Chapter 717
Hearing that Zhang Cheng wanted to be a matchmaker for him, Wang Tong couldn't react for a while. He felt astonished and didn't know how to answer. Seeing his appearance, Zhang Cheng smiled, knowing that the conversation could continue.

After singing this play, there was still an hour before the next show in the theater. Zhang Cheng and Wang Tong returned to the theater. The emperor was much more relaxed, and Zhang Cheng also had a smile on his face, and his tone was very relaxed:

"Actually, there is a reason for our family to be a matchmaker. Our family is asking for that side. Do you remember Han Taiping?"

Of course, Wang Tong remembered that Han Taiping was the uncle of Wang Tong's personal soldier Han Gang, and also the chief supervisor of the imperial prison. He had dealt with Wang Tong before. Seeing Wang Tong nodding, Zhang Cheng smiled and said :

"The former old Han came to our house and said that after you went to Han's house that time, Han Gang's younger sister Han Xia mentioned your name to Han Gang from time to time. Han Gang didn't know what happened. The younger brother taught Han Taiping what he said, how could an older person not understand the meaning of a girl? This Han Xia is 15 years old this year, and she looks upright. When you are together, you are a bit high-minded, so I told our family, and after our family heard it, they thought it was quite appropriate. At your age, it is not convenient to be alone all the time. The Han family is not an outsider in all aspects. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng patted his thigh with a smile, and said with self-deprecation:
"Our family patronized us and said, what do you think? Old Han is a real person. He said that Han Xia has a decent appearance, is proficient in housework, and is a smart girl. There will be no difference."

In that life, Wang Tong also had emotional and physical experiences, but they all dissipated in the end. After all, it was a life experience that was deeply rooted in his mind. Therefore, in this life, although Wang Tong is rich, he is not as indulgent as his peers. Instead of getting caught up in the fandom, put your energy into more important things.

In this era, ordinary people can get married and start a family in their teens, but many scholars only get married in their 20s and 30s. The concept of concentrating on studying and having a good career before talking about family background is quite recognized by the people of the time.

Occasionally, Wang Tong would also consider his own personal problems. His current power and relationship with Emperor Wanli would bring a lot of political background to his marriage, rather than relying on his personal preferences, love and hatred. For him, this is not a big problem, because he has not had any in-depth contact with the opposite sex yet.

To judge Hua in this way, the small Han family is the best choice. Although Han Taiping holds a high position in the inner court, he may not be able to do it for long at that age. Apart from this uncle, Han Gang's family has nothing else. Relatives, that is, Han Gang led his younger siblings to live, and had nothing to do with outsiders.

In this era, Wang Tong doesn't expect to have an earth-shattering love, or to meet a confidante, he just weighs the pros and cons, this Han Xia who has never met, maybe heard the voice, marrying him will give him a lot of love. What to bring, this judgment is quick.

"Then let Eunuch Zhang decide!"

Wang Tong stood up, bowed down, and said in a deep voice, it doesn't take too much time to weigh judgments in his mind. In Zhang Cheng's eyes, Wang Tong seemed to have made a decision without much hesitation, and he was stunned there. Then he shook his head and smiled:

"It seems that you are also old and impatient. Although our family has not experienced it, we have heard of it a lot."

At this time, Zhang Cheng looked like an elder. After teasing a few words, he said to Wang Tong who was a little embarrassed:
"Our family's identity is good enough to test your reputation. If you really want to be a matchmaker, then you have to make a point for outsiders. The imperial prison has a lot of dealings with the Ministry of Industry. When the time comes, let Lao Han find a servant or a doctor or something to be a matchmaker. , can be regarded as a comprehensive courtesy."

"Eunuch Zhang, Wang Tong will be going to Shanxi in a few days, I'm afraid he doesn't have much time to do things."

Zhang Cheng laughed, and said:
"I'll talk about it when you come back, I'll talk about it when you come back, when the time comes, the Lord Long Live bestows a marriage on the two of you, that would be a great honor!!"

Wang Tong didn't know how to answer, he just smiled awkwardly and saluted.

Not to mention the conversation between the two of them, dozens of eunuchs went back to the palace after watching the play, bragging to their companions who had never been there how beautiful the show was, how wonderful the Jin Yiwei on the stage played with each other, and some of them learned a few songs , talk about the wonderful jokes, and if you are close, you have to talk about it in private, watching a play today, so and so in the Qing Palace is on duty downstairs.

These words were deliberately not explained clearly, but no one in the palace knew what a certain guard in the Qianqing Palace represented, but it was also an appearance of pretending not to know.

The news inside the palace spread quickly, and then quickly spread to the outside of the palace. When people outside the palace knew about it, they quickly spread it to the capital through the servants.

Within a few days, the people in the capital all knew that Lord Longevity had been to the Zhongjun Theater to see a play, Lord Longevity had gone to see it all, this place must be very beautiful, the boxes upstairs are expensive, but the seats downstairs are only two A hundred wen, standing is only a hundred wen, and everyone can afford this amount of money, let alone wealthy families.

Going to the Zhongjun Theater to watch plays has become one of the latest fashions in the capital. The business is good, so people will follow suit, and two theaters have opened.

Later, someone heard that there were three troupes in the Zhongjun Theater taking turns performing plays, and there were more than a dozen opera writers. The salary is very generous.

Other theaters hired teams, hired actors, and followed the regulations of Zhongjun Theater, but they were much later than Zhongjun Theater, and they all followed step by step.

More importantly, the Zhongjun Theater has already established a reputation. It is said that every time there is a new play, Emperor Wanli will come here to watch it in a private box. No one can compare.

And slowly, the theater troupe raised by the rich family of Xungui's family has some new plays or some special plays, and they can't stand up for singing in hall parties or banquets. They must go to the Zhongjun Theater to perform once. Look at whether the audience in the audience is cheering or not. In the past, the advocacy of opera singers was based on being in the rich and noble family, but now they have to go to the theater to show their talent.

The theater troupe supported by wealthy families is not like they used to only perform in their own homes, but they have to go to the Zhongjun Theater to perform one or two performances to prove that the troupe is of sufficient level and can be regarded as excellent.

Zhongjun Theater has a lot of new plays, and its influence is also huge. There are even some literati who like to write plays and music.

However, Zhongjun Theater’s own new plays all have a characteristic. While praising the current emperor and the great peace of the Ming Dynasty, they also write about the benefits of Jin Yiwei in the play.

The Jinyiwei on the stage are all awe-inspiring, serving the country and the people, and helping the weak. In addition, the school captains who patrol the streets outside have done a lot of facts. Public opinion and actions affect each other. The image of Jinyiwei in most people in the capital has become noble and noble. In the past, when the former street patrol captain sat on the street, everyone was in awe, and they didn't even dare to ask them for help when they had any difficulties.

After such an influence spread, Jin Yiwei, who was walking on the street, became more friendly, and some even greeted them with smiles.

This kind of sentiment among the people is also affecting scholars and officials. They hate Wang Tong. They think the plays in the Zhongjun Theater are vulgar, but they also think the play is very interesting, and the atmosphere is very happy. Judgment is also affected.

There are rumors among the folks that Wang Xijue, the current Chief Assistant Shen Shixing, who has been recuperating for a few years and has returned to Beijing to return to work, has all come to this theater to watch plays, naturally in the box.

Several shopkeepers of Sanjiang Commercial Bank have been here, and after looking at the accounts, they have allocated a sum of money separately when they go back. The money has two purposes. One is to build a theater in Tianjin Wei to train troupes, and the other is to expand the theater in the capital. , is really a profitable business.

But these are all things for later, the world is singing and dancing, no matter the rich and powerful or ordinary people are looking for entertainment that suits them, Wang Tong's theater pops up at the right time, just adding fuel to the flames.

Wang Tong led his subordinates to leave the capital on the [-]th day of August. This theater is the hottest place in the capital right now, and no one noticed Wang Tong's departure.

There is a lack of everything on the grassland, from ironware to cloth, even needles and threads, they are all lacking, but there are also materials that the Ming Dynasty lacks on the grassland, such as livestock, such as alkali, and more importantly, there is gold and silver on the grassland. The nobles have a large amount of gold and silver treasures in their hands, some are for looting, some are for trade with the Western Regions and Mobei, and some are for mineral deposits in various places. In terms of the total amount, it may be far less than that in Daming, but it is far away. Far more concentrated than Daming.

They have almost no ability to produce, but weapons, cloth and other supplies are all they need. The merchants from Ming Dynasty are naturally not philanthropists. They will take the risk of violating the law and come to the grassland just for high The profit is for the gold and silver treasures in the hands of the grassland ministries.

Nowadays, if you want to make huge profits, one is private salt, which is done by the government and salt merchants, and the other is sea trade. If you go to the sea and go out with a cargo, as long as you can come back safely, you will have a boatload of money when you come back. The third is the trade with the Tartars. Once on the grassland, the carts pull out goods, and what they pull back are gold and silver.

Fatty Ma is leading a caravan on the grassland. After passing the Daqingshan area in the north, the goal is Guihua City. The Mongolian nobles there are different from other places. They like luxury goods, silk and satin, spices and Daming women, these prices are higher.

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(End of this chapter)

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