Chapter 721
The horse thieves and robbers on the grassland did not appear in August of the 11th year of Wanli, there were some in the past, but the scope of their activities was very measured, and they did not dare to be rampant in the shelter of the Alda Department and the Ming Dynasty Frontier Soldiers.

The grassland is vast, and there are also small tribes that are not within this range, and there are also caravans that go to these small tribes to trade in order to make money. Horse thieves often start with these.

Another is that the border generals and the nobles of the Tartars each sent their cronies to disguise themselves as horse thieves to rob and plunder on the grasslands. But now both sides have made a lot of money in tax collection, and have also benefited greatly from this trade. I don't want to fish in the dry marsh and cut off the source of wealth.

Therefore, the area under the control of the Ministry of Alta and the border town of Datong is much more peaceful than usual. However, if the merchants of Ming Dynasty have a deep background, some small and medium-sized merchants are often extorted by the Tartar tribes along the way, and sometimes even He was captured by the Tartar army generals.

But these were merchants from the Ming Dynasty. The Tartars often sent caravans of leather goods, felts, livestock and other goods to the Ming Dynasty. No one dared to touch such caravans.

Everyone knows who owns the grassland. A team of more than 200 people left Guihua City for two days and encountered horse thieves on the road.

This group of horse thieves was quite cunning. At the beginning, they also pretended to be a caravan. More than a dozen carts loaded with goods crossed with the Mongolian caravan.

Seeing more than a dozen large carts here, fully loaded with goods, the caravan on the Mongol side had a bad idea first. Seeing that the other party's goods seemed to be filled with silk brocades, this kind of goods was sold in Guihua City There are the most popular goods over there, and they are easy to sell. These dozen or so big cars are enough to keep everyone happy for a long time.

When the caravans met on the grassland, as usual, they would send out scouts to see what happened. The Tartars waited for the news of the scouts to come back, and then all the people started to figure out whether they should be killed and robbed.

In their minds, the Han people in Daming are just like lambs, they are humble and careful at all times, never daring to be tough.

The teams of the two sides staggered, and many people from the Tartar caravan pulled out half of their knives, but the two teams evened out. Han caravan.

Someone blew a whistle, and with a sharp sound, the cloth that covered the goods on the cart was lifted directly. The people in the cart all drew their bows and set arrows. The cloth was lifted, and with a howl, the arrows shot directly. .

The Tartar caravan was also preparing to attack. A group of people rode to the side facing the Han caravan with weapons on horseback. There was almost no time to dodge the arrows coming from the opposite side, and the targets were densely packed.

Within a distance of more than [-] steps, only the sound of swishing could be heard, the rain of arrows had already poured over, the weather had just turned cold, and people were only wearing leather robes.

Walking on the grassland, the season is peaceful now, and there is no need to wear armor all the time, so this wave of arrows raining at close range, only heard a burst of screams, and the Tartars fell from their horses one after another. Hurriedly, I thought I was a wolf, but I didn't think I was a sheep. I missed the opportunity, and I couldn't react at all. In a moment of astonishment, the second arrow shot out from there.

It was originally a team of more than 200 people. When two rounds of arrows were shot down, nearly a hundred people were killed or injured. After the rest of the people reacted, they cursed and shot back with arrows. They were also all conscripted to fight against the Ming army, or follow their own tribes to plunder and harass them. The Ming army would often break up when they approached. The people in this group of caravans could possibly be stronger than the Ming army.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they rushed up, many people rushed over there on horseback first, and they still held shields in their hands. All the bows and arrows shot by the Tartar caravan were caught by the shields, and some bows and arrows were shot. , but the person just shook, but he didn't look injured, he must be wearing armor.

The Tartars forgot that they also wanted to seek money and kill at the beginning. They all scolded the caravan on the opposite side for their black hearts and viciousness. On the contrary, the Tartars did not take advantage of the slightest advantage, but were chopped down and stabbed one by one.

The rest of the people dared to fight, and they didn't care about the goods. They turned their mounts and ran away. How could the Han Chinese caravan let them go?

The horses ran away on the prairie, and it was not easy to chase them, but a dozen or so horses ran away.

"I am the centurion of the guard directly under San Niangzi, let us go, otherwise you will have a safe place on the grassland, and the sweat will be destroyed."

"I can't fight, why are there so many nonsense!!"

The centurion who was speaking only saw a big knife waved, and his body was separated immediately. Whether the other people were cursing or begging for mercy, what awaited them was a sharp knife and a spear.

"You tell me, how long will it take for this kind of Lenghan to arrive?"

"When they come, the corpse will be eaten up by wolves."

The horse thieves answered a few words, roared with laughter, and then walked away.

Daming's caravan was robbed, at least human life can be saved, and Tartar's caravan was robbed, unless it could escape, it would only be killed. Such things are really rare in the past few decades on the grassland. Under Senggedu Gulen Khan, everyone was furious and must arrest this group of daring horse thieves.

In the vast grassland, there are actually traces to follow in action, relying on horseshoe prints and ruts, relying on hounds to track, not particularly proficient in the characteristic terrain of the grassland, it is difficult to escape.

However, the Jingqi sent by Guihua City went to several places. After two days of tracking, they found that they were back on the commercial road. There were all kinds of caravans and travelers there.

Those who are capable and qualified to file a complaint in Guihua City and pass the news to the gold account of the Ministry of Altar are not just Mongolians, but many wealthy Han merchants who have been robbed also have this ability.

The Mongolian caravan responded that it was a horse thief disguised as a Daming caravan, and the Daming caravan said that there were both Han and Mongolian people. Guihua City made a judgment that it should be dominated by Mongolians, living on the grassland. A group of horse thieves assisted by the Han Chinese probably came from the Hetao side.

In the eyes of the people in the Alda Department, it is impossible for the Han people to have such abilities on the grassland and cause such a big storm.

The third lady is Alta Khan's favorite concubine, and also the official wife of the great Khan Gedu Guleng. The third lady holds a quarter of the cavalry force of the Alta tribe in her hands, and plays a pivotal role.

Moreover, most of the caravans from Guihua City to Daming were related to San Niangzi. Naturally, most of the caravans that were robbed were San Niangzi's caravans. San Niangzi was naturally furious. Seng Gedu Guleng also received news from all parties. Naturally, he will not take it lightly.

For such cunning and powerful horse thieves, we must send the cavalry directly under the sweat tent to search, so that we can deal with this group of horse thieves.

The grassland is not peaceful, but there is no chaos in Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi. Everything is as usual. On the contrary, because the weather is getting colder and the farm work has been completed, people from all over the country have begun to enter the city or hang out. Or do a part-time job, but become lively.

The imperial envoy sent by the capital, Jin Yiwei Commander Tong Zhi Wang Tong, has been in Taiyuan City for almost five days. Even the officials in Shanxi know Wang Tong's name and know that Wang Tong's status is far beyond the rank of Commander Tong Zhi.

From the governor of Shanxi down, all the officials who are qualified to meet with each other are all sincere and sincere, and the hospitality is very attentive, for fear that Mr. Wang will be unhappy and cause some trouble to himself.

Back then in Shanxi's extremely prestigious Yongsheng Boyu's family, there were rumors that it was this Wang Tong who made his move, ruining their family's reputation, ransacking their family and exterminating their family. Among other things, when Wang Tong arrived in Shanxi, Ma Dong, the deputy general of Datong Town, who had a high status, , so he quickly sent someone to greet and receive him. He was extremely polite.

Thinking about Wang Tong's identity again, what Jin Yiwei does is to spy on the private affairs of officials for the emperor, his official career has been ups and downs, and he has been an official for so many years, no one dares to say how clean he is, which is even more embarrassing Trembling.

But to their surprise, Wang Tong behaved very decently. He didn't have the youthful arrogance that often appeared at his age, nor did he have the arrogance of a young man. On the contrary, he was very gentle and polite, and he could calm down and ask about matters.

The adults in Shanxi also have their own eyes and ears, and they also know that a month before Wang Tong came to Shanxi, the Jinyiwei Qianhu who was stationed in Shanxi had already started to inquire. , but the news he inquired about was nothing complicated.

That is, the matter of Zonglu in the past dynasties. This matter is not so much a problem as a joke. Looking at the blood of the world, this general and that general don’t even have unpatched clothes. No wife can marry, everyone has a feeling of watching a drama.

"The sons of the clan, after all, belong to the blood of the Tian family. Your Majesty also feels deeply sorry for being so poor. After chatting with you adults for the past few days, I found that there is nothing you can do about it!"

In the inner hall of the Shanxi Governor's Office, a group of people sat in order of rank. When Wang Tong spoke calmly, everyone exchanged glances and nodded.

"Before I came here, I also read the memorial in the capital. A certain family member of the Pingyang Prefecture went to the capital to file a complaint, saying that his Lumi had been in arrears for 25 years. I also checked the accounts of various places when I came here. Datong The government has been in arrears for 31 years, and the Taiyuan government has been in arrears for 20 years. I have been in arrears for one or two years. I still suspect that you are doing something wrong. For 20 or 30 years, there is really nothing to say?"

Everyone was staring at Wang Tong, but Wang Tong's expression was very calm, and he couldn't see any joy or anger. After a moment of silence, the prefect of Datong stood up, coughed dryly and said:
"Master Imperial Envoy, this Zonglu is really unbearable!"

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(End of this chapter)

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