant and took it apart to find out. Sun Baihu told the younger one to keep it secret, and asked a left-behind Mr. Tan to write his name."

Sun Dahai couldn't read, and he did this for the sake of confidentiality. The sealant was intact, and after opening the envelope, there were a few simple sentences written inside.

"There is a letter from someone in the capital's cabinet, please stay at home and return soon!"

The cabinet, Wang Tong was stunned when he heard the name, the cabinet is full of confidantes of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, what is the purpose of coming to him and the letter.

After reading it, Wang Tong crumpled up the letter and put it in his pocket, smiled and said to Li Hutou beside him:
"Hutou, you are now a soldier of the first battalion. If you work hard and do well, you will be made an officer. If the whole battalion obeys you, then you will be a battalion officer!"

Suddenly there was this appointment, Li Hutou stood there at a loss, Wang Tong patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said:
"Look for your senior brother to help you arrange it, I have something urgent to go back to the city!"
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(End of this chapter)

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