Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 759 Listen to my order and charge forward

Chapter 759 Listen to my order and charge forward
Although a trebuchet was intact, more than half of the operators around it were killed or injured. One or two narrowly escaped from death did not dare to stay here and ran away screaming.

There was an ignited stone bomb on this trebuchet, and it just burned on the lever. I don’t know what it ignited next to it. The trebuchet was originally a wooden and iron structure. After a while, the whole trebuchet also burned. up.

Whether this trebuchet was good or bad did not attract the attention of others. The fire that ignited in the Jizhen position and the loud shouts of killing covered everything, and everyone's attention was concentrated on that side.

Until the firing of the second shot, with such a big target as the trebuchet, and more than a dozen of them lined up there, even if the accuracy of the artillery is not high, it is not difficult to hit it.

The artillery roared, and another trebuchet was hit and collapsed. The wooden frame was smashed by the shells, and the pieces of wood flew around. It was more powerful than the firearms in Ji Town.

What's more, the trebuchet is so far away from Ji Town, and this area is regarded as a non-dangerous area. A large number of cavalry gathered under the trebuchet, and then moved forward, not to mention the craftsmen and soldiers who manipulated the trebuchet. , the people around were pierced and killed, and immediately fell down.

The momentum of the shells did not decrease due to the blocking of the trebuchet, and continued to cause death among the Tartar army. When the third shot rang, another trebuchet fell down, and the effect was no different from before...

The artillery sounded again, only the trebuchet was knocked down, and the killing effect was not as good as before. Whether it was the craftsmen and labor manipulating the trebuchet, or the Tartar cavalry, they all tried to stay as far away from the trebuchet as possible and did not dare to approach it. , so as not to be affected by artillery.

The artillery fired obliquely seemed to be more powerful than the artillery just now, and had a longer range, almost able to penetrate the battlefield between the Tartar army and the Jizhen army formation.

This time the sound was not as dense and continuous as the other side of the battle line, but there was a gap between the sounds, but the catapults were knocked down one by one, and the Targa cavalry couldn't avoid it.

The battle line was gradually divided, and the Tartar cavalry who rushed into the Jizhen army had no follow-up support, and the roar and screams behind them made their morale even lower, and some people turned their heads in panic. When I got to my companions who retreated and hid, they saw the collapsing trebuchet.

In the formation of side carriages, the fire made the officers and soldiers of Ji Town flustered, but it also caused inconvenience to the Tartar cavalry attacking on horseback. The horses were afraid of the flames and always avoided them.

In this formation of chariots, Jizhen can use far more power than the Tartar cavalry that rushed in. The situation has come to this, and the officers and soldiers of Jizhen, who were a little overwhelmed just now, finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to dispatch troops. Surrounded and killed the Tartar cavalry who broke into their formation.

At this time, the sun was already in the west, Wang Tong was riding on the horse, looking around, he knew the current battle situation without having to watch the guards upstairs to inform him.

The strangling situation just now was over, and the Targa's offensive was completely suppressed. Seeing that the Tartars had invested so much money in order to set up the trebuchet, Wang Tong did not believe that the other party would have any backup.

The nine-pound cannon over there has fired successively, the deterrence formed by the trebuchets has been completely destroyed, and the offensive of the Tartars has been completely suppressed.

"Marshal, get ready for the artillery formation!!"

Mu En shouted loudly there, Wang Tong turned around, buckled his own mask, swung his long knife downward, and said loudly:


The same order was issued on Mu En's side, and those who were close to the artillery formation blocked their ears, the ground trembled again, and gunpowder smoke filled the air.

In fact, the number of people in the Tartar army directly opposite Wang Tong's side is already very sparse. This time when the fire was fired, the artillery also adjusted its direction, but the opposing Tartar army did not respond, and the muzzle did not deflect too much. They also didn't feel that the artillery could not only reload so quickly, but also adjust the direction so quickly and shoot accurately.

This time, the shelling created another gap in the main formation of the Tartars. Wang Tong immediately shouted again:

"The first regiment and the second regiment, head towards the enemy's main formation and attack in unison!!"

The messenger quickly conveyed the order, and the sound of drums and trumpets immediately became excited. The soldiers shouted in unison and charged towards the front of the Tartar army.

"Order Ma Sanbiao, leave 400 people to guard Zhang Wu, and the rest follow my commander!!"

Wang Tong's second order was issued again. Not long after, Ma Sanbiao led the cavalry to this side. Zhang Wu's nine-pound cannon had already begun to adjust its direction, and bombarded the main formation of the Tartars obliquely. The cavalry led by Yong also gradually recovered, and began to cooperate with the infantry in the formation, strangling those Tartar cavalry who were too late to retreat.

The first and second regiments were both infantry. Although they started to charge, they couldn't be too fast because they were marching in unison. They were nothing more than a slow trot.

After several advances just now, the Huwei army was close enough to the main formation of the Tartars, and also close enough to the big yellow flag. They began to charge and arrived in a short time.

Under the big yellow flag is the commander-in-chief of the Tartars. Naturally, there are also the most elite soldiers of the Tartars staying there. After being hit by the artillery and guns of the Huwei Army, they are so disgraced, but they can see the infantry rushing, knowing that the artillery is at this moment. Unable to fire, cavalry quickly gathered forward, drawing their bows and nodding arrows.

The most frustrating thing about this battle for the Tartar cavalry is that they are always hit by the long-range firepower of the Ming army, but they don’t get much chance to use their bows and arrows, which they are best at. Shooting the firecrackers, just now everyone has seen that the firecrackers are going to shoot, and the front is holding a wooden fork to support the firecrackers. If they want to stop, there will be a short pause in the team, and there will inevitably be confusion. Opportunity can launch a counterattack, and perhaps the situation can be improved.

They were about to enter the range of bows and arrows, and the Tartar cavalry gradually filled their bows, but what they didn't expect was that the musketeers of the two infantry formations of the Ming army had already stopped, but the spearmen rushed regardless. come up.

The arrows had to be fired on the strings. Don't these Ming army infantry who are armed with spears and covered in armor know how powerful bows and arrows are?

There was a rapid whistling sound, and the rain of arrows was pouring down, but the spearmen of Tiger's Might Army who were gradually approaching just bowed their heads. The bows and arrows shot on the plate armor and the helmet, and they couldn't penetrate, but were bounced off, at most they were on the top Leave a dent.

Some people were shot in the thigh and arm, and some were unfortunately shot in the neck, but these were very few, and their casualties did not stop the progress of the companions.

Such a fearless troop rushed towards him, the weapons and armor were shining coldly, but the bow and arrow he was proud of did not work. Every Tartar cavalry who came to stop him was a little panicked.

The pawns trotted, after all, it took time to cover a distance of dozens of steps, and the bow and arrow could shoot the second round, but they were frightened, and their originally skilled movements were somewhat deformed, so there was no lethality at all.

The Tartar cavalry at the back of the line had already started to turn their horses around and beat them to escape. At this time, the firecrackers also rang, and except for the cavalry who was directly in front of the spearmen, the rest were knocked off their horses.

In fact, when the firecrackers stopped to shoot just now, if the Tartar cavalry who were facing them charged forward, it might not be fruitless, but after several hours of fighting, they were already afraid of the firecrackers and dared not enter. The range of the firecrackers, but the firecrackers of the Huwei Army are fearless, they dare to move forward.

The first row of spearmen was still more than ten steps away from the nearest Tartar cavalry. Some Tartar cavalry rushed forward hesitantly, but more people hesitated.

Finally, someone couldn't control it, turned his mount regardless, turned his head and ran away, this time he opened his head, some people ran away, and the rest of them would not die here foolishly, the whole formation instantly disintegrated.

But they were a team after all, and the horses needed a lot of space to turn around. Moving forward to both sides, the road was blocked by the Tiger's Army, and the rear was blocked by their companions.

Everyone was cursing, even beating, and they had to drive away their companions who were blocking their way of escape, and let their horses run out, but the pawns of the Huwei Army had already arrived.

The Tartar cavalry at the forefront had no hope of escaping, and the only thing they could do was to drive their horses forward, brandishing swords and spears, to see if they could kill the tiger infantry in front of them.

It is impossible for the infantry of the Huwei army to be scattered by him. The spears of the Huwei army are also longer than those of the Tartars. At such a short distance, the impact force of the cavalry has no effect at all. They ended up screaming and being stabbed off their horses .

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the cavalry has a condescending advantage over the infantry, and the other is not much stronger. If it is this kind of morale and military morale is extremely low, when everyone wants to escape, it is a complete disadvantage. It's still the Tigers.

The Tartar cavalry who dared to resist were immediately assassinated with spears, screamed and picked off their horses. Their screams made the situation even more collapsed. Everyone wanted to run, but everyone couldn't run fast. They all became The target of the Tiger's Mighty Army's spear, the first time the Tiger's Mighty Army's infantry lineup was chaotic, but it didn't matter, it was just for every soldier to kill the enemy.

"The commander of the Tartars is always out of range of the artillery!"

Wang Tong led the cavalry to bypass the fierce battle. Now the various forces of the Tartars were either thrown into the battlefield, or they were defeated or dragged down by the Ming army. The cavalry guarding the yellow flag was only a thousand people. Wang Tong saw that He smiled at the big flag, raised the long knife in his hand, and shouted loudly:
"Slay the general and capture the flag, everyone, follow me to kill!!"

Hearing Wang Tong's shout, Ma Sanbiao and others shouted in unison, and the cavalry rushed straight towards the yellow banner.

The big yellow flag began to move towards the direction of Guihua City, getting faster and faster...
(End of this chapter)

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