Chapter 708
What Wang Tong said was impassioned and confident, but the hall became quiet again. Except for Zhao Jinliang who looked and looked at the left, the rest of the people were deep in thought.

Emperor Wanli, Zhang Cheng, and Zou Yi are quite friendly with Wang Tong, but at such a position, personal relationship is one thing, and the overall situation of the world is another.

What Wang Tong said was not false, and there was no problem in the grand strategy. This first decision has been made, and the next step is Wang Tong and the Huwei Army. The lowest-ranking captain of Jin Yiwei has not been in command for more than ten years. Apart from being related to the inner court, he has nothing to do with the outer court.

If such a lonely minister or army goes to the outside of the Great Wall, everyone will be happy if they win, but if they lose, the court will not suffer any losses, and they may not even need to bear the responsibility of making a motion.

After the current Emperor Wanli came to power, Wang Tong's loyalty and support were not indispensable. Several bigwigs present, including Zhang Cheng, Zou Yi, and even Zhao Jinliang, had already gained a firm foothold in the palace. Without Wang Tong as an ally, their status quo would not be changed.

To put it harshly, if Wang Tong is gone, the huge foundation he left behind will actually benefit these people. Naturally, this is just a heartbreaking statement. Of course, everyone in the hall will not express their thoughts, but they were quiet for a while. After that, everyone's eyes turned to Emperor Wanli.

In the past, when Wang Tong knelt on the ground, Emperor Wanli would not let him kneel for too long, and would say "what are you doing kneeling, stand up and answer", but today he did not say this sentence, because the emperor fell into deep thought.

Everyone knew that the emperor was weighing the pros and cons, and everyone was waiting for the result, but no matter how the others weighed it, they could all come to a conclusion that the benefits of sending troops outweighed the disadvantages, and far outweighed the disadvantages.

"You stand up."

Emperor Wanli said something in a muffled voice. He put his hands on his knees and then moved them to the armrest. He went back and forth several times. After Wang Tong stood up, Emperor Wanli still pondered for a long time. After a while, he said in a muffled voice:
"Even if it's not a national war, it's troublesome to start a frontier quarrel without permission. When marching and fighting, the cabinet, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of household affairs, Datong Town, and even Xuanfu and Yulin towns have to take action. I'm afraid the court will not be able to pass it. You don't know if you just quarrel. How long will it take to quarrel, and what's more troublesome is, whether things can be done or not, I'm afraid you will get in the way in the end."

The words of Emperor Wanli said that everyone in the palace knew that a conclusion had been reached. The emperor did not say that there was any problem in this war, but that there was any problem in starting the war. It's the details. Zhang Cheng and Zou Yi exchanged glances, and then looked at Zhang Jing. The three of them lowered their heads slightly. Since Wang Tong took the initiative to ask for a fight, and the emperor has such an attitude, everyone should stop talking.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. The matter is not urgent at this time. It is possible within a year or two. Although the soldiers will slack off in peacetime, there is no need to worry about it within three years. During these three years, opportunities can always be found. Please allow your Majesty to agree."

Emperor Wanli nodded slowly again. There was no words in the hall for a while, and there was a moment of silence. Emperor Wanli pointed to the memorial and picture scroll on the desk and said:
"Today's discussion, don't spread it to the outside world, or those talkative Qingliu will definitely stare at this matter!"

Everyone bowed together to accept the order, and they were speechless at this moment. Emperor Wanli returned to the palace, Wang Tong also left, Zhang Cheng naturally went to accompany Emperor Wanli, Zhang Jing went to the valet of the ceremonial supervisor, but Zou Yi Follow up.

The little eunuch who led Wang Tong out knew who Wang Tong was, and Zou Yi's status in the palace needless to say, seeing that the two of them had something to say, he led the way wisely.

However, Zou Yi and Wang Tong were also silent for a while, and Zou Yi said first:
"Brother Wang, I really don't know what to say as a brother. Now that the border is peaceful, Qi Jiguang is willing to say such rhetoric. Let him say it. Brother, why do you care so much? Mistakes are not only ruined, but you won’t be able to come back when the time comes, why are you bothering?"

"Although Your Majesty asked me to keep the secret, I'm afraid the three of Lord Shen may not be able to keep it. Some troubles have occurred in the past few days!"

Wang Tong didn't answer Zou Yi's words, but just said with a smile. Hearing what he said, Zou Yi didn't speak anymore, just sighed.

The emperor's private meeting is not on official occasions such as court meetings. The chief minister of the cabinet, Shen Shixing, Zhang Xueyan, Minister of War, and Wang Lin, Minister of Household, also understand this truth. Even if they want to stir up public opinion to criticize or target someone, they must One or two scruples, don't be too blatant.

Moreover, Emperor Wanli did not explain the source of this incident, and everyone should not speculate wildly. Without a target to attack, they could not confront Emperor Wanli tit for tat. Therefore, from the end of May to June, the emperor was very happy and wanted to expand the territory. It is only circulated in a small circle. When the ministers went to court, they would often talk about Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's militarism, great achievements, and deeds that led to national turmoil, as a way to satirize.

Every time this matter was mentioned, even though Emperor Wanli was quite impatient, he didn't react. He just thought that he couldn't understand, and everyone felt bored. Withdrawing the false praise and praise, similarly, because the truth of the news cannot be confirmed, this did not cause any big disturbance.

In June, Jinyiwei, dressed in neat and straight armor and walking in groups of two on the street, has become a scene in the capital. Outsiders will always be shocked when they see it, and then they know that it is under the feet of the emperor. rule.

Since the crackdown, petty theft has disappeared from the streets and alleys, and the people who set up tricks and burn incense and set up altars have also disappeared. Jin Yiwei generally can't escape whoever he wants to arrest.

The first month of cleaning provided a large number of labors for several farms located in the north of Tianjin Wei. Many people were idle and had never done farm work, and some were brave and ruthless. Don't dare to worry about being bored. After these people are resettled in the farm, they really can't do any farm work.

But it was only a month later, everyone who was arrested, no matter what their status or temperament before they came, they were obedient and working there honestly.

No matter how idle you are, no matter how brave and ruthless you are, you are nothing but pigs and sheep in front of the Tianjin Weihuwei Army, Security Army, and Jinyiwei soldiers. When there is trouble, there will be swords and even armored cavalry.

Every Zhuangzi has a fort, and a three-jin cannon is mounted on it. No matter how thoughtful it is, seeing this cannon, I am afraid that I will tremble with fear and work honestly to make amends.

Jinyiwei arrests people, and Shuntian Mansion settles cases. There are too many people arrested, and the judgments are short and fast. There is another name for work and detention in the farm, which is called "promotion of good service".

Nowadays, there are quarrels in the teahouses and restaurants in the capital, and the street gangsters are swearing. There is a new phrase "If you are so loud again, I will send you to Tianjin Wei to do good deeds!" The proceeds are provided locally to Tianjin Jinyiwei and other yamen for public use. Many yamen are planning to follow this method, so as to save them from being detained in prisons, spending money to support them, and even having to bear the responsibility after they die.

The public opinion that Wang Tong has been worried about has not appeared, because now all parties have reported to him that it is not easy for anyone in the capital to incite public opinion. It is inseparable from Gu Xiancheng's activities, and the two of them are bound together, so it is naturally difficult to encourage them.

However, this also gave Wang Tong a new estimate of the abilities of Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng. Two people who are not considered high-quality characters can actually have such great energy.

But the words and officials are clean, and there are probably thousands of officials who can fall into this range. If you don't make amazing words, I'm afraid there will be no chance of being promoted in this life.

Wei Yunzhen, the censor of Shanxi Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, made a memorandum on the seventh day of June. In the memorandum, he said four things. The first one said that the use of civil and military affairs should be officially recommended. Many officials will push, and the second one is that the imperial examination should be fair, and the results should not be changed because of the examinee's family background and background, as well as the entrustment of wealthy people. For example, to avoid suspicion, the third thing is to be careful in the selection of admonitions, and to choose for affairs and censors, you must choose people who are capable, upright, upright, well-versed in world affairs, and learn from the court, and are loyal and knowledgeable. It means that you must be cautious in battle and defense, and you should not talk about war lightly.

The first and third are just to talk about the big truth, but the fourth is obviously based on recent rumors, but everyone in the capital is concerned about the second.

Since Zhang Juzheng was in power until now, Zhang Juzheng, Lu Tiaoyang (then’s second assistant), Zhang Siwei, and up to the current Shen Shixing, their sons have all achieved high school grades in the examination, and they are all heirs of poetry and books. Some people may It is worthy of the name, but some people may not, and there are only so many Jinshi who have passed the Bagong Palace examination in one test, and they will be taken away by these powerful children, Qingliu scholars, no one is willing.

If the children of the rich and powerful take one, they will lose one step to advance. This is the most unbearable thing for them. When someone exposes it, there will be an uproar immediately, and everyone will clamor.

The cabinet center did not respond to this matter, but Emperor Wanli quickly made a reply. Wei Yunzhen "played out his own selfishness and spoke too much", and was demoted from the capital to go to Xuzhou for general judgment.

Now everyone's attention is not on Wang Tong's side
(End of this chapter)

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