Chapter 681

Wang Tong and his group arrived here. Only the night guards on South Street were still eating at the delicious restaurant. There were already a lot fewer people. There were two people kneeling at the door. The people in front of Wang Tong had already sped up their horses. Let’s go and see See who it is.

"My lord, it's that Xiaoqi Hou Wancai in the daytime."

Wang Tong was very impressed with this person, because during the day, whether it was Hou Wancai or Wang Tong's personal guard who used to march in the army, they were all treated like a joke by Hou Wancai's fat old woman.

When they got to the front, the two people turned around and kowtowed towards Wang Tong. One of them said:
"Hou Wancai violated the military law in the daytime, and he did such stupid things, so he pleaded guilty to Lord Wang, and asked Lord Wang to punish him for his crime!"

Hearing this voice, Wang Tong frowned, feeling a little familiar, he got off his horse and came up to him, recognized the person by the lantern on the door, immediately helped him up with a smile, and said:
"Why is Hou Jingji still kneeling on the ground, you and I are old acquaintances, don't be so polite!!"

It turned out to be an acquaintance who had dealt with in the past, Hou Baihu of the experience department, who was in charge of Jinyiwei's document inspection, case file entry and exit, and soldier assessment. It can be said to be the core department of Jinyiwei. Directly managed by the commander of Jinyiwei, the status of a hundred households in the experience department is similar to that of a thousand households who are on the errands below, and it can be regarded as a role with status.

But this kind of person can't stand up in front of Wang Tong, not to mention that Hou Baihu is different from others. When Wang Tong was in the capital, this Hou Baihu had dealt with Wang Tong, and he knew Wang Tong at that time. It's unusual, not to mention that as long as you pay a little attention in the past few years, you can understand how big the scene Wang Tong has been sitting down.

"Master Wang still remembers this subordinate, this subordinate is really."

After all, he is a person who plays with pens, and his mind is faster than ordinary martial arts. Hearing what Wang Tong said, Hou Baihu followed suit, and even took out a handkerchief and pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Wang Tong smiled and patted him on the shoulder. The other man knelt there with a sad face, but he didn't dare to make a sound. This man was Hou Wancai. After Hou Baihu was moved, he turned around and slapped Hou Wancai, and said in a hateful voice:
"Master Wang, my nephew doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and he often doesn't know how to behave outside. Today, I heard that he was beaten by Mr. Wang, so my subordinates wanted to come over to thank me. Thanks to my lord's discipline, according to my subordinates, the beating is still light. To break the beast's legs is to teach him a lesson."

The words are very good, I still have to intercede for this nephew. Wang Tong has seen similar scenes at Han Gang's house during the day, and he really doesn't want to watch them continue to act, but knowing that he kowtowed to apologize shows that he still knows the seriousness. He nodded casually and said:
"There's no need to beat, your nephew was beaten badly during the day, let's come in and talk together!!"

After speaking, he threw the reins to the soldiers, and walked into the yard by himself. Hou Wancai smiled and bowed to thank him. After all the people entered the yard, he turned around and glared at Hou Wancai viciously. He went up and slapped his forehead , cursed in a low voice:
"You bastard, if it weren't for your uncle, I still have a face, and our Hou family would have been dragged into it by you. What are you still doing stupidly by the side, carrying him in!"

Hou Wancai was beaten so badly during the day that he couldn't stand up, but he couldn't move when he knelt here, and he also ordered his servants to help him, and when he heard the call, he hurried over to lift him up.

Wang Tong lived in the house on South Street, and the old women who were working in the delicious restaurant were responsible for cleaning and tidying up. When he entered the house, the lights were already on, and the fire and the walls were burning, so it was very warm.

The uncle and nephew of the Hou family also followed in. After entering the house, Hou Baihu was standing there, and Hou Wancai would kneel there even if he could stand.

Wang Tong glanced at Hou Baihu, smiled and said:

"How long has Hou Experience been in the Experience Department, and how long has this hundred households been in business?"

Hearing this, Hou Baihu was subconsciously overjoyed, the envoy asked such a question just now, it was not a bad thing after all, but after all, he was a man in his 40s, so he could hold his breath and just bowed down and answered: :

"Returning to the adults, the villain joined the pro-army at the age of 16. At the age of 31, he was a hundred households. He has been in Jinyiwei for 26 years, and this hundred households has been working for 11 years."

Wang Tong nodded and motioned for Hou Baihu to sit down, and the guards at the side served him tea, he acted naturally, but Hou Baihu was in awe, sitting down in front of the commanding staff, and someone served tea again, such a situation Courtesy is great, but Wang Tong's hospitality is not superficial, and he has dealt with this Hou Baihu before, so he is not so particular.

"After so many years of suffering, don't you have any other thoughts?"

Hearing Wang Tong's inquiry, Hou Baihu hastily put down the teacup in his hand again, but this time he was not very calm, the teacup almost fell off the table, thinking that Hou Wancai caused trouble during the day , and also reported his name. Today, the capital knows that Wang Tong used ruthless means, so he said his name, so as not to implicate his own family, he hurriedly came to make amends. Wait for questioning.

Anyone with a good mind can tell that Wang Tong meant to take care of him. Wang Tong's hands and eyes are as good as the sky. It is his luck to have such questions.

"I'm not afraid of the adults' jokes. The villain originally wanted to take the imperial examination, but he didn't have any luck. His family has worked for Jinyiwei for generations, so he entered here. However, the Four Books and Five Classics are not good, and criminal names and practical affairs are handy, and he has come here. In terms of position, however, according to the rules of our pro-military, a hundred households in the experience department can be used as a thousand households, but they will not be released to be a thousand households in charge of people. To achieve this position, you can go out for a few short errands at most. Don't think about anything else."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile. No matter how unbearable the habits of Jinyiwei, it is the army after all, and it is the world of warriors. They are stationed in Qianhu and Qianhu in the capital. There are real power and rich vacancies for people who have territory. Naturally, they will not do it for literati like the experience department.

"Hou Zhen, come and help me in the future. In a few years, I will let you go out to be a thousand households stationed in a certain place, or the capital has a better future for you."

Wang Tong didn't even speak in an inquiring tone, he spoke directly, the room fell silent, and when he heard a "pop", Hou Jian still couldn't hold back, knocked the teacup from the coffee table to the ground, and smashed it to pieces.

Hou Baihu, who had always been careful not to be rude, didn't care about it at this time, and knelt down on the ground directly from the chair, and said eagerly:
"My subordinates are highly valued by Mr. Wang, and I am grateful. I am willing to do things loyally for my lord, and I will not hesitate to break my body to pieces and be an ox or a horse."

"Okay, okay, don't say such gritting words, do things with all your heart, and the benefits will be indispensable to you."

If the experience department is the center of Jinyiwei, all the files and errands for the company are uploaded and distributed here, and there are roster lists and performance appraisals, etc. Having a familiar person here will be of great benefit to his buddies in the future. Hou Baihu came here to improvise, this Hou Zhen brought his nephew here to make amends at night, presumably he has no backer background, otherwise why didn't Ren Chunlai come here, such a person has dealt with himself before, and it is an old acquaintance, Should be able to win over live.

After a few conversations, you can also know that Hou Baihu also has the intention of making friends, so you can directly pull people over. Naturally, you will have the means to win over in the future. Seeing the surprise that Hou has experienced, you know that you have found the right person.

Wang Tong smiled and asked Hou Baihu to get up, but seeing Hou Wancai rolling his eyes, he said with a smile:

"I didn't beat you to lure your uncle. Do you know why you were given the weight of a board? You don't feel ashamed that you have to be protected by a woman. I also feel ashamed of our Jinyiwei."

After being reprimanded like this, Hou Wancai didn't dare to say anything, but kowtowed to the ground again with a bitter face. After saying what he said just now, the relationship between the two parties became much closer. Hou Baihu interjected with a smile:

"His mother-in-law and he are childhood sweethearts. They have bullied him since he was a child. It has been almost 30 years. However, his mother-in-law protects the family and is a filial person. My lord, Wancai has no skills and is timid. , but he is well-informed, likes to inquire everywhere, and can be careful in doing things, even his subordinates rely on him a lot!"

The punishment Hou Wancai received was not light, and now everyone is talking about it, Wang Tong smiled and nodded, Hou Zhen, who was in charge of the department, paused, but remembered something, he smiled, and said solemnly:

"My lord, the training led to today's marching law. The practice of the military law has certainly raised your prestige, but today's scene may be expected by some people. Your lord has a deep foundation in the capital, so naturally you are not afraid of others saying three things. Fourthly, it would be troublesome to argue within our Jinyiwei, after all, your lord is in charge of the entire Jinyiwei, if someone instigates something, the people below will inevitably be dissatisfied."

Wang Tong nodded, Hou Jing hesitated for a while, and said again:
"My subordinates have also heard some rumors these days. Ren Tongzhi, and the two Qianshi, needless to say, the thousands of households below are all trying to harm the adults. They say that the adults are from outside. If you know the way, just return it." , if you don’t know the face, it will make it difficult for adults to move an inch, so don’t do anything!”

"It turned out to be so unfavorable. Now that we're talking about it, what can you do?"

This is where Wang Tong's confidence lies. Even if he wants to make him look bad, he can only make him unable to do things. Otherwise, people like Jin Yiwei have nothing to do.

He asked about Hou's experience, but he meant some school exams. Hou Zhen naturally understood, sat upright, thought about it, and said:
"Since my lord asked, my subordinates also have some humble opinions. My lord's whole training can't be justified by others, but today's execution is a bit problematic. My lord's arm is wrapped in a red belt, and he is arrested and executed in the capital. He must be punished for violating military laws. But who should carry out the execution, and who should have the qualifications, this is a bit particular, since those few must follow the internal rules, the adults should also give the execution brothers a title as soon as possible."
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(End of this chapter)

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